Part 15

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The girl, Which I found out her name was Charlie, she would nod to me when to start.

I messed up my hair so I looked cuter. I fluffed it up and pulled down my dress a little bit to show some cleavage. I took a deep breathe and looked over at Charlie at the dj.

She nodded to me as an upbeat yet sexy song started to play. I looked back at Toms bodyguard and then bit my lip. I went on stage and everyone cheered. But Tom and everyone else at the bar still didn't even notice me.

Charlie nodded and then mouthed "Go girl you can do this!"

I then handed my jacket to Toms bodyguard then went over to the pole. I wrapped my leg around it then spun around it. I felt so uncomfortable I could almost see it.

I did it again and then ran off stage. I couldn't do that. I then ran off to the bathroom.

I went to a sink and looked at the dirty mirror. "What were you thinking? Seriously violet one of Toms fans could've seen you. You aren't a fucking stripper you idiots. Just try communicating for once he's your boyfriend not anyone else's!"-V

I held a locket Tom gave me of us and closed my eyes. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. Then a guy spoke"Don't ever do that again" I opens my eyes and grabbed the pepper spray from my dress pocket and pointed it at the person.

Tears were in my eyes so my vision was foggy.
"Put down the pepper spray"

The tears dropped down my cheeks and I noticed it was Tom. I put down the pepper spray and sighed "I'm sorry this girl Charlie- you were watching?"-V "Of course I always looked at you ever few minutes. I saw you on the couch I saw you talking to Charlie.."-T "Oh my god I'm so selfish!"-V

"Wait we're in the girls bathroom!"-V he looked around and shrugged "We are?"-T

I grabbed his hand and took him out.

"So you were really watching?"-V "Of course.."-T I looked at him and noticed he smelt of alcohol "Are you drunk?"-V "Uh fuck no"-T "Walk in a straight line"-V
He did so and was a little shaky and out of balance "You.. you should drink"-T "I think it's time to go home"-V "Nooo!"-T "Ok.. ok"-V

I walked off and pulled up my dress. "Why'd you do that?"-

I looked up and noticed a tall man with an unbuttoned shirt. As if I would even go close to him or even talk to him. I started backing up and I started coughing from how terrible he smelt. He smelt like dog, sweat, a girls old perfume, and a nasty alcohol "Sugarplum where you going" "I was going to grab something to drink baby. Want something?" I said In a very sexy tone
"sure thing sugarplum" I started to back up away from him but then he grabbed my arm in a tight hold "Baby.. let me come with"

I looked at him cutely and giggled "Ok baby"

with my other hand I held my pepper spray "Can I put on some more.. lipstick?" "to kiss me with"

He didn't let go of my arm so I formed a plan in my head. I took out my pepper spray then took it out of lock.

The man then grabbed my waist and tried to kiss me. I sprayed it in his face but that wasn't enough. I sprayed it in my hand and rubbed it all over his face.

I punched him in the face and he pushed me back. I took off my heel and held it up. "I could put this right through your dick.. baby"

I giggled and he looked at me in disgust "What a whore. So disgusting. Looking like one of those.. blob fish." He scoffed and I laughed "So Why'd you try and.. kiss me. Or was that a Diffrent whore?"

He scoffed and punched my boob. I winced in pain then punched his face. He started to bleed and I threw my heel at his private. He then came over to me and slapped me. I pushed him away as I felt like I was going to faint

"Don't ever touch me again bastard"

He walked away but before he grabbed my heel and threw it at my stomach.

I sat down and looked at my bleeding knuckles "Fuck.."

I wrapped my arms around my stomach and looked at my phone and noticed my lip was bleeding and so was my nose.
I dizzy and I tried to get up but my ankle twisted and I fell down. I called Tom and started to cry.

"Hey darling what's up?"-T "Um I-"-V "Are you crying? Where are you? Are you ok?"-T he started to panic and then I spoke again "no im not ok.. This-this guy and I had a fight. I beat his ass. And he slapped me make my nose and my lip bleed, I threw my heel at him and he threw it at my stomach, he punch my boob, annnd my knuckles are bleeding"-V

"Violet! Where-how-"-T "I-I'm by the bathrooms just like that hallway.."-V

He hung up and I groaned. I then looked up and saw Tom running my way. He fell beside me and he looked me up and down. "Oh and I tried to stand up and I twisted my ankle.."-V he then hugged me and tight and I gasped. "Oh my- I'm sorry- I should've been with you"-T

"It's ok.. "-V I cupped his face with my good hand and kissed him. "I sent- I sent out a team. I told Harry to call a doctor. I told sam and Harrison to go after the guy with Zs bodyguard and Zendaya, she's getting us a drive home"-T "I love our friends"-V. He then picked me up and took me outside.

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