Blind Date

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A/N - This took longer than it should've and I rewrote it 3 times enjoy y'all

Background Info - Historical appearance, Alex has been blind since birth and is starting his first year of public school as a junior. John is a classic bad boy type jock douche and Alex low key had a crush on him but they don't really know each other and Alex doesn't want anyone to know he's blind. The only one who knows is Laf

Alexander's POV

I ran face first into a locker and Laf laughed like I was joking. Lafayette is the only person at the school who knows I've been blind since birth.
"Are you ok, mon ami?"
"I'm ok. My pride might not be." Laf chuckled and unlocked my locker for me. He handed me my books and sighed.
"John!" I stiffened and blushed as someone brushed my arm and greeted Laf.
"Hey, Laf! Bro, me and Herc are hitting up the cafe after school! Wanna come?" There was a hint of knowing in John's voice and Laf sighed.
"I'd love to but I've gotta walk my little brother home." Laf and I were both adopted by the Washingtons. They're a wealthy family, like John's and Lafayette's before his parents died. I've lived in poverty all my life so the change is a little good.
"Oh." John sounded upset and I fixed my sunglasses.
"Don't let me drag you down." I kept my head down and shifted. "I'll get a ride home with George." I shrugged.
"No way. Dad's working late again, remember?" I sighed and shrugged.
"I can walk home."
"No, you can't. I'm taking you home. Sorry, John. Maybe next time?"
"No, sweat. You can bring him."
"What?" Laf and I questioned at once, I looked toward John's voice and blushed.
"Yeah. I mean the more the merrier, right?" I guess Laf made a weird look because John draped his arm across my shoulders making me gasp and blush. "Come on, Laf! It'll be fine. Right, Alex?" I looked in the direction of his voice and I swear he was so close.
"Yeah...yeah. I guess. It would be fine." I smiled, Laf sighed and John pat my shoulder.
"Alright, Fine. Don't let me out of your sight."
"Isn't it the other way around?" John questioned.
"Not today, mon ami." The bell rang and I felt John leave.
"Oh my god!" I've had a huge crush on John since last year when Laf had me meet him. I have no idea what he looks like but I know I love his voice and personality. Well, the one under the douche jock bull shit. John is actually a really nice kid and he's helped me on a few occasions. He never asks about the glasses or running into things. He's so kind and I can't get enough.
"Stop that!"
"Hey, I'm serious. Your hand on my arm at all times."
"Ok, ok. I'll be fine."
"I just wanna keep you safe." The bell rang and Laf walked me to class.

"Hey! You guys ready to go?" John asked.
"Yeah." Herc and John are cool kids. They're you typical leather jacket wearing douches.
"Who's riding with who?" Herc asked, I nudged Laf and I was sure he was blushing.
"I can take freckles." John piped up and I blushed.
"We can't just walk?" Laf asked.
"It'll be faster!" John reasoned.
"But Alex-"
"Your lil bro'll be fine! Right, Alex?"
"Yeah, I can manage." I smiled.
"Ok, ok." Laf huffed.
"Come on. My bike's this way." I heard fleeting footsteps and John started lifting me by the waist. He set me on the bike and slid on in front.
"Hey, Alex?"
"You don't get scared of-?"
"No, John." John laughed and kicked on his bike. I blushed and held on tight.
"I thought you weren't scared." John laughed.
"I'm not. It's cold and you're warm."
"Oh." I wasn't lying but I just wanted to hug his muscular frame until I couldn't. John peeked out and we were off.

John's POV

Oh god. Alexander Hamilton is hot. Laf's kid brother is hot. He's cute and hot at the same time. I'd totally make a move but Laf would slit my throat and cut my dick off. Laf is super over protective of Alex. That's why I've barely spoken to the boy. I've been crushing on him since the Washingtons adopted him. Having him hug me is just the best. We got to the cafe and I helped him off. He shivered and I quickly pulled my leather jacket off. I draped it over his shoulders and he jumped.
"Relax. You're shivering. Let's get you inside." I held his shoulders because if I let go for ever a second Laf would kill me. I lead him to a booth and he sat next to the wall. "Can I ask you something?"
"Are you shy?" Alex chuckled and I smiled.
"Yeah, you could say that."
"Alex! Everything ok?" Laf slid in across from Alex and Herc across from me.
"I'm fine, Laf."
"Ok, ok." Laf relaxed and we ordered.
"So, Laf?"
"Hm?" I dipped a fry in my shake and Laf and Herc recoiled.
"Why are you so protective of Alex? He seems like he can hold his own."
"He can't." Laf deadpanned.
"Why not?" Alex shifted and kept his head down.
"Drop it, John."
"Dropping it!" I threw my hands up and grabbed another fry.
"Dude! Stop! That's disgusting!" Herc cringed.
"What! It's good!" Both boys shook their heads. "Alex doesn't have a problem with it!"
"Problem with what?" Alex frowned.
"Dipping fries in my milkshake."
"That's gross, John." I threw my arms up and slumped down in my seat.
"Have you ever even tried it?"
"No, it sounds gross."
"But it doesn't look gross." I grinned, Alex bit his lip and Laf shifted. "Just try it."
"I rather not."
"Fine." I grinned and dipped a fry.
"Here." Alex clicked his tongue a couple times and nearly dropped it. I ate it and grinned.
"You guys are crazy. That's good!"
"YES! HA! SUCK IT!" Alex started laughing and soon we were all dying in that booth. Alex actually fell over on my shoulder and started wheezing.
"Alex, breathe, mon ami." Laf reaches across the table and grabbed Alex arm. Alex caught his breath and sat up.
"Don't worry about it. What happened?"
"About two years ago I got caught-"
"I'm fine, Laf. I got caught in a hurricane. Lots of debris and shrapnel ripped through my body and my lungs collapsed."
"Oh. I'm so sorry." Alex just shrugged.
"It was a long time ago." After that we chatted about our pasts. I told Alex about my dad and he told me about his parents. Laf told us about his parents and Herc just sat there. We thought it was kind of funny.

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