Part 29

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Around 4:30 I started to get ready.

I put on this dress:

I put on this dress:

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With these shoes:

With some pantie hose

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With some pantie hose. I put a sparkly choker and a matching bracelet. I put on some rings and a necklace Tom had given me and the ring I always wear. I put on heart earrings and then curled my hair. I did my makeup and got my purse. I put a few things in it and then walked out of my room.

I slowly closed the door and went to grab my phone which was charging on the floor. Before I could walk over to it Daya came from the kitchen then looked at me. "Wow. You look great"-Z "Oh- thanks"-V

She smiled and I went over to my phone and got it. I looked at the time and saw it was 6:12. "Do you know where Tom is or could be?"-V "Hm.."-Z "Like did he tell you where he was going or did you see him walk out..?"-V "Um no ask Jacob or Sam they're still here. Harry went out to the gym downstairs. So ask them they're both in their rooms"-Z

"Ok thanks."-V
She sat down and I went over and then my phone buzzed.
Tom had texted me: "I'll be up at the hotel in a little I wanted to see if we had a ride"-T "Okay. If you want I can meet you down there?"-V "Oh sure ❤️"-T

I put my phone in my bag then went downstairs. I looked outside and saw it was raining. I walked to the door then walked out. Tom was standing under and umbrella leaning against a limo.

"Car for Violet?"-T I giggled and quickly walked over to him. I cupped his face and kissed him. He hugged me with his empty hand and said "You look amazing"-T I smiled as he opened the door for me.

"I think you look amazing as well."-V I said as he adjusted his glasses and smiled "Thank you Darling"-T "I love when you wear glasses"-V "Me too. I like when you wear those big round ones"-T

We kept on talking until we got to the restaurant. Outside I saw few of Toms bodyguards talking.

We walked out under the umbrella and Toms bodyguards followed us in. We got seated at a two person table in a cute romantic area.

"This place is really nice"-V "it is"-T I opened the menu and looked through the food.
"I think I'm just going to get a salad"-V "Me too. I need some health in me"-T I giggled and put the menu down.

The server came over and Tom ordered for me and him. He got some wine for us both as well. "Babe"-V "Hm?"-T "Oh I forgot"-V he bit his bottom lip and said "Aw that's alright."-T "Thoughts on America?"-V "Well this isn't the first time we've been here but great"-T "Yeah"-V

I looked around then noticed someone was sneakily pointing their camera our way. I then turned around and looked at Tom "What are you doing tomorrow?"-V "I have a few meetings. I have to go back in to make sure my suit fits the way it's meant to. You're coming with me for that and a bunch of other stuff I don't remember"-T

"I get to join you on your adventures"-V I said with a wink. "Of course"-T he leaned closer across the table and I started to giggle. "You're So adorable"-T I blew a kiss and he smiled.

The food came and we ate then after we ordered some dessert and Tom kept making me laugh.

We ate dessert then left. We had to get dropped off a little bit away from the hotel so the driver could park somewhere and we wouldn't have to walk from wherever he parked to our hotel.

I started to shiver since it was still raining and Tom noticed. He took his jacket off and put it around me. "Thanks"-V "Anything for you V"-T

Tom stopped and I did too. "What's wrong?"-V he pulled me close and kissed me passionately. "My princess"-T I bit my lip and trying not to blush. "That must make you a prince"-V "I guess so"-T "You'll have to save me from the crazy lady who is keeping me in a tall tower!"-V I said dramatically.

we both started laughing then got to the hotel.
I went and took a hot shower since I was freezing and got into my cozy pjs. We were all going to watch a movie so I went and sat down on the couch in front of the tv.

"Those pajamas are adorable"-Z "Oh thanks. This is my first time wearing them"-V she sat down and threw me a blanket. I put it over me and she looked through some movies on Netflix. Jacob sat down too and then Tom came and snuggled next to me.

Sam or Harry weren't going to come because they were with Nicola and Dominic. Tonight it was just us four.

We all chose a movie and watched it. We then all went to bed.

The next day was kinda boring until it was time to see my dress. We got to the place we went before and then i met up with Alice.

She showed me the finished product of my dress and I was in love with it.

I had to go to a few meetings with Tom and a few with Z but then everything happened so fast I couldn't believe tomorrow was the day...

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