Work Of Art

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John's POV

Meeting your model is always weird. Especially when they're your nude model. Wait...that sounds weird. Let me back up. Hi. I'm John Laurens and I'm an artist. The best in New York actually and George Washington is commissioning me to paint a nude painting of a dude for some auction. I didn't ask too many questions, I just accepted because he's rich. Anyway, I requested a nude make model and were meeting today. I have all my art stuff laid out and ready and my gay thoughts are killing me. There was a knock on the door and a small boy stood in the door. I smiled and a light blush tinted my cheeks. He was just a head shorter than me and kind of muscular. He had curly red hair tied back in a ponytail and freckles dotting his tan skin. His eyes were a mystifying violet and his grin pearly white. "Hi, I'm Alexander." He held out his hand to shake and I made sure there wasn't any paint on my before shaking.
"John Laurens."
"Oh cool! I love your art!" I blushed and looked at my feet. "You don't get that a lot do you?" I shook my head and he giggled. "Well. You should cause you're awesome." I chuckled dryly and smiled.
"You can put your stuff right there." I gestured to a table and Alex put his stuff down, pulling his jacket off. "I've never really liked this part but-...Ready when you are." Alex nodded and began stripping. I turned away and started getting paints ready.
"I'm ready."
"Ok. Just chill on the bed for a sec." He sat on the bed and I glanced at him. I blushed bright red and fumbled my paints. He looked like a god craved in stone several millennia ago. "So you like art?"
"Eh. Sometimes." I chuckled and stood up. "What made you wanna be an artist?" I stood over him now and he had this silly grin on his pretty face.
"My mother always dreamed of it and I looked her paintings so I tried and she taught me. I really love it."
"Well that's good."
"Yeah. What do you do for a living?" I started positioning him and he was very open to me moving his body.
"Well. I'm a writer but I also do this on the side."
"It's a good way to make friends." He grinned.
"Wow. He's cracked the code." We giggled and I smirked. "If you move a single inch I'll paint a dick on your forehead."
"Physically or in the painting?" He grinned.
"Both." He laughed and I rolled my eyes. I started sketching an outline and we chatted sparsely. At one point his phone started ringing and I glanced at it. "Do you want me to bring it to you?"
"Who is it?" I looked and read the name.
"No." He mumbled sadly.
"Who's Betsy?"
"My girlfriend." My heart hit the floor and I messed up the sketch. I erased and fixed the line before asking more questions.
"Why so sour?"
"She's cheating on me. I know she is. I'm not stupid! I caught her and she just-" he groaned loudly and I smiled sympathetically.
"Why don't you just confront her?"
"Because I can't fucking do that."
"Why not?"
"Because-...I just-...I can't." He explained about his past and I sympathized by telling him about my father. By the time we finished talking the session was over and I started packing up. He redressed and I smiled.
"Why don't I take you out for coffee?" I smiled, he frowned and slung his bag over his shoulder. "I don't mean like a date or something. friends."
"Um...ok. Yeah." He smiled, we headed out into the cold and giggled about random shit. We got a table at the coffee shop and Alex ordered a large black coffee and I ordered a latte. "Weak!" Alex teases I flicked his arm and he giggled. "So...why take the weirdo out for coffee?"
"Cause you seemed like you needed a friend." I smiled, Alex nodded his head and took a sip of his coffee.
"Everyone in Manhattan makes you out to be this like...big, scary asshole but you're just a big teddy bear." I chuckled and dipped my coffee.
"Do they really?"
"Yeah. My friend, Hercules, told me not to take the job." He shrugged.
"Why did you take the job?"
"Wanted to see if it was true. Plus it's always been kind of a tiny dream of mine to meet you." I blushed and smiled. I had a crush on this boy.
"I think I've read one of your books." I smiled.
"R-really?" He got really flustered and looked at his coffee.
"Yeah. Um-...The murder mystery."
"I write a lot of murder mysteries." We giggled and I wracked my brain.
"Secrets of a Past Love!" (It's the first thing I thought of fight me) Alex blushed and put his head down, knowing that one had a couple lustful chapters. I chuckled and sipped my coffee. "C'mon! It's a good book!"
"I can't believe that got through the editors."
"Hey! Fifty Shades of Gray got past the editors." I grinned, he glared at me but started giggling.
"You have a point." We laughed and chatted for another hour before Alex had to go. I walked him to the subway and we talked while he waited for his train. "So...I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled.
"Yeah. Hope it gets better with your girlfriend."
"Thanks." He hugged me and got on his train. I groaned and headed home.

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