Part 13

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"Well we aren't kissing in the picture so it wouldn't be that bad"-V "You're right"-T
He sat down next to me and sighed "I have an idea"-T "Whats that?"-V "They called me and told me they wanted to have a meeting tomorrow.. so what if you get "overwhelmed" and we have a fake break up and you "move out" but instead you can just shop or something and I'll just move your car or something"-T

"that's a great idea"-V
I wrapped my arms around him then started to kiss him. I pushed him back and we started to make out.

The next day-

I put on a cute dress and did my makeup. I curled my hair then put it into a little ponytail and tied a bow around it. I put on some cute vintage heels I had and got my purse. I walked out of my room and saw Tom had on a button up shirt and was trying to button it but he looked nervous.

He went to tie his tie but he was so nervous and shaky to do it "Darling"-V I went over to him and tied his tie "It's going to be ok.. just pretend it's for a movie. Pretend you're peter Parker for the day"-V "Thank you.. I love you so much V.."-T "I love you too"-V he picked me up and spun me around and kissed me then put me back down. We left in our own cars and I went to go get coffee.

I got one for Tom and zendaya and just kept repeating: "We need to know what their plan is."
I dug my nails into my palms as I got my coffee and of course I ran into some fans but I could almost hear my heart just bursting out of my chest.

I got to the location and went inside.
I knocked on the door since it was locked. Zendayas manager opened the door and let me in. "Morning"-V "Hey.."-Z "Morning"-T

I sat down across Tom since Z was already sitting next to him. I slightly nodded to both of them as I handed them the coffee. I assumed Tom already told her the plan. I took a deep breathe then we started.

They started to talk a lot about what was going to happen and as planned I got overwhelmed "Why do we have to do all this stuff! It would be easier if I wasn't even here!"-V "Violet calm down"-T "It's alright we can-"-Z "It's not! It's not alright!"-V "Whats going on.."-T "I think we need to be done. I can't handle this."-V

I walked out and went to my car.

Later I went shopping and was just waiting for a text from Tom.

Soon it was 12 and I finally got a text "They told me why they didn't want you to be in the picture. Well they didn't tell me they just. Nvm. They said that now that you are gone Z and I could finally be together like it's meant to be"-T "Now can we rip that damn contract up"-V "Tomorrow"-T "FaceTime later with Z"-V "Yeah we are going on a date love you ❤️ ❤️ Have a good day"-T "You too ❤️"-V

I shopped for a while and even had dinner out. I left my car at a random place down the street-ish from me and Toms house. I walked the rest of the way back.

Tom was inside with Z on the couch and they were laughing. I quietly closed the door and went to my room. I didn't want to bother whatever they were doing. I closed my door and they changed into my pjs. I sat on my bed and took my makeup off.

I did my whole night routine and then went to bed.
The next morning-
I woke up from laughing. Loud annoying laughing. The same from last night. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone and then went out of my room. It was tom and z and they were trying to cook breakfast but were laughing at every little thing.

I stared at them for a moment then got myself down cereal trying not to interrupt their fun..

By this point I was annoyed. But I tried to stay calm and they're just friends having fun.. and ignored me and woke me up and didn't even try calling me when I got home or FaceTimed!I could've been dead and they wouldn't have known!

Ugh whatever i just want my cereal and to chill and play video games "Oh"-T they both stopped laughing and I looked over "Been here since last night thanks for calling"-V
I went to the table and placed down my bowl "We were busy"-Z "There's no we. Also thanks for waking me up and making sure I got home safe, FaceTiming, calling me, thanks for greeting me when I got home, for the good morning, goodnight, and thanks for ignoring me. Thanks for all those things I really fucking appreciate it!"-V
I grabbed my bowl and pushed out my chair and went into my room and slammed my door.

"Jeez did she wake up on the wrong side of the bed"-Z they both started laughing.. and I started crying.

Tom knew how sensitive I am why would he do this. What gotten into him. I just wanna rip the stupid contract up and live a normal life again..

They must've heard me crying cause everything went silent.

"You should go" Tom whispered thinking I wouldn't hear it but like I've said.. we have thin walls here. "But we need to-"-Z "Shes my girlfriend, you're not, please just go before I force you out, I don't love you in that way so go kiss someone else today"-T "Damn you both must be-"-Z "just leave!"-T

The door slammed and I tried to stop crying but the tears kept streaming down my cheeks. I sat right next to my door so I then heard a light knock.

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