Part 14

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Tom must've sat down next to the door also because when he knocked it was at my level. "I know I've been kinda a dick but I love you and i really didn't notice how much of an asshole I've been. I know how you get with this kinda stuff and I need to treat you better"-T

"Say something.. anything"-T

He began to talk more but I started to doze off from how early I woke up. I then woke up from Tom knocking on the door again.

"Violet come on I just want to hear you.. Actually I know what I have to do.. I think it's better off if we actually break up."-T "Wait Tom.. What"-V I heard him get up and I tried to open my door but I was stuck "Tom Tom Tom please wait m-my door's stuck I-i-I"-V

I felt like my room started to shrink. He didn't respond and I heard his footsteps go in the distance more and more. "TOM PLEASE"-V I started to sob and started to kick and punch and throw things at my door. But nothing worked.

I felt like I started to fade away. Like I was nothing without him.

I woke up Suddenly and noticed I was crying "Did you have a bad dream?"-T I was cuddled in Toms arms and realized it was only a dream. I nodded then kissed him. He started to play with my hair then I said "What happened?"-V "Well we were talking and then you started to fall asleep so I took you out of your room and just started to watch a movie"-T "I had a dream you broke up with me. M-maybe that means you're going to break up with me in reality"-V

I sat up and looked at him with a worried look "Darling.. Never"-T I sighed "So the contract"-V "Let's go to the police"-T "I'll get the stuff"-V "Also Z texted me and said stuff was going on and that's why she was being so rude"-T "should we bring her?"-V "Yeah I'll call her"-T "Also I'm sorry how I was being"-T "It's fine I was over reacting"-V

I hugged him then went to my room and got out a box. I checked to see that everything was still in there. I changed into a t-shirt and some jeans then put on one of Toms hoodies. I put some socks and sneakers and put my hair up into a ponytail then went back out with the stuff.

"She's going to meet us there"-T "Alright lets go"-V

We went to the police station and Z was standing outside. I gave her a hug and we went in.

One of the nice police men took us into a room and we told them everything. I showed them the video and the contract and all the shitty things those guys have done.

Once we were finished they decided to arrest them (There's no court or anything like that just because they good guys are always right)

It was a while later and Me,Tom, Z, Harry, Sam, and Harrison decided to go to a club to celebrate.

I got into a wine red off the shoulder high-low short dress. I put on some black heels and got my sparkly clutch. I curled my hair and did a full face of makeup. I put on a necklace and a few rings.

I walked out of my room and Tom turned around and looked at me. His jaw dropped "Holy- Fuck"-T I giggled and he crossed his arms "You look- Just Wow"-T I went over to him and put my arms around him. "Love you"-V "You're so beautiful.. Why me"-T "Becaaause"-V I walked away from him and grabbed my keys then started to talk again "You're cute, sweet, you know how to treat a girl, you're my best friend, I work with you, you're adorable, really cute, and just the best guy I have ever met. I could go on for hours about everything amazing about you"-V

"Well I think I have more things I could say about you"-T "Hm is that so?"-V "Well you're kind, pretty, cute, smart, my assistant, adorable, very beautiful. You love my brothers and my parents, you take care of Tessa, my friends are your friends, you can handle my fans. Should I go on?"-T "Well I think we can both agree that we are madly in love"-V "Wait.. we should do that spider-man kiss"-T

I started to laugh and then there was a knock at the door. I opened it and it was Harrison "Limo for Mr.Holland and Ms.Willow"-H I hugged him and then we went into the limo.

Z and Tom got their bodyguards to come so we would all be safe.

We all went inside and they all went to the bar. I didn't drink.. only sometimes but I only like specific drinks so I never get any  alcohol. I sat down at a couch and waited for them to finish.. but a half hour passed and they just stayed at the bar.

I got busy of waiting so I just went to the dance floor. I got many looks from guys but Toms bodyguard was close by just Incase.

I started to dance to the music. A beautiful girl came over to me and took me aside "Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend or any friends?" "I do yes. A boyfriend and a group of friends"-V "Then why is a gorgeous girl like you dancing alone?" "They're at the bar and have been there for almost an hour now"-V "Well I know something that'll get their attention" "What?"-V "We have a pole.." "No way I don't even know how"-V "Just spin around it a couple of times to get their attention." "I guess I'll do it. Put on a good song tho"-V

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