Part 25

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I arrived at the meeting place and opened the door to the room. "Hello"-V (From now on Violet is just going to refer the guy in the meeting as Toms Manger or TM)
"Hi Violet it's good we can finally talk"-TM "Yes I'm excited"-V "My assistant is bringing coffee for you so why don't you sit while we wait for everyone to show up"-TM

My face went blank "Everyone?"-V "Yeah. Your manger, yours and Toms bodyguard, just everyone going to be involved with your new career"-TM "oh.. I just have one question.. Well two.. Um will Tom and I still be ok even with me "starting my new career" and also will I still be able to go on trips and thing with him and still act like his assistant.. I mean technically I still am and I'm still getting "paid" to be his assistant"-V

(I know some of this may not be accurate but there isn't much I could do about that)

"To answer that first question, yes you'll be fine. And for the second one no unfortunately you'll just have to be his girlfriend and actor not girlfriend, actor, and assistant. And there will be some thing, you as his girlfriend, won't be able to do"-TM

Everyone slowly trickled in.
We talked about some open roles, being a celebrity, paparazzi, etc.

They set me up with a manger but he currently was in America so I wasn't able to meet him and when he was coming back to London I was leaving to America.

I left and had mixed emotions. My driver had an emergency so he had to drop me off a little ways away from home. Which was fine but I was also in heels but still, didn't really matter to me.

I started to walk and shiver since I didn't have anything covering my legs and my jacket was really light.

I finally got had gotten home and it started to rain. I sighed in relief thanking that I wasn't out during the rain. I opened the door and Tom was dancing around with music on louder than I could even speak while he was cleaning. He sung along with the song and pretended  the broom was the microphone.

I slowly closed the door and started to giggle. He saw that I was there and stopped suddenly . He turned down the music and I closed the door fully "Why'd you do that I wanted a show"-V he laughed and dropped the broom "How'd it go?"-T "Great. Everything you told me was going to happen, happened."-V "That's great"-T

"Do you think my outfit looks ok. I didn't really know what to wear."-V "Adorable. I think you look amazing in button up shirts."-T "Aw thank you love."-V "We have all day to ourselves what do you think we should do"-T "Um I'm not sure"-V

Tom grabbed my hand and pulled me over to him. He cupped my face and kissed me. We began to kiss more then that turned into a make-out. But then there was a knock at the door.

I pulled away from Tom and opened the door. Harrison was at the door. I smiled and then hugged him. "Hey what's up"-V I opened the door more gesturing him to come in.

He walked inside and smiled. "I heard you got to be an actor. Not book any roles but your starting so I got you this"-H

He held out a small box with a small note on it. It had a red ribbon wrapped around it. He handed me the box and I looked over at Tom.

He has his arms crossed and leaned against the wall. He smiled as soon as he saw me look over.
I pulled the ribbon and it came undone. I opened the box and saw a cute little ring. I took it out and looked at it. And looked like:

"It's really pretty, thank you Haz "-V "You're welcome"-H "I should get going"-H "alright"-V

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"It's really pretty, thank you Haz "-V "You're welcome"-H "I should get going"-H "alright"-V

I hugged him again then put the ring back in the box. "Bye"-H we both waved at Harrison as the door closed

"Any who I had a great idea"-T I put the box down on a small table by the entry. "And that is?"-V "I think you should learn the handshake that peter and Ned do so we could do it"-T "Thomas sorry to break it to you but I already know it"-V he laughed and stood up straight.

He held out his hand and I did the same. We did the handshake and after I got really excited when I did it right.

"We should go do something"-V "Like?"-T "Hangout in the park?"-V "Ooh Yeah"-T "We can bring Tessa"-V "Alright"-T

He got Tessa's leash but I went to change. I put put on jumper and then my hoodie over. I put on some jeans and a belt with some cute socks and my chunky sneakers.

I put my hair up into a ponytail and put my glasses on.

We walked to the park and then sat under a tree. "It's cold"-T "That's your fault for not bringing anything warmer"-V "What do you mean we are both wearing hoodies"-T "But I'm wearing a jumper and you're wearing a normal shirt"-V

Tom started making jokes and I couldn't stop laughing. Tessa ran around and found some dog friends and we had a good time.

"It's actually kinda nice out now that I've gotten used to the weather"-V "It shouldn't even be cold it's May"-T "True. Maybe Mother Nature is just confused"-V

I took a deep breathe and then started to shiver. "I thought you were used to the weather" Tom said as he laid back on the tree. I sat up tall with my legs cross and held my hoodie sleeve.

"There was a breeze"-V

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