Part 12

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I kissed Tom which then became a makeout. We made out for a few minutes. We then just hung out until it got late. As I was starting to get tired I noticed that Tom noticed I sorted through the papers "Did you sort all of these?"-T "No only that pile"-V I pointed to it and then snuggled back under my blanket. I closed my eyes so he could take out the note and just pretended like I was tired. I heard the paper rustling then his door close.

I opened my eyes and sat up. "You going to bed"-T I nodded then hugged him then went to bed.

My phone started to buzz and I was getting a call. "Oh hey"-H "hi"-V "Wanna hang out today?"-H "Sure. When?"-V "Um.. 12?"-H "Yeah"-V "I'm bringing the boys you bring tom."-H I giggled and then hung up. I got out and went over to Toms room

"Thomas!"-V he looked over to me sleepily and I went in more. I crossed my arms and looked down at him "Harry and the boys wanna meet.. actually we are just gonna hangout he didn't tell me where we're going."-V "mmm sure"-T he said barley opening his mouth. I sat down on the side of his bed and kissed his forehead.

"Kiss.. my lips"-T I held his face and kissed him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me down on top of him.

After a few seconds of that I went and got dressed. I looked through my closet but couldn't decide what to wear.
I just ended up putting on some skinny jeans and a t-shirt.

I looked through my closet and took out a random t-shirt. Once I put it on I saw it was one of Toms but I left it on because I didn't want to change.

I tied the shirt in the front and did my makeup. I put my hair up into a ponytail and then went over to the kitchen.

"Darling I made breakfast"-T "Aw thank you"-V I went over to him and sat on the counter as he plated our food. I set down my phone beside me and Tom looked at my phone then me then back at the food

"Changed your wallpaper I see"-T "To me and you"-V he looked over at me and winked then put the food on the table.

We ate then we just did our own thing until we had to go.

I opened Instagram the first time in a while. I saw all the photos I had been tagged in and opened one.

It was by a fan page that was called "TomHollandAddict"
(I just made that name up shes not actually talking about the actual fan accounts)

I laughed at the name and then opened their account. They had 1 million followers..

I looked at one of the newer pictures.

It read "I'm sure we have all seen the photo with Tom with a brown haired girl. Her name is Violet. Please respect her and give her privacy. No matter what's going on with Tom or his love life Zendayas love life or even Violets, just leave them alone please. I'm sure they already get enough bs in public so please just be nice to them and don't mention anything about them as a couple or the kiss or the photos."

I felt so happy after I read that. I liked then commented "Thank you for that ❤️ And you are very correct"-V

I then looked through some of her most recent photos. One was an edit.. of me. I felt like my heart just exploded when I saw that. I liked it then followed her then just did my normal insta scrolling.

After I finished my insta scrolling I looked through the stories. I looked at TomHollandAddicts story and saw she posted one about me.

It was a screenshot of my following her,commenting, liking her posts.
She put:

I giggled and replied to her story.

"I'm just repaying you for being so kind"-V
She instantly replied "Oh my god I can't believe this is happening." ":)"-V "My name is Ella btw"-E "Well you know mine"-V "I wish I could meet you irl. Are you going on the press tour with Tom?"-E "I'm not really sure. Everything right now is just a little crazy"-V "I'm sure."-E "Have you met Tom before?"-V "Actually yes only once. He's such a nice guy. I'm hoping to meet him again since we all live in London"-E "I agree. And maybe I'll meet you in the streets lol"-V "Can I ask you some questions so I could clear up some other questions people have?"-E

I looked at the time and then replied "Actually could I do it later?"-V "Oh of course you don't even have to do it"-E "No it's totally fine I'm just going to hang out with the boys"-V "Alright have fun and thank you for liking and following and stuff"-V

"Violet ya ready darling?"-T "Yes I am"-V

We went out and ran into a fan and took a picture.
I hung out with the boys and had a good time.

It was late once we got home and I sat on the couch with Tessa "V.."-T "Oh god what did I do"-V "When we took that picture with that fan?"-T "Yeah?"-V "Well your phone was faced towards the camera so they got a picture of your wallpaper"-T "Oh my god I can't deal with this!"-V Tom came over and hugged me tight.

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