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He steps closer to me, the gravel shifting under his feet. I subconsciously took a step back. He had this look in his eyes, a hint of mischief seeping through.

"So tell me Rosie, what do you think is happening to you?" With another step, closer he came, inching us towards the edge. I took another step back, trying to avoid his touch. Did he think this was a game? This is my life damn it.

"I-I don't know. Everything seams different than before." My strong willed voice softens, almost cowering to the demon before me. My subconscious scolds me. Where did that ferocious bitch go?

With every step he took, I took one back. Trying my hardest to keep an arms length between us. He seamed to be amused by my resistance to his feisty demeanor. With one last step he my back hit the wall. The hard building exterior hit dead center in my back. He came close, to close, placing his arms against the wall on ether side of me. He's eyes flashing silver staring me dead in the eyes. I could help but gulp down the abundance of saliva, accumulating in my mouth. His face inching closer to mine, our noses almost touching. His eyes perch in to me as if he is staring into my soul.

"I could take you right here, right now and be done with you." He's voice was deeply demonic, scary but sexy all in a way my body couldn't handle. I could feel my panties dampen. The heat between my thighs, building with every word leaving his sadistic lips.

He leans in closing the little space we had between us. His cheek smeared past mine, his head dipping down to the crevice of my neck. His loud sniff causes me to stiffen, like a statue. What's he doing?

"Satan you smell so good. Your arousal is driving me wild Rosie." He whispered huskily, his lips tickling my outer ear.

I was so turned on, and scared all at the same time. My face glistening with zero emotion other than the wide eyes, gaping back at him. But right now isn't the time or place for this. My dads in a hospital bed just below us. My moms scared to death, and my brothers are freaking out. First my accident, now my dads sudden heart condition. Life was not being fair to us. But death, death seamed to enjoy our visits.

"Step back." I whispered, sounding like a mouse. I was hoping it would have come out more ferocious. But to no avail, I was pathetic.

He didn't speak and Eros most certainly didn't move. The air between us grew tense. So much so my brow began to furrow. What was this buffoon waiting for I said move. He just stood there looking at me as if examining his pray.

"I said move." My voice regaining that sassy teen drama queen tone.

His body tensed, I could visibly see his arms tighten, his jaw clench. I'm sure his hands dug into the exterior wall, because of the crunch I just heard.

"Don't speak to me that way." He demanded, clenching his teeth.

"I could take you right here, right now. An no one would be the wiser." He viscously spat. As if no one cared about me.

As if no one would come looking for me. He was probably right. At this moment my family was occupied and I was alone. How stupid am I to fallow a demon to a roof top alone? Stupid. I know.

"If you speak to me like that again, I won't hesitate to fuck you, cupping your mouth and muffle those sweet moans of yours." He was being so ferocious, dominant, unforgiving, he wanted what he couldn't have. But my body was shaking uncontrollably, this man had his nails sunk deep inside me. It's like a pull I couldn't escape. He wanted to take what I had been saving. My virginity, my beautiful flower. I wanted to release my anger, the snarky beast with in me. Then I started to wonder. Is that why the roses keep showing up? With out heeding his warning, I couldn't stop my lips from moving.

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