Part 37

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I accidentally had fallen asleep on the sofa and forgot I was in Mexico for a moment.

I woke up by the door shutting. I got up and yawned. Tom was there and he came over to me and gave me a hug. I halfway pulled back from the hug still holding on to him. "How'd it go"-V "Great. Everyone was lovely and I got to spend some time with Jake so that was fun"-T

"Did you see the beaches near here"-V "I did"-T "I wanna go before we lose sunlight"-V "Lets go Now"-T

I kissed Tom and he pulled me as close as possible and we became more passionate with our kiss.

My phone started to ring and I pulled away. I grabbed my phone and answered it.

"Violet! I know you talked to Harry but about the party-"-H "Oh hey. Um nows not a good time to talk about parties. I probably won't even have time like I'm so busy lately and when I go back to London I'll still be busy. Okay bye"-V

I hung up quickly hoping Tom didn't hear any of that. "I'm going to change"-V "Alright"-T

Tom let go of my hand he was still holding on to and I went to change.

I got into:

I put my hair up into a messy, cute, ponytail

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I put my hair up into a messy, cute, ponytail

I walked out and Tom looked at me. "Do you think this isn't too revealing"-V "It's-"-T

Tom opened his mouth trying to say something but he face became all red. I started to giggle and then went over to him.

He changed we went to the beach. Took some cute insta photos and messed around in the water, I made a sandcastle, but it started to get dark so we went back.

I went to take a shower I got into my pjs and threw on a comfy hoodie. I ordered room service and watched a movie with Tom.

I fell asleep on the couch and then I woke up in my bed.

Tom had to leave as usual and so I made a group chat with all the Holland's minus Tom.

We planned out the rest of the thing needed to be done for Toms party all I need to do it book everything and buy the rest of the stuff.

I called a party venue in LA and booked it out. I ordered decorations to arrive at our hotel and after about 4 hours of getting everything together, I finally finished.

I went over to go pack because I didn't really need any clothes from my suitcase until i noticed.. I don't have the perfect dress for the party..

I got dressed in:

With some sneakers and a white silky jacket over

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With some sneakers and a white silky jacket over. I put my hair into a ponytail not wanted to have my hair in my face. I did a little bit of makeup and grabbed my purse.

I went out and looked for a pretty dress shop. I found one and tried on a few dresses until I found the perfect one:

 I found one and tried on a few dresses until I found the perfect one:

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I bought and got a text from Tom.

"Hey"-T "Hi ❤️"-V "So what are you up to?"-T "I went to go look around the shopping area"-V "How lovely"-T "Yeah it's really nice in this area I'm in"-V "I'm so tired"-T "Aw why's that"-V "I'm not sure. I wish you were here"-T "Oh babe you'll be ok I promise"-V "Thank you darling. I love you ❤️❤️"-T "I love you too"-V "I'm gonna go now I'll talk to you later darling"-T "Bye 😘"-V

I went back to the hotel and straightened my hair now that i was more awake. I fixed up my makeup and thought I would bring Tom some coffee.

I looked at the time then looked at a schedule he had given me and quickly got a coffee and coffees for Z, Jacob, and Jake.

I got a ride to the place he was going to be and surprisingly I could just walk in. But there were  Toms bodyguards sitting down at the front. They were both about to get up but they noticed who I was "Hi boys. I would've brought you coffee if I knew you were going to be here"-V

I made them smile which made me smile. They told me where to go and I went there.

I put my hand on the doorknob but I started to listen. At first I didn't think I was in the right room..

"I love you! You're amazing. Best assistant ever!Thank you so much. I felt like I was just going to fall asleep without any coffee in me!"-
"I love you more tommy! And thank you I try my best to be the best assistant in the world"-Girl

My heart started to beat faster and faster. I felt like my body became numb.. I took my hand off the doorknob and looked up to hold back tears.

I walked away back out and gave the coffee to Toms bodyguards then left as fast as I could.

Why do I feel like this.. he just said I love you and.. she's the best assistant. What am I! NOTHING.

I shouldn't be jealous.. but I am! Toms and amazing guy and I am nothing.. I'm just a random neighbor.. He should've just stayed with his last girlfriend. He should've actually dated Zendaya.

I got to the hotel and ran to the bed. I started to cry into my pillow and his words.. her words.

They repeated.. and repeated.. over.. and over.. again and again..

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