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We both went back to his mustang, replacing our everyday shoes with, So iLL climbing shoes. Out of all my climbing shoes, I fell in love with this brand best. They hugged my feet tight, pinching my toes together, but not to the point of being uncomfortable. James borrowed a pair of my brother's shoes, all black and dirty from our many climbs. Next came out harnesses, squeezing our figures to the point of a second skin. I grabbed our ropes and mountain climbing hooks, heading back to the cliff edge.

Attaching both our ropes to separate trees, I knotted the best climbing knot I could fasten. A double overhead stopper knot, perfect for todays climb. From there I laced myself and James. Strategically, placing more knots and loops in the line. When I climb I make for damn sure, I'm not going to fall. I gave James the rundown of climbing. He already knew most of it, he just needed a refresher course. I took my gloves slipped them over my fingers, I held tight to the rope as I started to lean back over the cliff.

With one last lingering look, at James's handsome figure. I smirked, giving James the, 'lets go pretty boy' look, before kicking off to belay straight down and stopping a few feet above the water. I wanted to make it down here first so I could look up and see James's butt. These harnesses squeeze in all the right places, I already got a good look at his package from early. I'm normally not a dirty girl, but I think Eros has opened some unknown sexual gate. Because I have never thought of James in this way before.

"Beat you to the bottom." I sassed, playfully, eyeing his butt the whole way down. Looks tight and hard from down here, I ogled like a dog in heat.

"Yeah, well I'll beat you to the top." He flurtatiously challenged.

Well, well, this is going to be fun.

When our eyes meet, my sly smile started to creep its way across my face.

"I'll make a bet with you." I gave him the only face I could, the face of pure determination.

"Ok, I'll bite. What do I get if I win?" He asked with non pure intention.

"Well, if you beat me, which you won't, but if you do beat me, I will give you a kiss." I pursed my lips together, sending his a kiss in the air. I was feeling bold.

"Deal." He said with our hesitation. Then he hooked his fingers against the rocks and started to climb.

"That's cheap!" I shouted, he started before we said go!

We both laughed as we started to climb. I dipped my fingers in my chalk bag. Giving me a better grip against the earths mighty stone. I took a second to see my path. Sure, James was a little a head of me, but I have been doing this for years, it's my passion, I know what I'm doing.

"So do you have any siblings?" I asked, trying to distract him.

"One older sister." He added, staying focused. "What about you? Any more siblings, other than your two brothers?"

He knew what I was trying to do, but what a fun way to get to know each other.

"Nope, just the two." I huffed, pulling myself up, with a little grunt. "What's your favorite color?"

"Red." He took in a sharp breath. "You?"

"Purple." I added. I kept quite waiting for him to ask another question, while I lunged forward for another hold.

"What's your favorite food?" He asked looking down at me. I took that as a chance to advance forward.

"Chines or Italian." I gruffly spoke. That display of noise received, a chuckle from James.

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