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A/N - I hate journalism

A/N - I'm here from the future coz I believe I can make it better

Alexander's POV

   "I cannot work with him!" I gasped, Washington sighed and opened his cabinet. "He'll snap me like a twig, George!"
   "You're the best psychiatrist we have and maybe you can help him." He handed me the file and my soul left my body.
   "Psychosis...He killed his father?" 
   "I'm afraid so. You will have a guard with you at all times."
   "He has quite the record." I sighed, George nodded and I got up. 
   "Good luck."
   "I'll need it." I sighed and made my way to the elevator. Instead of going up like usual, I went down. I sighed and opened the file. Patient 1782, the most hostile patient in the facility. Rumor has it he killed his first doctor and I'm his third. His second just quit. When the elevator opened I sighed and headed to the end of the hall. I swiped my key card and entered the shabby looking ward. A guard looked up and I smiled. I flashed my badge and he smiled sympathetically. 
   "My name is Hercules. I'm here to protect you." I nodded and he opened the door for me. I stepped in after him and he stood in front of the door. A man not too much older than me was hunched in the corner. His nappy blonde hair shrouded his face and he was muttering to himself. "Laurens! Stand up." Hercules boomed, I took a moment to look around the room and bit my lip. The white walls were enough to drive me crazy. The man didn't move. "Laurens! St-"
   "Don't yell at him." I inched forward and Laurens' head snapped up. "Hello, my name is Doctor Hamilton." I smiled, Laurens glared at me and I moved forward a bit more. "I'm gonna help you." I smiled, I moved closer and Laurens tackled me to the ground. He snarled at me and I gasped. Hercules moved forward and I shook my head. "No! Stay back! Laurens! Stop! I don't want to call a code grey!" Laurens scrambled off and I sat up. The way he moved was almost animalistic and he huddled in the corner. "Hey, it's ok." I assured, inching closer. "Hercules, will you excuse us?" 
   "Now, please?" Hercules sighed and left the room. "Ok, he's gone now. See? It's just us." Laurens looked around and I held my hands up in surrender. I'm not here to hurt you. It's ok." I moved forward and he snarled again. "Ok, ok! I'm just gonna sit here." I sat on the edge of his cot and he relaxed a little. "We can just sit here until the clock runs out." I smiled and Laurens scrambled to his feet. 
   "GET OUT!" He bellowed, gripping his head. 
   "I can't do that. Why don't you sit down and we can talk." 
   "NO! YOU DON'T GET TO FIX!" He screamed, Hercules opened the door and Laurens snarled again. 
   "Hercules, out!" I pushed him out of the room and closed the door. "Sit down, please?" 
   "I can't. Not until the session is over." Laurens collapsed in the corner and I sighed. "Do you wanna talk?" Laurens began muttering again and I smiled, opening his file. "John Laurens. Twenty one. Psychosis...Killed your father at the age of sixteen. Killed your first doctor at the age of eighteen. Am I missing anything?" John stopped his muttering and glanced up at me. "Hm?" John emitted a low growl and I smiled lightly. "Have you been sleeping?" I asked gently, John looked up at me and I carefully sat on the floor. "Why don't you wanna talk to me?"
   "Fix." He grumbled, I frowned a bit and moved forward. 
   "Fix what?" I asked gently.
   "Me." He spat. " You don't get to fix me!"He growled.
   "Ok. I won't. I was just trying to help.
   "Help?" He asked, he started to crawl forward and I smiled. 
   "Yeah, I just wanna help." He picked up a loose curl and examined my face. I stayed calm and let him stare deeply into my eyes. 
   "Purple?" He frowned, he scrambled back and glared at a spot in the room. "No! Don't hurt him!" He screamed angrily. 
   "Where are they?" I asked gently, John pointed and I got up. I made my way over to him and he looked between me and the air. "Tell them to leave. Be confident." John looked at me fearfully and shoved me behind him. 
   "Don't hurt him! He didn't do anything!" John was near tears. 
   "Tell them to go away." I instructed again. "Breathe and be firm." John flinched and whimpered.
   "Father...please?" He begged quietly. 
   "Laurens. Now! You need to tell him to leave. I can't help if he's still here." John looked down at me and I nodded. "Tell him to leave." 
   "F-Father...go away." He stammered. 
   "Be firm. You can do this. I believe in you." I hummed.
   "Go away, Father!" He bellowed, he relaxed and let me out of the corner. He started muttering again and sat down on his bed. 
   "John?" I asked gently, he stopped his muttering and I smiled. "Have you slept recently?" I asked gently, John shook his head and I carefully sat next to him. "Why not?" He glanced at me and I smiled. 
   "He comes...He needs to go..."
   "Your father?" He nodded and I smiled gently. "I can make him go away." John looked up at me and he grabbed my tie. 
   "You can make him go away. Make him go!" 
   "I can't...Not yet." 
   "NO! YOU'RE FIXING!" He pushed me back and I huffed a bit. 
   "I can't help you until you talk to me." I hummed, I glanced at my watch and sighed. "Our times up." I got up and John grabbed my arm. 
   "Will you be back tomorrow?" He asked, his sunken ocean eyes begging.
   "Of course. Same time tomorrow." I assured, he tightened his grip a bit and I winced.
   "Do you promise?" 
   "Yes. John, you're hurting me." He let go and stared at his hands.
   "I-I-I'm sorry..."
   "It's alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

   I frowned and answered my phone. "Alexander, it's Laurens! Come quick!" George practically yelled, I scrambled out of bed and to the closet. 
   "I'm on my way." I ended the call and got dressed hastily. I grabbed my keys and ran to the subway. I caught the train and huffed. When I made it to the hospital they were on code red but they let me in. I could here John screaming from the basement and George ran up to me. "What's going on?"
   "We don't know. Peggy went to give him his medicine and five minutes later Hercules came upstairs with blood on him. We locked everything down."
   "HAMILTON!" I heard John's faint screaming and my heart  jerked. 
   "I'm going down there. Alone."
   "I'm going. He'll listen to me." I took off and swiped my keycard for access to the elevator. The doors slid open and I carefully stepped out. John was huddled in the corner at the end of the hall, blood dripping from his head and shaking all over. His cell door was open and a body could be seen just inside the door. "John?" I called carefully, his head shot up and he scrambled to his feet. "Stay where you are. Let me come to you. Ok?" He nodded and I made my way to him. "What did you do?" 
   "I-I don't know." He stammered, I frowned and looked down at Peggy. 
   "Ok. That's ok. I'm gonna get medic down here. Right now I need you to go sit on your cot. Can you do that?" John nodded and stepped over Peggy. I called a medic and John huddled against the wall. The paramedics took Eliza away and gave me a small kit to patch John up. I sat on the edge of his cot and John eyed me carefully. I beckoned him over and he crawled over. "I'm gonna fix you up. Ok?" He got real close to my face and I smiled sweetly. He backed down and sat next to me. I gently cleaned his cut and patched him up. He flinched when I used the alcohol but he didn't lash out. He started to get drowsy so I finished up and packed the kit up. "Lay down. Close your eyes." I cooed, John whimpered and laid down. He closed his eyes and I rested my hand on his shoulder in an effort to comfort him. I sat there with him until he was snoring softly and slipped out, deciding to take a nap in my office. 

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