His World

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A/N - it's only Tuesday and I'll already done

John's POV

   Alexander Hamilton, the shy boy. He's really cute but everyone in school hates him. I have a huge crush on him but every time I try to talk to him I freak out and totally goof.

Alexander's POV

   John Laurens, the bad boy. He wears band t-shirts and leather jackets. He rides a motorcycle and gets in fights. He smokes sometimes and dicks around with girls. I kind of have a crush on him because of that one time I fell down the front steps and he helped me pick up my stuff and made sure I was ok.

John's POV

   "No more goofing!" I huffed to myself as I walked up to Laf and Alex. Alex has been adopted into the Washington's family about a year ago and only really talked to Laf and Eliza at school. I walked up to them and leaned against the lockers. "Hey, Laf." I smiled.
   "Hey, J." He smiled, Alex shifted and looked down.
   "Hey." I smiled. "Alex...right?" He nodded and kept his head down.
   "Oh! John! I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out at my place tonight. We could play video games."
   "Yeah, sounds cool. I'll just have to sneak away."
   "You shouldn't sneak out." Alex mumbled, glancing up at me.
   "It would be truancy if I didn't sneak out." Alex frowned and opened his mouth to ask but the bell ring and he flinched.
   "I-I gotta g-go." He stammered before running to his first class.
   "What's up with him?"
   "He's shy, John. You know this." Laf raised an eyebrow and I sighed.
   "I know but why?"
   "Ask him. It's not for me to say." Laf walked to his first class and I sighed.

   I got into a fight at lunch. Great. Now I'm sitting in the principals office waiting for Mr. Washington to give me my death sentence of suspicion. Alexander has office aid this period so he was behind the counter doing homework or something like that. He kept stealing glances at me and I just stared at him. I could tell he was getting uncomfortable so I focused on my bruised and bloody knuckles. Yes, I punched the shit out of Charles Lee. He's been talking too much shit and it was time someone shut him up. "Do you need an ice pack or something?" Alex's quiet voice rang out through the silence and I looked up.
   "No...thank you." I looked back down and sighed. "Do you have a tissue?" He looked up and nodded, pulling a box out from under the counter. I moved across the room and took two as he stared at me. "Thanks."
  "Y-your welcome." He stammered, blushing a bit. I smiled and sat back down.
   "Mr. Laurens." I got back up and moved into the office. He sighed and sat in his chair. "Have a seat." I sat in one of the arm chairs and huffed. "I'm not going to suspend you."
   "You're not?" I frowned.
   "No. John, I know you're a good kid. Suspension would be cruel and unusual punishment seeing as you have to sneak out in order to come to school. You'll have ISS tomorrow."
   "Thank you, sir."
   "Don't worry about it. I'll still have to call home. Let me know if you need to stay the night."
   "Yes, sir."
   "Have Alex escort you to the nurse's office." I nodded and we shook hands. I stepped out of the office and grabbed my bag. "Alex? Will you take John to the nurse's office?"
   "She's not here today."
   "I'm sure you could handle it?" He nodded and I followed him into the nurse's office. He started getting out bandages and I sat on the little bed thing. He set his stuff next to me and I watched him dip a cotton ball in alcohol. I provided my hand and he hesitated before pressing the cotton ball on my knuckles.
   "This is gonna st-sting." I nodded and he pressed the ball against one of my split knuckles. I flinched and squeezed Alex's hand.
   "It's ok." He was so gentle and always stopped for a moment when I flinched or hissed in pain. He started wrapping my knuckles in bandages and I watched him quietly. "Is it too tight?"
   "What?" He pauses and I frowned.
   "Nothing." He finishes bandaging both my hands and glanced at my growing black eye.
   "You took quite the beating." He mumbled, I smirked and he wet another cotton ball with alcohol.
   "You should see the other guy."
   "I did. He took quite the beating too." The thought of him tending to Charles Lee's sounds made my blood boil. "Relax." Alex leaned in real close and used his thumb and forefinger to keep my chin in place. I blushed and he started cleaning the cut on my cheek. I hissed in pain and he paused for a moment. I stared into his eyes and he continued.
   "What?" He frowned, looking into my eyes.
   "Your eyes are weird." I meant to say his eyes are gorgeous, goof!
   "That's rude." Alex stammered quietly.
   "I know. I-I'm sorry. It didn't come out right." He eyes never and placed a bandaid on my cut.
   "Sorry. We're out of skin colored ones." I frowned and looked in my phones camera.
   "Hamilton!" He flinched and backed up. I groaned and glared at him. "Do I have to wear this?" Hello Kitty. That's all I'm gonna say. Alex shook his head and I ripped it off. "Thanks." I grabbed my bag and noticed my ribs hurt like a bitch.
   "Y-y-y-y-" Alex started breathing heavily and I quickly left the room to prevent a panic attack.

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