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The road looked blurry as I sped, driving faster than the speed of light. The wind hitting my face, only made the tears in my eyes increase. I could barley feel the river running down my cheeks, soaking the top of my shirt. It's almost as time stood still, no mater how fast I drove. Fear filled my veins, anxiety filled my head and panic crushed my heart. Something was wrong with my dad, and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt hopeless and scared of loosing the only man I couldn't live without.

Weaving around cars driving like the wild teen I should be. I wondered if my mother had called my brothers, informing them more of his condition. I went to grab my phone from my pocket. Vigorously shifting from pocket to pocket not remember which one it was in. Patting every pocket, not finding what I was searching for, I realized it had fallen from my pocket. Slipping in between my seat and the shaft consul. Still driving like a bat out of hell, I snaked my hand between the soft seat and hard plastic. Pinching my fingers around the edge of the phone. Only averting my eyes for a moment, fishing my phone out.

Looking up a cars tail light shined bright red. I slammed on my brakes, fearing my car wouldn't stop in time. The wheels skidding against the pavement, Janes brakes squealed trying to stop. My bumper tackling the back end of a white truck. Luckily Jane has a double tubed bumper grill guard, inches away from my actual grill. The shock of colliding with another vehicle, and my father in the hospital. I wasn't paying attention to who I hit.

He stepped out of his truck, standing tall and built. Sunglasses over his eyes, a look of pure annoyance dressed his features. His spit shined black boots, briskly stomp my way. His keys attached to his belt clink with ever bounce in his step.


"ROSE, WHAT THE HELL!?" He fired his words fuming, fire burning in his eyes. But his toon changed when he noticed my beat red eyes. My face flush, now feeling the heat resting in my flesh. The wind absent, from the sudden brake check. His eyes soften, as if he was looking at the cute little neighbor girl, who use to beg for piggyback rides.

"What's wrong?" He spoke delicately.

"M-my d-da-dad's in-" I could barely understand myself through my heaving sobs. Taking quick sudden breaths, trying to speak.

"Breath Rose! Take a deep breathe!" His plans landing against my cheeks forcing me to focus my attention on him. He takes a deep breath, nodding for me to copy his actions. My hands still firmly planted on the steering wheel. I took a deep breath mimicking his, calming myself enough to speak.

"My dads in the hospital, something happened." I cried yet again soft tears streaming my burning cheeks.

"Is it an emergency?" He quickly blurred out, sternly.

"Yes." I spoke as if a whisper, in my deep breath.

"Follow behind me." His cool hands releasing my inflamed flesh. Jogging back to his truck, with the door still open. He ducked in swinging his door shut, lights flashing burning my irises. He let the sirens sound, flying on to the road ahead. I fallowed as cars moved to the shoulder, making way for a safer travel.
With in minutes my car was parked at the ER entrance. In a dead sprint, I took off for the door noticing my mother's car was already here.

The sliding doors opened, slowly, but fast enough for my little body to squeeze through. My brothers hugging my mother, stand in the waiting room, accessed from the front desk.

"MOM!" I shouted finding my voice.

My brothers released there grip so my mother could turn around. All three of them embracing me in there arms. A family group hug surrounding my mother, my arms snug around the family.

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