The Date

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Waking up that morning, my gut felt like someone took a knife and twisted it deep. I didn't want to go to school, but I didn't want to go back to sleep either. Seeing those grey eyes brought me excitement until, his teeth, his very sharp teeth were revealed. Almost like a vampire but worse. There weren't just two fangs, there were many. Every tooth in his mouth shaped as if identical to a shark's mouth. How could something so vile be so alluring? How could I have dreamt of such a scary being? Finally succumbing to the day, my body awakens with every step to the shower. Turning on the hot water, I let it run and strip my clothes. I have about two hours till I have to pick up Dena. I better make this a fast one or lord knows she will chew my butt.

Stepping out of the shower the foggy mirror hides my reflection. Wiping my right hand across the dew, reveals my panic stricken face. Gosh, that nightmare really got to me. Brushing my long black hair, striping all the waves from sight. I feel like I haven't slept in days, as I apply makeup to my freshly cleaned face. I cover what looks like death, breathing life back into me. My dark circles disappear, while the blush gives my cheeks some much needed color. I don't normally wear makeup everyday, but I definitely feel like today is a must. When I finished making sure my face looked right. I sluggishly walked back to my room, in just the purple towel. 

Closing the door behind me, I glanced at the clock seeing I had an hour left. Rummaging through my closet, I found a white baggy T-shirt with a pocket on the breast. When I looked down on the floor, I saw a pair of dark olive green cotton shorts. Tossing my soon to be outfit on the bed I went straight for my dresser. Grabbing a pair of cheeky pink panties and a white bra, I slipped into my clothes. Checking myself out in the full length body mirror, attached to the closet door. I looked good, but I decided to add a few gold bracelets to my wrist, a plain necklace and of course a few rings, to tie my grunge look all together. Still dangling from my neck is Sage's locket, with one picture in it, the hummingbird. Pulling my hair into a half up ponytail, I pulled a few strands forward to sit on my shoulders. Finally satisfied with my look I ran out of the room to get breakfast!

The smell of coffee fills the air, the closer I get to the kitchen.

"Morning mom!" I smiled.

"Morning Sweetness." Her eyes not leaving the delicious stack of pancakes.

Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I added a little vanilla creamer and some sugar. Dipping the spoon I found on the counter into stir my brew. The moment it hits my lips the heat warms my soul. It's sweet taste envelops my buds, brings a smile all the way to my eyes. Before you know it my dad pops in the kitchen, filling his plate with cakes and I follow suit.

"Rosebud, would you pour me some coffee?" My dad beckons before I leave with my filled plate.

"Sure, any sugar or cream?" I question eyebrows arched wide, awaiting his response.

"No thanks, just black." He says his nose in the morning paper.

Pouring his coffee the pot slipped and burnt my fingers a little. Wincing in pain, I placed the coffee back on the kettle. Grabbed a towel, I dried off the hot essence as it dripped from my hand, to the floor. Cleaning my mess as agreed to by my mother's and I's agreement. I swiftly made my way with his coffee and my plate to the table.

"Thanks Bud." His smile lit up.

"Your welcome dad." I hummed back stuffing my face with food.

Before you know it my mother is grabbing her purse to leave, and my father is stuffing his pockets. Hastily hopping up my stairs, to grab my books, skipping a few steps. I turned the corner to my desk, where a white half bloomed Polar Star white rose, sat atop my books. The thorns still prominent on it's stem. Where did this come from? Picking up the delicate rose, I couldn't help but admire its beauty. Half bloomed, not a single blemish on the pedals. Carefully placing the Rose on my desk, I hastily threw my books in my bag, sitting in the desk chair. Zipping it up, I tossed it over my right shoulder leavening my room. Taking in the scene below, watching as my parents scuttled around.

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