Part 17

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We had our ice cream and Tom went off in his room then left. I just messed around and cleaned the house.

I fell back on to the couch and sighed. "Ughh I'm so tired"-V I turned over to Tessa "Do you love Tom as much as I do?"-V I pretended like she responded and "responded back" "I think I love him more."-V she barked and I started to laugh. "Fine you win"-V

I heard Toms laugh and sat up "How long were you here?"-V "Long enough not to hear your conversation with Tessa"-T

I looked at what he was holding in his hands then back at him to change the subject "What's that?"-V "A box"-T "Who's it for?"-T "oh it's just a box I'm going to put stuff in it for someone "After you put the stuff in it want me to give it to the person?"-V "Um no because- actually uh never mind"-T

I looked at him confused and he came over to me and handed it to me.

I opened the box and inside was a gold ring with a pink diamond on it. I took it out and looked at it. Engraved in it read: my forever darling. Violet + Tom =Love

I looked at Tom then hugged him "Thomassss"-V he took it and put it on my right, ring finger.
"Promise me you'll never take it off?"-T "Never ever!"V.
I wrapped my arms around him then kissed him.

A couple weeks passed. Tom had gone to some meetings. We hung out. I hung out with the boys. Not much had happened until..

When I was doing my makeup Tom came in my room and he leaned against the door frame "Hey"-V "So"-T I turned around and looked at him "I was thinking today could be the day"-T "Tom.. I don't know"-V "It's been almost a month since me and z announced we weren't actually dating"-T

"I.. eh"-V

I stood up and sighed "You think we should"-V "Yea"-T "Then.. I guess we should do it- I'm not ready!"-V

Tom nodded then I closed the door. I changed into a jumper with some cute jeans. I tucked my jumper into my jeans and put a belt on. I straightened my hair. I put some socks on and came out of my room. "Ready"-V "Yes"-T

I then went live and quickly people joined "Wait till more people come"-V he nodded and more and more people joined
"Should I start?"-T "Yeah.."-V

He put his hand on my thigh but it was out of frame so you couldn't see. "Hello everyone this is an announcement from me and Violet"-T I looked at the chat and everyone was pretty confused

"As some of you may know. Me and Zendaya were "dating" but we actually weren't."-T "It was fake. Because they are covering up something.."-V "Yes we were. Me and Violet, This girl right, we are.. dating"-T "And have been for a while now"-V

We talked for a little longer on the live answering some questions but then soon ended it.

He posted a cute picture of us on his insta of us and captioned it "Girl of my dreams.. Now I can share my dream"

I looked at him after he finished writing it and he smiled "You're too cute"-V he pushed me back and hugged me tight "love you"-T "Love you too"-V I kissed him then went to go make lunch.

After lunch I looked at Toms picture.
I opened the comments and read some
"Yay I'm so happy for you two!!"
"Ew wtf she's so basic"
"Sad it's not zendaya"
"Shipppp!! When's the wedding?"
Then one from TomHollandAddict
"I would like to see all the hollands, Violet, zendaya, haz, and Jacob all in one picture. That would be the most chaotic thing ever"

I replied "We all have. We tried to take a picture.. but it didn't work out well."-V

I read some more and I wasn't too upset afterwards. I put my phone down and took a deep breath.
"I'm really proud of you V" Tom said as he sat next to me "Now we can go out in public.. without having to worry about every little thing"-V "Yeah!"-T "I think we should celebrate"-V "What did you have in mind?"-T "Well we can get your whole family and we can just hangout or maybe just a dinner. It's been so long since we all hung out so"-V "I'll talk about it to my mum"-T

He went to his room and I got my phone and opened to Ella's page (TomHollandAddict)

Her newest post was a screenshot of me and Tom in the live. We were looking at each other with what Ella calls "Heart eyes"

She wrote: "They're in love. Please be nice to Violet and Tom and just be happy they can finally tell us that they are together. And Tomdaya people.. sorry for your loss"

I bursted out laughing at the last part then commented.

"Thank you Ella ❤️ Also send me this screenshot..."-V

She responded: "Of course Violet ❤️And will do 😊 😂"-E

She sent me it and I saved it. Some other people replied to my comment and I read them

Tom came out of his room with a big smile "They said they are able to. And we could just have a fun night."-T

He then went on and explained what she had in mind "She said we could all make some pizza then watch some movies"-T "That sounds great"-V

Tom smiled and I went to get changed.

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