Part 38

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I had cried so much I felt drained. I grabbed my bear that I only cuddle if I feel upset. I held it close and went under the covers. I fell asleep which was great so I could forget and have good dreams.

I had gotten back from work and went to look for violet. I opened the bedroom and she was asleep.. but with her bear that she sleeps with only if she's upset. I wonder what's wrong.

I shook her to wake her up but she woke up and then looked at me in disgust..

"What.."-V "I wanted to know what's wrong"-T "Wow you remember the meaning of my bear but you completely forget I was your assistant and you call your new one the best assistant ever!"-V "You- Violet- Let-Let me explain"-T "What's there to explain. TOMMY"-V

I got up and tried to leave but Tom grabbed my arm. "Violet please just listen to me. Just for a few minutes. Then after if you want to leave, book a flight back to London, break up with me, whatever you want to do.. just listen to me.. please dar- Violet"-T I sniffed and sat down next to him.

"My new assistant, Bailey, she just broke up with her boyfriend and she said that she didn't want to work today. And she also told me that her boyfriend never told her I love you. She got me coffee and to make her feel better I said I love you. Then the tommy thing is that one day she joked of calling me that so now she calls me that."-T "What about the best assistant thing.."-V "Again she was upset so I just tried to make her feel better as much as I could. I told her that even though I may have not been telling the whole truth. She's the best assistant I've had that hasn't been my best friend, my girlfriend, or one of my favorite people in the world."-T

I wiped away my tears and looked at the ground. "I-I just feel like I'm nothing and I'm the random neighbor girl you went out with.."-V "Oh darling of course not. You're my everything! I love you so much. If we ever broke up I'd be devastated. Can we just forget about all of this and be ok."-T

I stood up and grabbed a tissue. "You're so amazing! You always know what to say. I-I don't even know why I get jealous."-V "If I were in your shoes I would definitely act the same way."-T "Really?"-V "Definitely"-T

I hugged him tight and he did the same. I kiss him passionately and then he threw me on the bed. He took off my shirt as I took off his
Then we..

Next morning-
I slowly opened my eyes and pulled the duvet over me and Tom. He woke up and I sat up still having the duvet cover me. "Morning"-T "Good morning"-V I kissed Tom as someone knocked at our door.

Tom got up and I tried to find my clothes. -he slept with his boxers so he wasn't naked answering the door-

I threw him his pants as he went to the door. I put on my outfit for the day: a t-shirt,skinny jeans, and socks with trainers.

I put my hair up into a ponytail as I was walking out of our room. I saw Daya was at the door "oh hey"-V I took my hair tie out of my mouth and wrapped it around my hair: "Hey!"-Z "I was just reminding Tom we're leaving today in a couple of hours "-Z "Oh- oh yeah!"-V "Well I'm going to go finish packing"-Z

I wake goodbye and I looked at Tom "We were meant to be packing!"-V "I forgot.."-T

We both hurried and got our things together then had to get to the airport. We got driven and as usual Tom and Dayas bodyguard walked us to our plane. I got cold so Tom gave me his jeans jacket.

We got to our plane and we got to our hotel around 7 pm.
I flopped down on the bed "I'm so sleepy"-V "We've got a big day tomorrow"-T "Oh yeah it's your birthday"-V he chuckled and sat next to me.

My phone buzzed and Tom went to go look at t but I grabbed it before he could.

Harrison had texted in the group chat he was going to come to the lobby to pick up the decorations. To put in the big place we were gonna have the party.

He then also texted me he brought Tessa to do an early gift. I went down to the lobby and saw Harrison walking in with Tessa and I got so excited.
He let her leash go and she ran to me. I sat down on the floor and hugged her. "Hey!"-V "Hi"-H "Did you have a safe flight?"-V "Bumpy ride but overall alright"-H

I stood up and went to go get the boxes at the front desk. Harrison and I went to a seating area and I opened the boxes.

"Ok so I'm going to go to set up all of this stuff while Tom is going for a run and at the gym. If I'm not finished I'll tell someone to finish it. Then since you guys are going arrive early to the party you'll set out the food and anything I didn't."-V "Alright sounds easy enough"-H "I really hope so"-V I opened the other boxes and took out the birthday present I bought Tom.

"What'd you get him"-H "A special neckace he talked about a couple of months ago"-V
Harrison and I had actually decided Tom would just see Tessa in the morning since we found out the hotel doesn't allow pets.

I took the necklace and went back up to our room.
I sat on the bed with Tom while we did face masks "Did I ever show you my nails I got done"-V "I don't think so"-T

I held my hands out as Tom gently held my in his. "Beautiful"-T I smiled at him.

We took the face masks off then went to bed

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