Part 23

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we went in and instantly ,a girl who was having her birthday dinner with her friends, she and all her friends started to talk amongst themselves and take picture.
"How many pictures of us do you think will be taken of us tonight?"-V "About a million"-T I laughed and then we were seated.

We ate and talked and got our picture taken by people sitting near us. No one came up to us because they used their common sense and saw we were having dinner.

We were both stuffed but there was one more breadstick "You want it?"-V "Ladies first"-T "There's no first to - what?!"-V "Rock paper scissors it!"-T I sat up straight in my chair and put my hands in a Rock Paper Scissors "pose"

"Rock paper scissors!"-Both Tom lost so he had to eat it "Ha!"-V "I hate you"-T "Just don't eat tomorrow"-V I put my arms on the table then noticed that my elbows were on the table so I quickly put my arms in my lap. "why?"-T "People might be looking.. isn't it considered rude to have your arms on the table or something.. "-V he reached across the table and held out his hands. I held them and he looked at me with a smile.

"Pretend like no one else but you and I are here"-T I nodded and then our waiter came over to us "Would you like to have some dessert?"-Waiter I looked at Tom then back at the girl "Yes. Just one cake is fine"-V "This one" Tom pointed to a cake on the menu and then the girl left. "always room for dessert baby"-V "Exactly!"-T

She gave us our cake and we ate but after we were stuff. We got home and I flopped on the couch "Did you have a good time" Tom said as he came in after he took off his blazer. I nodded and yawned. "Sleepy?"-T he said as he stood next to me. I nodded again and he then sat down beside me "You look so cute like this"-V "Button up shirt with dress pants?"-T "Mhm"-V

He kissed me and I sighed "Can I just sleep here tonight.."-V I said with a groan "No that's not good darling"-T "I don't wanna her ready for bed"-V "I'll get you ready for bed"-T I laughed then gently kicked him. "Love you"-V "Love you too"-T I sat up then got ready for bed. I fell on to my bed without closing my door, turning off the light, getting comfy, or getting under the covers.

I woke up late today and noticed I was under my covers.. and my light was off.. and my door was clothes.

Tom last night~

I had finished brushing my teeth. I went to say goodnight to V but she was passed out. I turned off her light and made her cozy. I sat down next to her and kissed her forehead. I left and closed the door behind me.

I sighed and bit my bottom lip. She's.. amazing


I woke up from my alarm I forgot to turn off.
I got up and rubbed my eyes while yawning. I made myself breakfast and got into a cute comfy outfit. I did my makeup and hair. I was gonna walk Tessa but then I decided to post something on insta.

I took a cute/hot selfie and posted it with the caption "Should I post more on Instagram?"

I then took Tessa on a walk then got coffee.

I had gotten back and I had so many comments.
I decided to read them

"Yessss" "Omg shes so pretty!!" "Tom chose right.. damn 👀" "Yass that would be amazing" "Shes so hot 🥵🥵🥵" "Is she even wearing makeup. She's so beautiful" "Yes post pics and vids with Tom" "I'm gonna steal Toms girl 😍🥴🤤"

I was in shock with all the comments and how most of them were about me being pretty..

Tom then called me and I picked up "Hey"-V "I just wanted to tell you that I got a few more promos then expected and probably won't be home till awhile"-T "Oh okay."-V "I love you"-T "Love you too bye be safe"-V "You too darling"-T

He hung up and I went back to the photo I posted and noticed I was getting so much hate. I closed my phone and fell to the floor. I felt like I had a weight on my chest after reading the mean comments.
I sighed and sat with Tessa for a while.

I watched some tv while eating lunch. Time past by then Tom came back. I went over to the door to see him and he looked tired. "So how many flips did you have to do"-V

He didn't notice I came over to the door and got shocked. "Actually not that much"-T "Really? Also do you have news on the press tour since you were with Z and Jacob"-V "Uh yeah. They told us that I was going to go to Disneyland some day soon then my manger gave me a paper with all the dates and places I'm were going to"-T

"Will I be coming?"-V "Of course"-T I smiled and leaned against the wall "But How'd it go"-V "it went good."-T "Oh and I have news"-T "Hm?"-V "I was talking with someone and they said they have a few auditions for you"-T "Really?!"-V he nodded and I hugged him tight.
I then sat down no the counter and let my leg hang over as we talked

"We should all hang out soon like me, you, Z, Jacob, Jake, and your brothers since we are all in London. Might as well"-V "Yeah I'll talk to them about that"-T "Did you see the cute picture I posted on insta"-V "No I haven't had a chance to"-T he took out his phone and looked at my photo

"Adorable. As always"-T he kissed me and I wrapped my legs around him as we kissed.

"Yeah- um- I'll go see if everyone can hangout. And I got some things to do"-T I nodded and jumped down from the counter. "Jeez felt like I was jumping from a building. I must be short or something"-V I giggled at my own joke.

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