Part 51

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"I really wanted to talk to you"-A "About?"-V "Actually if we could talk in person.."-A "Uh sure where and when"-V "Sometime today and how about a restaurant"-A "Actually today isn't good for me"-V "What you got a hot date"-A "I-"-V "Well I cant do this week at all and I wanted to tell you soon"-A "Well I mean I could do right now. And how long will you think this will take?"-V "Shouldn't take more than an hour and yeah I'll meet you at.. actually I'll just send you a location"-A "Alright"-V

I hung up and texted Tom "hey so I'm gonna meet up with an old friend. I'll be back home before our date ❤️ love you, drive safe 😘"-V

I went to the location Aaron gave me and went inside. "Violet?!"-A "Oh hi"-V

He looked me up and down and bit his lip "You look great"-A "Thanks.."-V

This place was a restaurant but I wasn't going to spoil my appetite before Tom and I's date.

As Aaron ordered Tom responded to me "Have fun! See you later. Love you too  😍😍"-T

I put my phone down on the table and Aaron looked at the my wallpaper "Who's that?!"-A "My boyfriend"-V "Y-you have a boyfriend.."-A "Uh yeah?"-V "Oh.. the-the whole reason I-I called you is to-to tell you I- I have feelings for you- again.."-A "Ohh uhhh well I'm taken.."-V "I bet your boyfriend doesn't even treat you well I'll treat you better"-A "Sorry to say but he treats me like a queen- no a goddess. And if you have the audacity to try and break us up then think again cause I love him, he loves me, and we're in a happy healthy relationship. So if you'll excuse me. I have a date to get to"-V

I stood up and walked out. "Change of plans I'm coming home"-V I texted Tom.

I came home and Tom was putting away groceries "Back so soon"-T "Yeah"-V "Well that just gives you more time to be home"-T I guess so. I went over to Tom and helped him put away the groceries.

I then went to take a shower and when I went out to go back to my room Tom was looking intently at his phone then got up as I walked over.

I fixed my towel as Tom asked "Wh-Who'd you meet up with?"-T "Do you remember Aaron from school"-V "The guy you used to like"-T "Uh- yeah"-V "Cause I was um- my phone died and I wanted to text my mum something and so I used your phone. I saw you had a voicemail so I-I listened to it and Um- he- he was saying stuff about how he loved you. And so I just brushed it off but then I went onto your Instagram and I-I saw you were getting tagged in a-a lot of picture and I was a few picture of Wh-when you met up with the guy- with the- Aaron."-T

"Are you ok? You're very- uptight and you're stammering a lot.."-V "I don't know I- you're a beautiful girl violet and I get help but get jealous. I love you and I'm pretty you do- too but-"-T "Thomas Stanley holland I love you so much. And you are so so so handsome and I'm so lucky to have you as my boyfriend and I wouldn't even think to go to a low life from my past like Aaron. The whole reason I left early was because Aaron was saying.. thing to me and I didn't want any part of because the whole fucking time I couldn't help but think about you the whole time I was with him. And I don't ever want you to be jealous in any way"-V

Tom started to smile. "You're so amazing"-T "You're.. sensational"-V "I cant beat that"-T
I went over and kissed Tom passionately. My towel nearly slipped off my body in the moment. "You should probably get changed"-T "Towels slipping can be for later"-V I winked at him while walked away. "CARTER"-T "I'm just.. planning out my night"-V "Oh my- just go get dressed"-T

I went in my room and closed the door.

Tonight was Tom and I's first date since our breakup and we haven't actually had a normal little date in awhile.

I looked for a dress until I finally found the perfect one.

I looked for a dress until I finally found the perfect one

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