Part 34

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It was the next day and I had organized that I would have the interview with Stella today.
Today they didn't have much interviews but they had one earlier than yesterday.

Tom went out for his run and I decided to go to the gym.

After that I took a shower and then got into a gray sweater dress with some knee high black boots. I curled my hair and did my makeup. I went to Tom and i's room and fixed the bed. I made it all cute in the background and set up my phone. I sat on the bed then took a deep breathe.

I then called her.

"Hello!"-S "Hi Stella"-V "Alright is going going to ask a few questions about you, your career, your relationship, and all that good stuff"-S "Lovely"-V "Alright So Violet I've been hearing things that your going to be started to act"-S "Yes I am. I've got everything mostly sorted out but I've just got to find something to audition for"-V "oh good luck"-S "Oh thank you"-V

"You haven't really talked much about your childhood, so would you like to talk a little about it"-S "Well.. Everyday was basically the same"-V "How so?"-S "Well.. I would wake up and I would get driven to school by my mom then my dad would head off to work. I would come home, do my homework, and when I was like 5-10 I would go outside and play with Tom and his brothers"-V

"What are your mother and fathers names?"-a "Well my moms name is Poppy and my fathers name is Felix"-V "Do you have any siblings"-S "Nope I'm an only child. My parents couldn't have any more children after me"-V "Oh. Well on to the next question. Um. About your relationship"-S "Oo ok"-V "How long have you and Tom been dating"-S "Since the end of filming of far from home"-V

"Have you ever felt any feelings for Harrison"-S

My mind went blank and I started to awkwardly laugh "Uh- no he's always been more of a brother to me. Just like Sam, Harry; and Paddy have to me"-V "Do you think you're going to marry Tom?"-S "Yes. I'm madly in love with him"-V

Stella flipped through her papers and she started to smile really big "You ok?"-V "Yes.. You two are just really adorable"-S

I laughed then she went on to the next question "A few more questions then you'll be done with this. Alright so how do you deal with hate"-S "Oh well I just state the truth to them. Straighten their facts"-V

"Are you still being Toms "assistant"?"-S "Kinda.. I'm doing some assistant aspects but mostly just being the supportive girlfriend and best friend I am"-V "Last question is, do you think that if Zendaya wasn't playing the role of MJ, do you think that you would be a good MJ?"-S "possibly."-V "Let me add to that, if they asked you to be in a own little MJ movie, would you do it?"-S "No. I think that Zendaya is a really really good MJ and peter and MJ have sort of connected in some awkward teenager way and if they made that kind of movie I think Daya would be the only one fit for the role"-V "That's so sweet. Well violet I'm going to let you go. Goodbye and thank you for doing this with me"-S "Oh you're welcome. Thank you for interviewing me."-V "Oh it's no problem."-S

She hung up and I fell back on the bed.

"Are you done"-T "Yeah. Sorry I was ho-"-V Tom walked in with a towel around him and I got caught off guard. "I took a shower forgetting my clothes were in here"-T "Ohhh. Sorry.."-V "It's alright"-T I turned away so he could change.

"How was your interview"-T "It was good. She asked some good questions too"-V "How long do you think till little clips of the interview spread"-T "Maybe about an hour after she posts it"-V

Tom came and sat down next to me and I turned to him. He had a white shirt on with some nice pants. "You look so good-"-V "In white? I did that on purpose darling"-T "You little-"-V

Someone knocked on the door and I sat back on the bed and Tom opened the door "Can I talk to violet"-P "Uh sure"-T I got up and walked outside.

I went out and went over with Paddy to sit down. "Yeah what's up"-V "I saw your interview"-P "Oh she posted it"-V he then hugged me tight and I hugged back confused "You're like the big sister I never had. You were there since day one and I've always looked up to you but thought it would be weird if I told you that. I love you.. but like a big sister"-P

"Aw Paddy! You're adorable I love you two"-V I hugged him again then Tom walked out. "Paddy's always stealing my girls"-T Paddy laughed then left.

"Did I tell you, you look absolutely amazing"-T "Thank you"-V I kissed him then he gasped then reached in his pocket. "I was walking out of my car and a fan wanted me give you this"-T he took out a little box with a box on it.

I opened it and inside was two bracelets. One said Tom one said Violet. Each had our birthstones and then a few diamonds for every month we were together. "Holy shit I'm gonna cry that's so sweet"-V

"What if we switched. You get mine and I get yours"-T "Oh wait that's adorable"-V I handed Tom the one that said violet and I took out the one that said Tom.

Jacob then called us over to say that we had to start packing for Mexico

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