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A/N - I'm gonna rewrite I'm Yours because I will never be satisfied with it

John's POV

FIRST DAY OF COLLEGE!!! I'm excited and terrified. Well...technically I'm just moving into my dorm today but I'm still excited. I grabbed my bags from the car and headed to my dorm. I unlocked it and pushed it open with a huge grin. My heart skip a beat as the most gorgeous boy looked up from his textbooks and smiled. He returned to his work and I set my stuff down on the empty bed across the room. He seemed to be hard at work already and I sat there for a moment. Suddenly he took of his headphones and stood up.
   "I'm sorry. I'm being extremely rude. My name is Alexander Hamilton." He held out his hand and I grinned.
   "Oh. I'm John." I shook his hand and he smiled. "By the way, I don't find that rude." He chuckled and brushed the loose red curls back into his messy bun. He adjusted his glasses on his nose and flopped on his bed. "So...what's your major?"
   "Law." His voice was muffled by his pillow and I sat on my bed. "What's yours?" He asked, turning to look at me.
   "Marine Biology."
   "Cool! What do you wanna be?" He sat up.
   "I wanna study turtles." I blushed and looked down. "It's embarrassing." I felt the bed next to me dip and I looked into his eyes. They were violet. Who the fuck has violet eyes and freckles?
   "No, it's not. I think turtles are pretty cool. Hey, check it out." He grinned and jogged to his desk. He showed me his drink and I giggled. He had a metal straw sticking out of it. I noticed the scrunchie in hair and grinned, deciding to tease him.
   "Fuck you. I'm not a fucking VSCO girl." He growled.
   "Alright, alright! I'm just messing with you." He sat back down and sucked on his straw.
   "I use a shit ton of straws to I bought my own and this used to be my moms. It's an authentic eighties scrunchie, bitch." He explained.
   "It's also my favorite color so suck my dick."
   "I rather not."
   "Damn." He smirked and moved across the room.
   "Can you not." I laughed, Alex giggled and shook his head.
   "Sorry, most of my humor are sex jokes."
   "How old are you?" I giggled.
   "I'm nineteen!" He spat out quickly.
   "Dude, same." I smiled.
   "I guess I never grew out of the high school phase." He shrugged.
   "Don't worry about it. I'm a giggly bitch and will laugh at basically anything."
   "Tortilla sandwiches make me mad." Alex spoke with a serious face and I snorted. Soon Alex and I were on the floor laughing and wheezing. We chatted all day and I changed my clothes in the bathroom so Alex wouldn't see the ugly scars on my back. I wore a baggy t-shirt and basketball shorts to bed and fell into my bed. "Are you ok?" Alex asked.
   "I'm fine. Just jet lagged."
   "My jet lag wore off. Where'd you come from?"
   "South Carolina."
   "Oh my god! Do you have a sexy southern accent?" He grinned.
   "Um...probably not sexy but yeah. It's embarrassing." I mumbled, Alex put all his weight in his right hip and raised an eyebrow.
   "Let's hear it."
   "Fine." I rolled over and pulled my ponytail out. "Evenin', Alex. Don't mess with Texas." (I know John is from SC but I'm from Texas and I couldn't think of anything else) Alex burst out laughing and giggled. "And that's why I try so hard to hide it."
   "No, no! I'm laughing at what you said! The accent's cute!" He gushed. "You can hide it but I think it's adorable." I blushed and burrowed in the blankets.
   "Go to bed, Alex." I grumbled, Alex giggled and turned off the light. I turned over and fell asleep.

   I woke to a strange sound and frowned. I rolled over and tried to make it stop but it kept going. Finally I sat up and found Alex at his computer, rapidly typing. His eyes were sunken and his hair was a mess. He wore pj pants from some high school (I have a pair that say Brandies down the side and they r the best) and a baggy old band shirt from the same high school. His glasses sat on his nose and he was hunched over his laptop.
   "Alex?" I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "What're you doin'?" I realized how stupid I sounded with the accent and sighed.
   "For what class?"
   "When's it due?"
   "Two weeks from today."
   "Yep, ok." I got up and closed his laptop. Before he could kill me I grabbed his waist and hoisted him up.  I glanced at the clock and yawned again as Alex fought against me. I held him on my hip like a child and carried him to may bed.
   "John, let go! I have work to do!" He pounded his fists against my chest and tried shoving me but I held on. He was so much smaller than me and I was so much stronger than him. "Let me go! I have to finish it!" He yelled.
   "Alex, it's three a.m." I yawned. "It's due in two weeks you can work after breakfast."
   "No! If I procrastinate I'll never get it in and they'll send me back! I don't wanna go back! I can't go back!" He started to cry and I sat us on the bed.
   "Who's they and back where?" I asked gently.
   "I don't wanna talk about it."
   "I said I don't wanna talk about it!" I took his glasses off and pulled his hair out as he tried to get hold of himself. "Please just let me work." He whimpered.
   "Nope." I smiled and blushed a little. I didn't wanna admit it but he was cute as fuck. Straddling me like this he was just a little bit taller than me so I had to tilt my head up to look him in the eye. "You're going to sleep and you can work after breakfast. I promise."
   "No buts." I hummed and turned to lay him down. I lowered him into the bed and pulled the covers around him. "Oh and by the way-" I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close so we were inches apart. "-don't try to escape. I've been told I'm a light sleeper. I also have a pretty damn good death grip." Alex crossed his arms and huffed.
   "I hate you."
   "Yeah, most people do." I stared at him and took in his beautiful features standing out in the pale moon light.
   "What're you lookin' at perv?" He grumbled.
   "I wanna make sure you go to sleep so I'll wait." He raised an eyebrow and I continued to stare.
   "Fine. Fuck you." He closed his eyes and I smiled endearingly. I kissed the top of his head and drifted off to sleep.

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