Part 3

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(Even though they are in London Zendaya is going to be there in these next couple of chapters so just pretend she lives in London)

Tom started to call me "Don't pick up"-H "What if he needs something or is going to say sorry"-V

I grabbed my phone and went outside. It was cold but I didn't care "Hello.."-V "It's good to hear your voice.."-T "What-Whats up?"-V "Listen.. I don't know what I did but I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry"-T "But you don't even know if it was you.."-V "So! i love you violet and I don't want our bond to be broken.."-T

Hearing those four words almost made my heart melt. Except I was snapped back into reality "Why'd you block me then?"-V "That was all Zendaya. You know I didn't even know you could block someone."-T "And I've noticed.. that I kinda have feelings for you"-T

My mind went everywhere.. "You-"-V "Babe do you need your jacket"-H "Babe?"-T

Worst possible timing Harrison!!
I felt like I needed to scream.
"no I'm fine!"-V Harrison went back inside and I could almost feel Toms heart.. break "Tom please- let me explain!"-V "I like you. I do I really really do! That's why I stormed out of the pool like that. And I-i felt like I had to hide those feeling since we are just best friends. So I needed a distraction. So I lied to Harrison that I liked him!"-V

Everything went silent..
I noticed that Harrison left the door open.. and heard Every.Single.Word.

"I- Did you really do that- Violet.."-H "I can't deal with this right now"-Tom and Harrison.

Tom hung up and Harrison slammed the door.

I needed a new distraction. I went to the bar and started to drink. Without thinking.. I drank too much.

I had no one to talk to. I couldn't tell Sam or Harry because I'm sure they have been told the news already.

I started to forget.. it felt good. I was happy..

I tried to walk home but I ended on not remembering it.

I woke up and I heard a slight beeping. It was bright and smelled odd. My head and arm hurt. I slowly opened my eyes and saw I had an IV in me and I was in the hospital.. What happened. I doctor looked at me and smiled "You're awake!"-Doctor "What happened.."-V I said quiet and weekly.

"You were drunk and trying to walk somewhere. You then passed out and hit your head on the concrete. You also hurt your arm but not badly. You will only be in pain for a few days then be back to normal. But I do have to have you stay at home in bed rest"-D

"Well you have a visitor"-D "Who"-V "Thomas Holland."-D I looked at her confused but nodded. She left and I winced in pain. The door opened and Tom came in. He looked tired.

He sat next to me and I looked at the wall "Why'd you come here"-V "I.. I know- I knew I was my fault. You go to the bar.. and you drown yourself out. But someone is usually with you.."-T "Too much was happening in my head so I needed to calm myself down. I was thinking the right thing when I hurt myself.."-V

The hospital room became silent for a moment before Tom stood up and started to walk around the room "I'm- im such an idiot. You're the prettiest girl and your so nice and so kind. And you chose to work with me. And I just keep hurting you"-T "Tom.."-V he stopped and looked at me

"you didn't hurt me."-V i Tried to sit up but I just hurt my arm. "I'm just doing this to myself"-V "What about Z she's way pretti-"-V "Stop talking about Z! I don't like her! we are just friends I would never EVER date her"-T

I patted the Side of my bed and Tom came and sat down. "You are my best friend. You're adorable. You're sweet. And you treat me like a queen. You gave me more best friends and got me a job. No matter how we fight I know I'll always be with you.."-V he smiled and shifted his gaze from the window to me.

He helped me sit up and I hugged him tight.


Harrison had came to the hospital as soon as he heard. He went to Violets room and opened the door. He saw violet and Tom.. he closed the door and left feeling like he didn't belong there


I pulled away from the hug and looked at Tom then giggled. "What?"-T "We should build a pillow and blanket fort then watch marvel movies"-V he chuckled and held my hand. I felt my heart beat fast.. like before. I looked into his eyes and then cupped his face with my good arm. I kissed him and he put an arm around me.

He stayed with me until I could leave the hospital. My arm started to feel better once I was on some meds. We went back to his place and was greeted by Tessa. She came over to me and then started to lick me.

I sat on the ground next to her and hugged her. "Tessa missed you"-T "I missed my favorite Holland too"-V he looked at me fake mad and then we started to laugh.

Just Friends- Tom Holland story-Finished-Where stories live. Discover now