Part 26

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After awhile of being goofballs at the park I went to go get Tessa. I looked around then found her running around with some other dogs.

"Tessa! Come" I yelled out at her. The other dog owners looked over as Tessa ran over to me. I squatted down and hugged her then put on her leash.

"Mom!" One girl yelled out while running over to her mom on the bench. I looked for a moment then walked over to Tom.

"Tessa secured"-V he smiled then kissed my cheek. "Should we go back home"-T "Umm yeah. I'm gonna cook again tonight"-V "Can't Wait"-T

We walked back home which wasn't far. I made dinner and everything was pretty chill.

Not much happened the next few days.

2 1/2 Week before Far From Home premier

I opened my suitcase and signed. Tom and I were going to America but then we're going to stay there for a little while. We had to go to America 2 1/2 weeks before the premier for fitting and other things they "had to do with us"

I also had to get my nails done and I wanted fresh ones before the premier so I didn't get it here in London.

I opened my suitcase and sighed. What to put in here. Well first toiletries.

I stared at my clothes for about a couple solid minutes before I decided I had no clue what the hell I was going to wear to America.

I picked out a few outfits and stuffed them in my suitcase then figured out a plan of what to wear. I picked out some shoes and finished up packing.. for the most part

I fell back and sighed. "All I need is literally everything else besides clothes, shoes, makeup, toiletries, and jewelry!"-V

I tried to make a mental checklist but it.. wasn't working.

Tom popped in my room and winked "First time for everything"-T "Huh? For what?"-V "Private plane darling"-T I giggled then gasped "Are- Is- Harry,Sam, Paddy, your mum and dad, and Harrison are still coming with us right"-V "Yes love they're seeing the movie too"-T "Ohh yay. Now help"-V

Tom helped me with the rest of my packing and I felt less overwhelmed. I closed up my suitcases and my backpack. I got my charger stuffed it in my pocket and quickly put on the ring Tom gave me and brushed out my hair with one of my spare brushed on my table.

I looked at Tessa and hugged her. "I'm gonna miss you girl"-V

Tom squatted down beside me and let Tessa "Be a good girl"-T he kissed her head then grabbed his suitcase. I did the same and followed him out.

We drove to the airport and I was excited.

I looked around and saw a few people were taking pictures of us. It begins.

We soon got to the area we needed to be and got driven on a golf cart to the plane. I sat down in the plane and took a deep breathe. I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes. Tom sat next to me and looked at me.

"Everything ok?"-T "I'm just- excited"-V

He turned to me and smiled. "Just remember everything will always be fine"-T he kissed me and I wrapped my arms around him. I hugged him tight while kissing.

I pulled away and took out my notebook from my backpack and set it down on my tray.. thingy.

"Are they here?" Tom said as he stood up. I looked at him and put my glasses back on. "Yes they are" "Who's they?"-V I looked at Tom confused and he laughed "My family"-T

"Oh. OH!"-V

I quickly got out of my chair and went over to the front of the plane. I saw everyone and I got excited and left the plane. I hugged all of them then we all took our seats.

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