Part 30- Premier Part 1

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I woke up by my alarm and yawned then noticed today was premier day. I sat up and looked over at Tom. I shook him lightly and said his name. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up! Today's premier day"-V he slowly opened his eyes and then yawned.

I kissed him then took a shower. It was quite early so it was still a bit dark. I changed into a hoodie and some skinny jeans with some sneakers. Just a basic outfit.

We got driven over to a coffee place and got coffee and breakfast. Everyone was tired but we're also excited to see the movie.

A little while later after everyone did some work. It was about noon and they already started to get us ready. I went into my own room and Alice came in "Hey!"-V "Oh hi. I'm makeup artist now."-A "Is there anything you can't do"-V we started to laugh then she got started.

We talked while she was doing my makeup. Everything felt unreal, I've never gotten my makeup professionally done.

She did a full glam with a red eye look. She did a matching red lip and put some lashes on and some on the best highlighter I've seen.

She curled my hair then put a spider clip on each side. "I love it. I look great"-V "Let's go put on the outfit"-A

She helped me get on my dress and my accessories. I put on me heels and smiled. I looked at myself in the full sized mirror and then hugged Alice "Thank you, you did great"-V

She told me where to go and I did just that. I looked at my phone and saw Tom texted me. I called him and he picked up. "Hey what's up?"-V "Where are you?"-T "I just finished getting ready and I'm going to where Alice told me to go"-V "Alright. I had to drive to the premier and I can't see you till later"-T

I got into my drivers car as he drove me to the red carpet. "Alright. I'll talk to you later. Love you"-V "Bye. Love you too V"-T

I hung up and took a deep breathe. I got dropped off at the red carpet. I already saw a bunch of people there.

Oh god oh god oh god.

So many emotions started to flow through me. My first time walking a carpet. It'll be fine..

I started to walk to the carpet and I got escorted over. I put my phone in my dress pocket and started to go over to the carpet.

I started to walk in front of the people and camera flashed and I posed. People screamed and cheer and I smiled. I made a heart with my hands to a few of them then blew a kiss out to them.

I walked down for a little bit until I started to hear screaming, cheering, clapping.
I looked over and then heard some people chatting Toms name.

I started to walk down a little more and saw I was coming to the interview area.

I saw Z and she saw me and I went over and gave her a big hug "You look great and your dress is amazing"-Z "You look so much better than me and that dress is just beautiful. And thanks"-V "You're welcome! I have to go. Talk to your later"-Z

One of the interviewers asked me to come over. She counted down then started to camera.

"I have the one and only Violet here"-Interviewer I waved to the camera as she started to ask me some questions "I have a few questions so let me start. I just saw you over there hug Zendaya so would you say that you and the cast of Spider-Man far from home are close?"-Interview

"Yeah we really are. I usually was on set with Tom so I got to know everyone during the first movie but then met Jake Gyllenhaal and he became apart of the little friend group we formed"-V "Oh how sweet. So Violet, I've seen that you are trying to start an acting career, what's going on with that?"-Interview "Yeah I'm really excited about the whole thing. I've got everything set up I just haven't found the time to be able to audition for anything so hopefully I'll be in some things soon"-V

"Well I shouldn't keep you here too late but if you could pick one of Toms brothers to only hangout with forever who would it be?"-Interview "Ooh that's a good question. That's really hard theyre all so lovely. Maybe Paddy so young and he's like the little brother I've never had."-V "Great answer. Well it was great talking to you have a great time watching the movie"-Interview "Thank you!"-V

I walked away and got interviewed a few more times with just mellow questions. I went over to where most of the cast was just without Tom. I gave a lot of people some hugs.

I started to talk to Z and I saw Tom was getting interviewed along with Jake. I bit my lip then looked back at Z "God, you're in love"-Z I smiled and then nodded.

Before she could say anything else someone called her over. She walked away and then I started to panic a tiny bit. A lot of people were around me and I was alone.

I'll be fine. Nothings going to-

I felt like i was starting to have a panic attack.

Not here not now.

I started to take deep breathes and slow down my breathing. Luckily no one noticed me so I wouldn't have to explain anything. I started to walk over to where there wasn't much people and an interviewer called me over.

"Hi. I didn't see you earlier but I wanted to interview you" "Alright. Yeah I was just wandering around here I'm even sure what I'm meant to be doing"-V I said with a chuckle.

"Oh me too. They just told me to ask people questions and I don't even know what to ask" "I totally understand"-V "Well let's get started" "Great!"-V "Alright Violet. Without saying any spoilers, if possible, while you were on set what was you're favorite scene to watch"

"Ooh. Um well there was a lot of special effects scenes and I'm just excited to see how those turned out. But there was this one scene while Peter and Ned were talking in class about MJ. And I was in the background being one of the student. But Tom and I kept on laughing whenever we would look at each other then Zendaya would start laughing then Jacob would laugh too and we just couldn't get that scene. So they told me to that I couldn't be in that scene and it was just really fun"-V

"Oh how adorable."

I then heard Tom laughing then say bye to one of the interviewers and I heard him come closer then the interviewer lady smiled and said "Hi Tom. Come to join Violets Interview" he chuckled and waved to the camera "I've just come to interrupt her interview. They split us apart and we haven't seen each other since this morning."-T "Oh no how could they do that" "I know right. Crazy!"-V

"Can you hold my phone it looks weird in my dress"-V "You were meant to leave your phone in my trailer"-T "What- No one tells me anything! Another reason why we should be split apart"-V

We all started laughing and I handed him my phone. The interviewer asked me a few more questions and Tom stay over with me.

We walked away and he guided me where to go.

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