Big Trouble

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The ride was rough, and the air felt stuffy, as I rolled around the trunk. My head hit with a thud as the car came to a halting stop. I heard footsteps, shuffling around until the latch clicked, and a rush of cool air hit me. His harsh grip, vice locked around my upper arm, painfully yanking me. My body slammed into his chest, his juggling hands, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Ooof." Air escaping my lungs.

The black bag dangled from my head, slowly sliding down. Giving my eyes a glimpse, of the backside, of my captor. He had on a black leather jacket, a white shirt hem just underneath. His dark blue jeans, looked tight on his legs, leading down to thick black laced boots.

My head felt full, the blood rushing to my brain. I heard the clinking of a latch, before I saw a red door, a cellar door. The smell of mint, attacked my senses, giving a rush of realization. This all felt so familiar, the red door, the smell of mint and musk. This was Sages Vision she showed me. The day she took my breath away.

The sound of a wood chair, scratched across the floor. My body lurched backward, hitting the cold hard concrete. A sharp pain, rushed through my body. My shoulder taking most of the blow, felt numb, from my hand, being tied behind my back. The black bag, secure over my head, stopped any and all sight.

Loud footsteps, echoed, alerting me of his movements. Next thing I know, my body's being lifted and pushed on to a chair. A rope, securing my chest upright. The rope felt so tight, my chest burned with every breath. Gasping for the little air allowed to me, I tried to catch my breath.

I could feel his hand, firmly grip, the top of the back sack. When he yanked, up, his grip tore at the roots of my hair. Taking what felt like a chunk, out of my scalp. I cried out as, my eyes tried to focus. The man standing, before me, was none other than; Lucuas.

His eyes held such anger, while his fist tightened along his sides.

"Lucuas?" I said, gazing into the eyes of a murder. A wave of shock, hit me, like a ton of bricks.

He didn't say a word, his fist decided to do the talking. A punch, a crossed my left cheek, sent my jaw snapping. The taste of blood, coated my tongue, my cheek burning. I felt the inside of my cheek, swiping my tongue over the gashes, my teeth created. I looked back into his eyes, unpleased with his punch.

His other fist, smashed against my right cheek. The pain, became to much for me, my eyes welling with tears. Sobs of distress echoed in the basement. I pleaded, and begged for him to stop, the blood filled my mouth.

"Please, Lucuas! Stop!" I bellowed. "Why!?"

This only filed his fire, as his fist lurched back, ready to kill. The last thing I felt was a black hole, exactly where my nose was.


My head felt heavy, my nose, throbbed with pain. My mouth aches, as a warm liquid, fills the empty cavern. I blinked a few times, trying to bring my eyes, to focus. I felt restrained, unable to move. My hands bound behind my back, my ankles tied together. I tried to lean forward, only to be stuck, in place.

'What the hell!?'

His voice, took me from my thoughts.

"Desira!?" Lucuas asked hastily. He looked down at me, his eyes showing, hope.

"Lucuas, what the fuck? I'm not a hummingbird, stupid." I sassed. Creating a wide smile stretch across his face. "Get me the hell out of these." I commanded, struggling in the ropes.

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