Part 39

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I woke up from my alarm. I got dress and kissed Toms forehead then wrote him a note.

I left and went to the building where we were going to have the party. I started to se everything up.  Harry texted me and told me he was going to bring Tessa home.

I woke up and got dressed to go on my run. I saw a note from Violet.

"Went to breakfast and I wanted to look around the city."

I then went for a run

I had finally finished setting up and got so excited on how it looked

After my run I went back to the hotel. I then saw Harry. But then I saw Tessa. I went over and kneeled down next to Tessa.

Violet- I drove back to the hotel. In our room I heard Tom in the shower.  I knocked on the door and said "Hey babe I was thinking we could go on a date later"-V "Oh sure!"-T

I sat down on the bed and Tom finished his shower. He had a towel wrapped around him then turned to me "Oh- V- Harry surprised me with Tessa"-T "Wow really?"-V I acted surprised cause I'm not going to say I Was involved.

Tom dried off and changed. I then stood up and hugged him tight "Happy birthday!"-V he hugged me back tight and chuckled "Thank you darling"-T

He went out to go hang with his family and I just chilled. I looked on Instagram and saw all the birthday wishes to Tom.

I posted a picture of him with the caption
"Happy birthday @Tomholland2013. You're my life and I love you so much darling. Have a great birthday ❤️ 🎂"

I got a notification that Tom liked my post " ❤️ "

I looked through some of the comments.

"I can't with this couple they're too pure!"
"Tom is so luck she's so sweet and adorable I want her as my girlfriend"
"This relationship is was I aspire to have one day"
"Honestly Tom should just marry her already"
"So adorable!!🥺🥺"
"I've been waiting for Violets post all day!!"

I replied to the last one
"Well here ya go. Is it what you wanted?"
They replied
"Omg Yes!"

I laughed then Tom came back and we both changed into our date outfits aka the party outfits since this date is a distraction.

I put on the dress

I put on the dress

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With these heels

I curled my hair then put a bracelet and some rings on

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I curled my hair then put a bracelet and some rings on.

I did my makeup like this:

I grabbed my purse and put a few things in it

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I grabbed my purse and put a few things in it. "Tom I'm ready"-V
Tom came out of our room and looked at me "Wow-"-T "Do I look ok?"-V "You look amazing "-T I went over to him and kissed him passionately. I pulled away and giggled. "Whoops I got lipstick on your lips"-V I wiped it away and Tom hugged me. He sighed and I looked at him "You alright?"-V "I'm so lucky to have you"-T "And I'm so lucky to have you!"-V

We met Toms bodyguards downstairs. We got to the restaurant and got to a table. We had a great time.

Then it was time for his party. We got driven to a "random place" and then I took Toms hand and went inside. It was dark until everyone yelled "surprise!" Tom let go of my hand to go talk to everyone.

They opened a bottle of wine and I just sat down in the back knowing they were just going to get drunk and crazy.  "Wait everyone!"
Sam yelled "Tom should start by opening his presents before the real party begins"-S

He opened all his presents then.. finally opened mine. I was still in the back not wanting to move since it was warm over here and not a lot of people were near me.

"Who is this last one from?"-T "It's mine"-V
Tom looked up at me and gave me a little smile.
He looked back down at the present and opened it. He opened the box then just looked at the necklace. "You remembered.."-T I bit my lip and nodded slowly.

"I-if you're wondering I looking in this jewelry store window a long time ago and saw this necklace. I fell in love with it but I didn't think to get it. But Vi got it for me"-T


They then proceeded to play the music and I put my legs up on the booth chair. I shivered since now they turned the air down.

It started to get loud and I just sighed.

Tom appeared out of what seemed like no where and sat down on the booth chair. "Hey. Don't wanna dance?"-T he put down some lemon aid and chuckled. "No too many people.. so little space"-V "Oh that's ok."-T "I'm really cold though. I wish I brought my jacket"-V

Tom then took off his suit jacket and put it around me "Please just promise me you'll dance with me a few times"-T "Ok I promise"-V

I put out my pinky and we did a pinky promise. He kissed me for a few seconds then stood up. I looked him up and down and grabbed his hand "Wait"-V "Whats wrong?"-T "You just- You just look really amazing"-V "I love you"-T "I love you too"-V

He went back out to the dance floor and then Z came over. "I wanted to talk to you but then Tom came over"-Z "Oh what's up?"-V "I just wanted to say how great you look"-Z "Oh thank you. You do too"-V "and I want you to dance. I get it, you're not good in big crowds but just one dance.. If you start to feel scared or something just tell us. We got you girl. You planned this whole damn thing."-Z

"I did promise Tom I would dance with him.."-V she held out her hand when she stood up and I took her hand.

"Look who's come to dance"-Z Daya said to the little group of people -Tom, Harry, Sam, Jacob, Jake, and Z, well and me too now-

I ended up having a great time. Slow danced a few times. Couldn't contain my laughs. And danced the whole night. My feet hurt so bad but it was definitely worth it.

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