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Forgetting about Eros, I ran to my first class of the day. Hoping to slide in unnoticed. But to no avail, my presence was announced.

"Rose, do I need to give you one hundred sentences? 'I will not be tardy for Mr. Herzberg's class.'" His voice was stern as he scolded me. His wide back facing me while he wrote on the white board. Only when he was finished did he turn around and give me a disapproving look.

I slowly made my way to a desk in the back row, as to not draw more attention. My eyes flutter up to Mr. Herzberg.

"No, Sir." I tried to sound as apologetic as possible. Taking my seat, before he decided to give them to me anyway.

Just then, the light above me started to flicker. No doubt, it was Eros checking up on me. He was becoming strangely productive over me this morning. I wonder why? I mean, I did unintentionally give him my soul. But you would think he would just take it an move on. Maybe I was different or special? He did say I was clairvoyant. Maybe that's why he is sticking around.

Mr. Herzberg was boring the shit out of everyone.

"a2 x b2 = c2, Mathew, come to the board."

The daily dose of torture, thanks Mr. Herzberg. His lesson was long and excruciating. Who would be so cruel to put math as a students first class? Someone evil that's who. Saved by the bell, the last sound of the room was students flipping there thick books shut. The sound of sneakers scuffing the tiled floor in the hallway. Lockers slamming, teens talking for the solid four minutes we have to get to our next class.

With Eros gone my English class was dull and boring. He's my partner, but he's gone. The lights flicker once again. It's like he knows when I'm thinking about him.

"People generally see what there looking for, and hear what they listen for." - Harper Lee

Oh, the irony.

Spanish came and went as fast as Mrs. Speedy. That one, can really talk fast and move just as fast. Finally when the bell rang for lunch, my belly growled with dissatisfaction. I guess skipping breakfast this morning wasn't such a good idea. I'm actually pretty impressed with myself though. At least my stomach didn't sound like a bomb, in a quite class room. Why does this day seem so weird? I should feel happy! I'm a sixteen year old junior, I'm suppose to be having the time of my life. But since death rejected me, life seems like a never ending story.

"Rose! You coming!?" Dena said snapping me back to reality. I love this girl.

"Yeah! Sorry, just thinking", I smiled lightly jogging to her side, "Where's Kills?"

"He's with James already at our table. They got let out earlier." She tells me, annoyance hissed in her words.

"Lucky bastards." I spat with her.

Making the pair of us giggle. Have I ever mentioned, I don't know where I would be with out her? Oh, I have. Well sorry get use to it. Because this girl is my soul sister for life.

The cafeteria was buzzing with noise like a stadium. Music playing, student clowning around, and of course eating. It was almost like a jungle today, everyone was hyped for the weekend I'm guessing. I mean we did make it through the first week of school! That's a major plus especially for me, with everything that's happened. I'm shocked I'm still going, to be honest. After grabbing our food, we headed straight to the table.

"Hey lady's." James smiled widely. I don't normally see him smile, but when he does it's magic. His magnetic pull, is the positive to my negative. There's no other way to describe it. After my accident I just feel more, more towards him. I see more, the light that surrounds him. He is pure.

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