Part 28

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We got to a small breakfast area with not much people in it.

"Jake said he would meet us "The more the merrier"-H
We all ordered and sat down. We talked then Jake arrived. He sat with us and we- as always- we're making a bunch of jokes.

"Harry and I should head off Mum and Dad need us"-S we all waved goodbye and sat in silence for a little bit.

"So Jake are you coming to the fitting with us?"-V "Yeah I was planning on just going by myself but we can all go together"-Jake "That great"-Jacob "Oo we should do a group selfie"-V

We all leaned in and Daya held out the phone and took a picture.

"I'll send it to you guys"-Z "We should get going if we don't want to be late"-T

We all left and then got the area where we would get our outfits done for the premier. We were put in separate rooms.

"Hello. I'm Alice I'll be doing your fitting"-A "Nice to meet you"-V "I have some dresses you can pick from, you can change it up, or I can make you a whole new dress"-A "Alright. I'm so excited!"-V

She showed me a few dresses I wasn't that in love with. But then she showed me one another dress "Wow I love it"-V "Alright then this one it is"-A

"Oh what if you added a blue fabric around the waist"-V "Sounds great"-A "Now try it on So I can make it perfectly fit"-A

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"Oh what if you added a blue fabric around the waist"-V "Sounds great"-A "Now try it on So I can make it perfectly fit"-A

I put the dress on and she started to pull at some areas and poke little needles in other parts of the dress. "How does this sound. What if I make the top part of the dress blue and the bottom red"-A "I love it!!"-V

I took off the dress and she took it from me then helped me down from the little platform I was on. "Do you want any accessories. I have some here if you'd like any"-A

She took out a tray of jewelry and I looked at it. I then picked up a bracelet that kinda looked like a web shooter. "This one"-V "Alright"-A "Now lastly shoes."-A "I totally forgot about shoes"-V

She showed me a bunch of different shoes and saw these:

She showed me a bunch of different shoes and saw these:

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She measured my feet and then I left.

Tom was sitting in the waiting area on his phone. Jake had just come out of his area and we all sat down. "Im so excited. Even though I wasn't apart of the movie I'm glad I'm able to walk the carpet"-V "What do you mean you were in the background of that one scene being a student and you also were in the background a bunch"-T

I shrugged "I guess so"-V "And you're my girlfriend so no matter what you would've walked the carpet"-T I smiled then looked over at Jake "Are you excited to see the movie?"-V "Very. I think it's going to be amazing"-Jake "Me too. You guys were working so hard on it"-V

We talked for a little while until we all finished. Tom, Z, Jacob, and Jake had to do some other stuff so I went back to the hotel. I opened the door and sighed.

Harry, Sam, Paddy, Nicola, and Dominic went out to look around So no one was at the hotel.

I went and sat down at the big couch that had a cute little table in front of it. I sat down with some kool-aid cause I'm a child inside.. I put on the tv and then spilled the kool-aid all over myself.

I threw off my clothes and put them in the sink with some water. I took a shower so wouldn't be sticky.

I changed into something more casual cause the outfit was getting a bit uncomfortable.

I changed into a t-shirt with one of Toms Spider-Man midtown school of science and technology hoodies he gave me. I put on some skinny jeans and some adidas shoes. I braided my hair into two pigtails and put on a black baseball cap that had a rose on it.

I went and sat back down and went on my phone.

I looked through insta and looked at some things I was tagged in.

One person put a bunch of different paparazzi photos of Tom and I with the caption "I still can't believe Tom has a girlfriend. Smh. I wish he was still with Zendaya they were so much better together. She's so ugly and short and she's probably only with him for the fame. When did they even meet?! Two days before they started dating. Ugh I hate @It's_Violet1995."

I started to laugh at the captions and then commented. "Aw you're so kind. You should really do your research before putting negativity out into the world. FYI Zendaya and Tom we're never together it was only to hide suspicion from Tom and I dating and some personal things with our agents. Second of all thanks for calling me ugly it really warms my heart. And no I never even thought we would get attention. Tom and I met when our parents had met when I moved into my home next door to his when we were toddlers."

I posted that then instantly got replies

" 👏🏻 go 👏🏻 off 👏🏻 girl 👏🏻"
"A queennnn"
"I love her sm!!!"
"If you would look up a boss Violets picture would come up"

I felt so loved and decided to go live since I had nothing to do.

I propped my phone up with a tissue box and went live.

A bunch of people started to join and I noticed no one has really heard me talking before
"Hello!"-V I read the comments and everyone was just saying hello back "I'm in America right now with Tom and Daya and everyone for the press tour and the premier"-V

A bunch of people were excited that I was here and were saying they liked me and some even said that I should bring Tom on camera.

"Aw I love you all you're so sweet"-V
I read one comment which read "Omg I love your accent are you from London?"

"Uh yes I am from London. Born and raised in southwest London"-V "How are you all doing today"-V

I looked over at the door as it opened and saw Tom, Z, and Jacob walk in "Welcome back"-V "Oh hey"-Z "Hello"-T "I'm live right now"-V "Oh sorry"-J "No it's fine wanna come say hi"-V "Yeah sure"-Z "alright"-Jacob "Sure"-T

I looked at my phone and then moved it back so there's more space.

Z and Jacob came over and said hi then Tom came over and sat next to me.
"Everyone is like freaking out in the comments"-V he smiled then put his hand on my thigh. "Hello Everyone"-T

Tom kissed my cheek then looked back at the camera "Do you have anything else to do today?"-V "Not that I know of tomorrow is when we're doing everything"-T "Wanna answer some questions then?"-V "Sure why not"-T

We answered some questions then i finished the live.

"Your wearing the hoodie"-T "It's comfy so I put it on"-V "Darling I'm gonna go do some other things."-T "Alrighty. I'm just going to hang around until dinner"-V

"Oh yeah I was meant to ask you if you wanted to go to dinner with me tonight instead of being here. And plus we can look around the city"-T "Ooh sure. When?"-V "Around 6?"-T "Okay"-V "Oh and they told me I have to have like 10 bodyguard with me whenever we go out just so you know"-T "Yeah, that's how it usually is"-V "Ok I'll talk to you later"-T

He kissed me then left the room.

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