Part 33

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They went and greeter the interviewer. Her name was Jessica. I stood behind the camera and blew a kiss to Tom when no one was looking. He winked at me then the camera man started to record.

"Hello it's good to have you for your first interview of your press tour"-J "Thank you for having us"-Z "Well let's get started with these questions"-J

She asked some basic questions, questions about the movie, but the she asked Tom..
"So Tom. About your love life"-J he looked at me then back at Jessica "Getting to the deep questions"-Jacob "So you have a girlfriend, how long have you been dating"-J "Since about.. about around the time we finished filming for the movie"-T

"Was there a lot of hate or was everyone excepting"-J "It was like a 50/50 with that"-T "Violet you should join"-J "I- I look like shi- I look bad"-V I went in front of the camera and waved. "I've seen that you're the queen of comebacks with the hate"-J "Well I just don't like when people are rude it's very unnecessary"-V

She asked me a few more questions then they went back to movie questions.

I left that area and went to the back area where they had some food. I grabbed myself a coffee and then opened my phone. But then I heard "First interview done!"-Z

That was a fast.. I went back to my phone and opened my Instagram messages.

I saw a fan who's name was "TomHollandismyBaby"
I looked at her page and her name was Stella.
She had messaged "Hello Violet. I'm not sure if you are going to see this but i would like to possibly have a interview over video with you about you, your relationship, and possibly your life. Message me if you are able to"-S

I messaged back:
"Hi Stella. I will have to check with my manager and find time to be able to get on a call but I'll definitely try to see if I can. Will the video be going on Instagram?"-V

I put my phone in my bag and walked out to the main area. The room was empty and I was confused.
I took out my phone again and messaged Tom

"Tommmmyy. Where'd you go"-V
"you haven't called me Tommy in ages. And I'm outside my love"-T

I threw away my cup and walked outside. Tom was getting to the car and I looked at him with a sassy look "You almost forgot something"-V he said nothing and just moved over.

"Great talk"-V

My phone lit up as Stella messaged back
"Oh wow I'm surprised you answered. And yes I completely understand. Whatever time works for you, and if you will even be able to do it, the time will work for me. Also yes it will be going on Instagram"-S
"Alright great I'll check in with you when I figure things out"-V

Tom started to talk and then put his arm around me. They started to laugh and then I put my phone down. I moved closer to Tom and started to talk a little more.

"Next interview here we go" Jacob said as the car stopped.
Z and Jacob got out and I was going to get out but then Tom grabbed my hand "Can we talk"-T "Now?"-V "Yes"-T "Whats up?"-V "I really should be asking you that. You seem off. You left during the interview and now you were just on your phone when you wouldn't miss a single conversation.. ever"-T

"Oh- I left the interview cause I wanted coffee and I was just talking to a fan about them interviewing me"-V "oh"-T i cupped his face and kissed his lips softly. "Babe... Whatever is going through your mind just.. clear it. Please for me."-V I gave him a small reassuring smile. "God you're amazing"-T

He hugged me tight and I did the same.
"I love you so so so so much"-V "I love you a thousand times more darling. You're my world, you know that!"-T "Yes I do. We should probably head inside and I promise I'll watch your whole interview this time"-V

"promise?"-T "Promise!"-V I put out my pinky and he winked at me when we did a little pinky promise.

He walked over to the door but then I noticed I left my bag in the car "You head inside I'll get my bag"-V

I let out a long sigh. "You ok"-Z "She's just- ooh- And she has the sweetest smile! And the-And the biggest heart."-T "You too are perfect for each other it's so weird"-Z "You too are also so alike it's creepy"-Z

I laughed then Violet walked him. "Found your purse I see"-T "Indeed i did. Can you hold it for me while I go find your bodyguards I need to ask them something"-V "Oh sure"-T

She handed me her bag then she kissed my cheek.

"I wonder what she has in her bag"-T

I looked in it the pulled out her wallet. I opened it and I instantly saw my face. I opened a little pocket and saw a bunch of Polaroids and pictures of us.. and a note from me.. from the second grade.
She kept that
She actually kept that

I put it back in her purse and pulled out her phone as it buzzed. "She's got you everywhere"-Z she said as she saw Violets homescreen, a picture of me and her when we were at the premier.

"Yeah.. I have her everywhere too"-T

I put her phone away and pulled out my phone. I showed Daya my homescreen of a picture of her being adorable.

"I'm so sorry for the delay follow me"
A lady said right as Violet came over to us. I handed her, her bag.

We went into the interview and it went over fast. The rest of the day we had a few more interviews that went by, in what felt like a second

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