Part 20

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After a little while of sitting and talking we cuddled for a little bit and then went to a shopping area. "Look at that" Tom pointed to an outfit in the window of a store and went to it.
In the window:

(Violet won't be describing the outfits

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(Violet won't be describing the outfits. Instead I'm going to be putting a picture. It's just much easier)
"Oooh I like that a lot"-V "cmon let's go inside"-T

"Hello. My name is May, so May I help you"-M we both chuckled then I said "Oh I saw the "Cherry Mood" outfit in the window"-V "I love that outfit. I feel like it goes with any mood"-M "if you don't mind I don't have any costumers so would it be alright if I picked some outfits out for you?"-M "Sure. That sounds lovely"-V

She took Tom and I into the back area. She got some outfits and I tried them on.


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And last outfit:

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And last outfit:

I spun around in the dress and Tom looked at me with his mouth open

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I spun around in the dress and Tom looked at me with his mouth open. "Y-you look amazing"-T "I'm going to get all of the outfits"-V "Alrighty then I'll meet you at the cash registers"-M

I changed and then went back to where Tom and May were. She started to print the receipt then took a deep breath "I'm so sorry to ask you this but could I have a picture."-M
"Of course. And it's alright"-T

They took a picture then as May put everything into a bag Tom put his arm around my waist and held me close.

Someone had come in and they started to talk to a few people. I turned around and gasped when I saw who it was. Ella (TomHollandAddict) was there and she didn't notice it was me cause she was talking to her friend "Hi Ella"-V she looked over at me and her jaw dropped "You weren't lying?!"-Friend

I went over to her and gave her a big hug. "oh my god I'm freaking out"-E "It's so good to finally meet you in person"-V "You too! You're so beautiful"-E

Tom got the bag and turned around. Ella's eyes fell on Tom and she looked like she was going to pass out "Oh my gosh are you on a date I'm so sorry-"-E "No it's fine"-V "Dar- V is that the fan account girl you were talking about"-T "Yeah"-V

He came over to her and gave her a hug as well.
I looked over at her friends and they looked in shook "I thought you were lying for clout!"-Friend2 "Whatever I don't even need "clout"-E "Please be kind to Ella. She is the best fan account owner I have ever met. She deserves so much. She was the only one supporting us when those pictures got leaked"-V

"If you don't mind can i ask you how long you've been dating?"-E "Like kinda.."-V I looked at Tom and he finished my sentence "Sorta after we finished filming"-T "It's actually a funny story"-V

Her friends had to go, and we sat outside and talked. "We both liked each other when we were kids but never had the courage to tell each other"-T "Were you two friends as kids?"-E we both nodded and then I started to talk "And the reason we actually knew we liked each other is because I started to date Harrison to cover up that I liked Tom and hoped my feeling would stop but they didn't so.."-V

Her mom started to call her and she had to go. But we obviously took a few pictures before she left.

Tom and I kept walking around the shopping area holding hands not thinking much of it.

Behind us we heard a loud whisper (keep in mind not a lot of people are out) say "Look they're over there" I looked at Tom with an annoyed face. As one of them spoke again.

I'm sure they thought we couldn't hear them but we could. "Make sure to get a lot of pictures"

I looked at Tom annoyed again and then sighed "We should go to the movies!"-T "What movie?"-V "I don't know. I'll see once we get there"-T

We went the way to the movies but didn't actually go. Just to loose the paparazzi. But it didn't work. Tom stopped with a fan then the paparazzi came up to us "I'm with channel five news and I'd like to ask some questions"

"How do you feel that the fans like you better with Zendaya" "That's alright but I know who I love so that's all that matters to me. Plus there will always be fans out there who are unhappy"-T "Violet how do you feel that you are being shipped with Toms brothers" "I-I don't mind it. L-like Tom said it's gonna happen"-V

"Is your relationship just fake for the fans" "No, definitely not"-T "Why did you ever fake being with Zendaya If-"

A girl walked over and went in front of the camera "Give them privacy! Every time they go out together you take pictures! Have you ever thought that they are real people too! I know it's your job but leave them the hell alone!"

The girl had an American accent and had her hair up in a messy bun. She had on a tank top with a zip up jacket overtop and some jeans. "Little girl please step out of the way" "My dad is a police officer and my mom is a lawyer"-Girl "That doesn't scare me!"

The girl tripped as she walking toward the guy then the camera man dropped his camera and pushed the girl. "That's it I'm suing you for pushing me!"-Girl. The guy ran away and went into his car then left.

"Thank you that was very sweet"-V "Of course."-Girl

She walked away and we went back home

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