Part 11

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I woke up from the sun beaming in my face. I had forgotten to close my curtains so I guess an earlier start to my day it is. I assumed Tom was still asleep so I stayed quiet. I went and greeted Tessa like always.

I noticed there was a note on the table which read:
"Morning darling! I'm spending the day with Z and please don't be mad but I told her I'd kiss her in front of paparazzi. Love you lots see you sometime around ten 10
Ps I wanted to make you breakfast but you didn't wake up so here a muffin ->"

I frowned at the message. Kiss her.. I didn't see that anywhere in the contract. Whatever we just need to keep her safe.

I ate the muffin then went and got into the cutest outfit I had. I put on a t-shirt that had a box-ish fit. I put on some light wash skinny jeans with a black belt. I straightened my sorta wavy hair and did my makeup very cute. I put on some little diamond earrings Tom got me for Christmas a while ago. I added a gold chain necklace and a black chocker. I put on some vans and some cute socks with sunflowers on them.

To finish it off I got one of my hoodies and tied it around my waist. I grabbed my backpack, phone, and then Tessa's leash. I took her and went to a coffee shop I then saw a bunch of paparazzi near the coffee shop and noticed it was Tom and Zendaya together holding hands trying to get past them even though that's what they wanted.

Tom then noticed me and froze for a second. I kept on walking with Tessa to the coffee shop. Once I got to the shop the paparazzi were basically in front of the door. I tried to move through them and I did. I took out a hat I had that Tom had also given me that said "Darling" on it.

I ordered my coffee and tried to go outside but then the paparazzi finally noticed who i was. I put on a big smile as they asked me questions "Why do you have Tom Holland's dog Tessa?" One asked and I replied "We are roommates since I'm his assistant and I just walk his dog."-V "What are your thoughts on Tom holland and Zendaya dating?" Another asked and again I replied "I'm so happy for them. They always had a connection and it works with the whole Peter/MJ thing. Plus they are just the perfect couple"-V

They asked me a few dumb questions before I got out of the mess. Tom motioned for me to go walk with them and I did. I gave tom and zendaya both a hug even though I could just hear all the camera clicks "You look nice"-T "Thank you"-V "hows it going?"-V "working out well. And they finally trust me enough not to mic me"-Z she whispered so no one could hear. "Do you know why they want me out of the picture"-V

We kept walking away from the paparazzi and kept talking. "I'm not sure yet but I think we could take them down soon"-Z

Tom was about to talk but then a fan who looked very nervous came up to us -specifically Tom but..- she smiled and started to talk "hi I'm such a huge fan I've been a fan of you since like forever. C-can I take a picture" "Sure!"-T "With you too.. Zendaya.."

I moved out of the way as they took a picture. "I think you two should get back to your date"-V I wink and Tom laughed "Bye"-T

Tom hugged me and then sneakily kissed me. "Bye Z it was good seeing you hope everything stays ok"-V "Me too V. Have a good afternoon!"-Z
I walked away and went shopping.

I spent almost all day there.

Around 5:50 I went back home and did some paperwork for Tom. He always left a little pile of paper of just random work stuff for me to look through and sign off on. And basically sort it.

While I was going through it I found a little card. He had made it out of cardstock and was obviously folded and wort by hand. On the front of said "I love you so much I would go to whatever planet spiderman fought on" but then stopped since he didn't finish it. I opened it up and it was a picture of us being our cute selves in it. "Violet" was all that was wrong on the left side. Something else was scribbled out on the right I couldn't read.

I put the note back exactly in the pile and pretended I only sorted some of the papers.

I snuggled with Tessa and watched some movies. I decided to watch some young Robert Downey jr movies since.. I felt like it.
I got some food and started to watch

I had gotten through two and a half movies when I heard the door open. I didn't move a muscle since I wanted to keep my full attention on the movie.

"Hellloo"-T "Hi"-V Tom came over to me and I paused the movie "Whats up how'd it go?"-V "It was kinda weird"-T "Did you kiss her?"-V "I full on made out with her?"-T I looked at him the at my hands. "I-I-I got you something"-T I looked back over to him and he took my hand "Close your eyes"-T

I did so and he put a ring on my right hand. "Open"-T I opened my eyes and looked at the ring. It had a T and V on it and then hearts all around it "Tom.."-V "Do you not like it? I can return it"-T "No.. I love it"-V "Promise me you'll never take it off.."-T "Never"-V

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