Part 5

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The music made her feel better and forget everything that had just happened. Her phone buzzed and she looked at it.

10 new followers.
5 new followers
7 new followers
12 new comments on image "Best Day ever"

I paused and sat on a bench. I looked at the new followers and noticed they were fanpages of Tom and some of just random people. I looked at the comments on one of my pictures that was with me, Tom, and his brothers on the beach on my birthday .

"Is this Toms new girlfriend"
"Who is she"
"If she even lays one hand on him I'm going to cry"
"lol how does she know Tom"
"Is that this Toms cousin?"
"Wow she must be not that import since he's never mentioned her until now lol"
"Zendaya is way better looking. No offense"

Then I noticed Tom posted a picture for "Throw back Thursday"

It was a picture of Me and him being dorks when we were preteens.
He had tagged me and put the caption
"#Tbt to my best friend and I being weirdos."

After looking at the pictures I messaged Tom
"sooo you tagged me in a photo now I'm getting followers and kinda rude comments.."
"oh god is it bad."
"Eh it's fine.. Btw to clear up I'm not mad at you guys I just got overwhelmed"-V
"Where are you and That's great to hear"-T
"Actually I just want some alone time if that's alright"-V "Yeah definitely"-T

I then started to hear a couple of people talking from what seemed like the other street. The voices started to come closer and closer.

My crazy mind thought of the worse possible outcome and held my pepper spray in my hand. I pretended to be on my phone as the people came to the street I was at.

"I told you"-Boy 1 "Well damn I owe you a dollar"-Girl 2 "You owe me one too"-Girl 1

They were all teens and the boy had on a marvel hoodie on. One girl had on crop tops and booty shorts. The other one had on a oversized t-shirt with shorts that barley showed and a scrunchie on her wrist.

They then came up to me "Um hi.."-Girl 1 "We are really big fans of you and have been for a while now"-Boy "And we were wondering if we could have a picture"-Girl 2 "Sure!"-V I took pictures with them and we ended up talking.

"thank you for being so nice usually everyone is so mean and or just likes me because of the Holland boys or think Tom and I are dating!"-V "Really?! That must suck"-Boy

We kept on talking but soon I went over to zendayas house and we had a girls night. We hung out and she just made me feel 10 times better. She lent me one of her shirts to sleep in and we had a sleepover.

I woke and saw my phone had a lot of messages.
"Hey V I wanted to bring you home"-T
"Are you ok?"-T
"You're scaring me answer me"-T

He had sent me more messages after that. I then texted him back.

"I'm fine I just spent some time with Z"-V
"I was so worried"-T
"I'm ok"-V
"Can we talk. It doesn't matter over the phone or-"-T
"how about I meet you and your brother for coffee since I haven't seen them in a while then we go back home and talk?"-V
"sounds like a plan"-T
I got up and told Z I was leaving and went to a clothing store.
I found this cute outfit and wore it out

I then went to the coffee shop and saw the boys

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I then went to the coffee shop and saw the boys. I ran over to them and gave each a big hug.
"Hey! How have you been?"-Harry "I've been good it's just been good to see you guys"-V "Toms ordering what do you want?"-Sam "Just a normal coffee"-V "Why didn't you tell us you were here earlier"-Paddy "everything was crazy. The world was spinning and I just need some time"-V "Well technically they knew you were here"-T

I jumped and laughed since Tom just popped out of no where. We sat down and finished talking "When you went to talk to Harrison that one day they were there weren't they"-T
I shrugged and dipped my coffee.

After we talked and caught up for a while -without me mentioning anything about Tom and I- then both me and Tom went back home.

I closed the door behind me and put my phone down on the counter. I then sat on the counter and looked at Tom as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. I took a deep breath then smiled at him. "I love you. As a best friend I will always love you no matter what."-V "Did you just friendzone me?"-T he said jokingly.

I giggled and dramatically fake cried "How could you say that! I would never friend zone you!"-V we both then started to laugh hysterically.

After we managed to calm ourselves we began to do some real talk.

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