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A/N - I'm dead inside. Unus Annus is dead. I'm not doing so hot so enjoy this mess.

Alexander's POV

I situated my tie and opened the door. Today was my first day as intern at Laurens Law Firm. I strode up to the front desk and the woman looked up at me. "Hello, my name is Alexander Hamilton and I'm an intern. I was told to report here first?"
"Of course! This way!" She smiled, I followed her into an elevator and she pressed the button for the top floor. It was extremely awkward as we rode in silence but I didn't dare break it. The doors opened and we stepped out. I followed her down a short hall to a huge office door with the name 'John Laurens' printed on it. My eyes widened a little be, realizing that I was about to meet the CEO and owner of the company. The lady knocked on the door and a man called for us to come in. The lady opened the door and ushered me inside. I stepped inside and smoothed out my waistcoat. I decided to dress smartly today so I wore a brown waistcoat with matching slacks and dress shoes and a simple white button up with an olive green tie, tying my usually messy curls up in a neat ponytail. I didn't want to be over dressed or under dressed so I settled in the middle. "Mr. Laurens, the intern you hired is here."
"Ah, wonderful." The man stood and I flushed a bit. He was very handsome and quite tall. He had straight blonde hair he wore in a ponytail and ocean blue eyes that seemed softer than his chiseled face. He wore a simple black suit with a light blue tie and a bronze tie and cuff links. "Martha, you can go." The lady left and I put on a smile.
"Hello. I'm Alexander and-"
"I know who you are. I don't care. There's a copier on the second floor. I need you to go and make twenty copies of this." He stuff a stack of papers in my arms and I sighed a bit. "Do you have a problem with that?"
"No, sir." I smiled, turning on my heel and leaving the office. Once out of the office I sighed heavily and went down to the second floor. I made the copies and went straight back to his office. When I entered the room he looked up, checking his watch and giving a slightly impressed look. I set the papers neatly on his desk.
"File these." He set a huge box on the desk and I picked up the box. "That cabinet. If you don't know where something goes put it in a pile and ask me when you're done."
"Yes, sir." I smiled, taking the box to the filing cabinet.
"If there's anything with taxes it goes over here." He gestured to a drawer in his desk and I smiled
"Yes, sir." I started filing and after an hour or so Mr. Laurens stood up and peered over my shoulder. I glanced at him and he frowned.
"Where's the pile for the ones you can't find?"
"I don't have one. I've found all the files." Laurens straightened up and smiled a bit.
"Very good." I continued to file and he sat back down. I found a few tax forms and moved over to his desk.
"I found some tax forms."
"Great. You can just give those to me." I handed him the papers and turned to go back to filing. "Ah, intern?" I didn't respond. He should know my name. Rude. "Hamilton." He growled, I turned and smiled.
"Yes, Mr. Laurens?"
"I need you to take these papers down to Jefferson's office on the fifth floor."
"Thomas Jefferson?"
"Yes. You know him?"
"Unfortunately." I grumbled, Laurens chuckled and handed me the papers.
"I just need his signature. I need you back quickly."
"Yes, sir." I headed out and straight into the elevator. I made my way to Jefferson's office and knocked on the door.
"Come in!" I opened the door and stepped in, Jefferson looking up.
"Alexander Hamilton." He sneered. "Is this a booty call?"
"Absolutely not. I'm an intern here. Mr. Laurens needs your signature on these." I handed him the papers and he grumbled something before signing them.
"It's a damn shame." He mused, handing me the papers and grinning. I shivered involuntarily and turned on my heel, leaving the room. I rushed back up to Laurens' office and rushed in, closing the door behind me. Laurens looked up and frowned.
"No." I set the papers down and straightened out my waistcoat.
"Obviously not. Did he sign them?"
"Yes." Laurens stood and moved to a table in the corner.
"You are twenty one, right?"
"Yes, sir. In January." He pour some liquid in two glasses and handed me one. I frowned and he chuckled.
"It's whiskey."
"Relax. Have a drink." Laurens hummed, sitting on one of the love seats in the middle of the room. I glanced down at the drink and Laurens took a casual sip of his. I shrugged and chugged the drink. "Wow...That bad, huh?" I glanced at him and he chuckled. "How do you know, Jefferson?"
"Not important." I grumbled, dreading the memories. Laurens stood up and moved across the room.
"I hired him because my father forced me too. I, personally, do not like him. He's rude and makes the women in this office uncomfortable."
"And the men." I grumbled, Laurens glanced up and smirked slightly.
"Why do you say that?" He mused, I folded my arms and put my wait on my right foot. "What happened with Thomas, Hamilton?"
"With all due respect, you're my boss. My social life is none of your business."
"You fucked." Laurens hummed, crossing the room to the bar for another drink. I flushed bright red and cleared my throat.
"No. I-"
"No sense in lying. If you have a problem with him voice it now. I won't send you down there anymore if I know you have a problem with him." He hummed, calmly refilling my drink as well as his.
"Fine." I huffed. "Thomas and I had a fling my freshman year and he...made fun of me for something I can't control." I grumbled.
"What'd me make fun of?" Laurens asked.
"None of your business." I snapped, Laurens nodded and I sipped my drink.
"Alright. I won't send you down there anymore." Laurens smiled.
"Sure thing." Laurens sat back down and sighed. "Back to work." I downed my drink and went back to filing. I found a couple more tax forms and gave them straight to Laurens. At the end of the day Laurens dismissed me and I went straight home. Strange first day.

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