Part 18

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I changed into a cropped hoodie and some ripped skinny jeans. With some sneakers and sock.

I put my hair up into a ponytail and touched up my makeup.I got my bag and we left to Toms parents house.

Toms parents are like my parents. Usually my parents were at work so I just had my best friends parents take care of me.

We arrived and I instantly gave Nicola and Dominic hugs.
"It's so good to see you again"-Nicola "You too it's been too long since we've hung out"-V "I feel like it was just yesterday you two were playing outside together and now you're.. together"-Dominic.

Paddy,Sam, and Harry came down from their rooms as I went over to them "Hey"-V Paddy came up to me and hugged me. "I'm glad you finally did it"-P "Aw thanks Paddy"-V "Tom was talking to us on how nervous you were to do it"-H "We are so proud of you V"-S

We went over to the kitchen where Dominic and Nicola were. I rolled up my sleeves and put some flour on the counter. "Violet can you cut up the dough into 7 parts"-D "Yeah"-V

I did that as the boys talked in the other room

"You've gotten so lucky"-Sam "I know.."-T "You better keep her"-H "Well I-"-T

Before Tom could finish he was called over to the kitchen by Nicola. Along with the 3 other boys

I put the dough on the counter and also the sauce and cheese. "Boys come here"-N

They all came over and Tom stood next to me. "Can you roll up my sleeves more"-V I said to Tom trying not to touch anything with my hands covered in flour.

Tom rolled my sleeves up and we began flattening the dough. "So Violet Tom told us about how you might start acting. How's that going?"-D "Oh well nothing had Really happened yet. Tom talked to his manger but that's about it"-V

"How are your parents?"-N "I haven't really talked to them much but um.."-V I stopped with not knowing what to say.

"Is tessa doing alright?" Dominic asked Tom.

They kept on talking but I didn't pay attention "Be right back"-N
She wiped her hands off and went into the other room "Sam can you pass me the cheese"-V I asked leaning over the counter as he handed it to me.

I looked down at my hoodie which was covered and flour and some sauce from me leaning on my pizza "Oh gosh"-V "You can change into something later"-T I nodded and finished my pizza.

I didn't notice but Nicola took some photos of us while we were making our pizzas.

Paddy and Sam took me upstairs to get me changed and Nicola was going to Cook the pizzas, Dominic and Harry were gonna clean, then Tom was gonna pick out the movies.

"You can wear one of my shirts if you want"-S "If you're ok with it I'll take anything"-V "I'll give you one of my small hoodies"-S "That'll work"-V "I'm gonna go help Tom pick out some movies"-P

He went downstairs and I went into sams room "You've changed it since the last time I've been in here"-V "Yeah I got a new bed and a desk"-S

As he spoke he pointed to them and I sat down on his bed as he opened his dresser.
He took out a small hoodie that looks very used but it was like cute used. It didn't have anything on it, but it was just red.

"That perfect"-V he handed it to me then left.

I changed into and took my dirty hoodie downstairs with me. Nicola put it in the wash for me as Dominic got some drink. "Uh Violet these are all alcohol drinks.."-D "Whats paddy having?"-V "Lemonade"-D "I'll have that"-V

He laughed then got out some cute cups.

Paddy came over to me and smiled "You're having lemonade too?!"-P "Yeah I don't drink"-V "Great so when they're all drunk we'll be sober!"-P

I started to laugh and then I hugged paddy at how adorable he was being.

"V come here" Tom called me over with a small pile of movies in front of him "Wanna pick out any?"-T I looked at them and then I smiled as soon as I saw that spiderman homecoming was in the pile "No"-T "Please can we watch it"-V I hugged the dvd and pouted "Fine! Fine"-T

I smiled then added it to the pile of movies to watch. "I'm making brownies too!"-N "And there's gonna be salad as well"-D

"Can I come here for dinner every night"-V I said jokingly as we all laughed.

Tom left the room and I put back the movies we weren't gonna watch into a box.

After I finished I just sat on the floor sipping my lemonade and on my phone.

"We should all take group photo to remember this night"-N "Oooh Yes!"-V "When?"-H "We can do it now"-N

I stood up and put my phone in my back pocket "Paddy,Sam, and Tom are upstairs"-N "I'll go get them"-V I went upstairs and looked in the rooms and then I heard them talking in Paddy's room. I knocked on the door and they went quiet. Tom opened the door and smiled at me. "We're gonna take a picture together and dinners almost ready"-V

We all went downstairs and took a bunch of pictures. Nicola took some then some with my Polaroid and just some cute selfies.

Tom had made a joke while Nicola was setting up her camera and then after Me,Sam,Paddy, Harry, and Tom kept on laughing. Whenever we would stop laughing someone would try and hold their laughs so it wouldn't show in the picture but then we all would laugh.

I think we just had about 10 pictures of us messing them up..

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