Scene of the Crime

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Seeing that nothing medically was wrong with me, the doctor discharged me. He looked me once over, giving me the creepy crawly feeling and we left. Stepping out of the bed, my right ankle starts to burn.   Looking down to find deep rope burns, from my struggle under distress. The whole gang's here to take me home. My brothers wildly wheel me out, as my father disapprovingly reprimands them.

"Be careful with my Rosebud. Boys." The stern look he gave them, makes their monkeying around, halt. 

Finally reaching the outside doors of the hospital. Dominic, slowly wheels me out, for the sun to kiss my  bluish skin. The feeling of my summer tan starting to come back to life. My father wastes no time in bringing the Ford Explore around to pick us up. Dean sprung to open the car door, as my mother helped me out of the wheelchair. Every muscle in my body ached, while I stood, releasing my death grip from the chair's arms. My legs wobble from the fatigue of not moving for twenty four hours. As if my muscles are just being used, for the first time in years.

The drive home was quiet, with just the wind sweeping past the car. Suddenly remembering, we pass the lake on the way home.

"Dad! Can we go to the lake, please?" My voice broke the deafening silence.

My father's silence filled the air, he's eyes found mine through the rear view mirror.

"Joe, let's take her. The doctor said it could help with her memory's." My mother's soft voice spoke with reason.

He decides to listen, taking the next left turn. Heading into the forest from the highway, memories from that day slowly crept in. The songs blaring, birds chirping, the wind in my hair. The jolt of the car, signaled it's stop and I wasted no time getting out. The place is surrounded with police cars and boats. Divers surfacing with objects only to dive down again. Sheriff Randy stood on the beach, looking out over the scene unfolding before him. Dipping my toes in the sand, another memory flashes in my head. I remember the weather, the hot sand under my feet, James awkwardly asking me to jump the cliff. When Sheriff Randy spots me, he quickly turns, approaching me.

"Rose, you can't be here." His stern commanding voice pushing me back. Randy's a young sheriff twenty six, I think. Randy's parents live next door to us. I was always the annoying little girl asking to play with him. His hands grab my shoulders spinning me black to the direction of the car.

"Go, home Rose." He commanded.

"Wait, I have to see!" Trying to shake his grip, I get a glimpse of the water just below the cliff.

The divers boat anchored, floating exactly where I landed. Just a few feet away stood a light grey shadow. Looking as if it's a woman in a dress. Her hair blowing in the wind, her dress flutters with ease. She looks beautiful.

"Who is that!?" I asked Randy, who looked out on the lake.

Randy pauses looking back towards the lake, with a bewildering expression.

"Who? The divers?"

"No! The woman." My face now matching his puzzled look.

"Sage.....Sage Spiriteen." He spoke with sorrow, his lips tucking against his teeth.

Taking a moment to process what he said her face flashed in my brain. Sage, she was in my class. She was supposed to be backpacking around Europe this summer. Has she been here this whole time?

"I will be by later to take her statement." Randy says, his arms stretched out, passing me off to my father. "Go home. There is nothing to see here." Before dipping my head back into the car. I took a quick look over the lake, the figure, it was gone, vanished. How could something just vanish. It looked so real standing on the lake. What the hell happened to me? Am I going insane?

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