Part 42

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I felt like someone was calling my name. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed i was dreaming..

Tom hand his hand on cheek as I groaned. "What's wrong darling"-T "I had the worst dream"-V "And what was that"-T "W-well you went to a party and cheated on my and so we broke up and I gave you all your stuff a-and I went back to London.."-V

Tom then hugged me tight "Its okay I would never cheat on such an amazing girl like you"-T I chuckled and then Tom smiled. "Do you want to come with me to a fan event"-T "Ooh sure"-V "Alright"-T I kissed Toms forehead and sighed. We then both went to bed.

I woke the next morning and threw in some comfy clothes then Tom and I got driven to the fan event. We were taken back to a hair, makeup, and clothes area. They did my hair and makeup, which I didn't understand since I wasn't really going to do anything, but I didn't mind it.

They then let me pick out some clothes they had and I put together

They then let me pick out some clothes they had and I put together

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Plus a jean jacket and the trainer I was already wearing.

I went out of the room to look around. I saw a big curtain and a big bodyguard standing next to the curtain. "Does this lead to the stage?"-V "Yes" "Can I peak out there?"-V "Sure. If you'd like you can walk out if you want. Not much people are here yet"

I opened the curtain a bit and stepped out. The small front row crowd scream. As the bodyguard said there isn't much people here.
Only about.. I'd say 30-40 people.

I sat at the end of the stage and waved to them "Hi guys"-V I waved at them. I then chatting with them for a little until I left. I chilled out in the back until it was time for Tom to go out.

The crowd screamed very loud when Tom went out, as I expected.

I walked out just to see how big the crowd was until some people yelled when I walked out. I felt like my heart melted. I blew a kiss out to the crowd then went back to the backstage area.

I got a call and answered it
"Hello?"-V "Hi Violet it's your manager" "Oh what's up"-V "Well I'm going to fly you out to Canada on the 11th for your movie and you're going to start filming soon" "Wait- you mean in 2 days I'm going to flown out to Canada for filming?"-V "Yes" "So I'll be in Canada for my birthday.."-V "I guess so" "A-and Tom won't be able to come since he's on his press tour.."-V "Indeed" "Oh-ok you can text me and tell me the rest I gotta- I gotta go"-V "Goodbye"

I hung up and sighed.

It's ok violet you're filming a movie this is your dream. A-and it's animated so it won't be that hard for your first movie..

After a little while Tom finished up and I told him what my plan was going to be.

He helped me pack and we hung out the times we could since we wouldn't see each other for like 6-8 months or something like that.

I got on my flight and headed to Canada.

They showed me to my apartment room I would be in for the next few months.

I had the day to myself so I decided to buy stuff for my apartment. I made it super cute and very cozy

(Let me explain. The reason Violet is getting an apartment is because the people who directed the movie were thinking of putting violet in other movies of theirs they film in Canada)

I was making some dinner when my phone buzzed.

"Violetttttt"-T "Yessss?"-V "I miss you"-T "Aw darling I miss you too"-V "Maybe I can visit you for your birthday"-T "Oh yes please I love that"-V "I'll see what I can do"-T "I love you"-V "I love you too"-T

I finished cooking my dinner then went to bed.

The next morning I was going to be helping with picking who was gonna be in the movie with me.

I slept and in the morning I got ready and went to the location they sent me.

I sat down at a big table as the director who's name was David but I called him Dee.

Some other people who were working on the movie sat at the table and told Alice, my makeup artist who was helping us, to bring the first person in.

After a lot of people and a long day we finally picked the first main people.

I invited them out to lunch to get to know them.

In the movie I have two girl best friends and the girls who were going to be playing them are named Charlotte and Harper. I also have a love interest in the movie who will be played by a guy named Lucas.

They had also told me the name of the movie which would be Highschool Sucks. Yes, very straight to the point. The movie would be about a girl aka my charecter who is dealing with all the drama and just trying to get her way through highschool. The movie will be animated and I'm just super excited for it.

Back to lunch,

Lucas, Charlotte, Harper, and I instantly clicked. They were all very lovely people and we texted each other a bunch after lunch.

I posted a photo of a picture of us at lunch with the caption: "Can't wait to work with these amazing people! ❤️"

I watched a movie and then saw Tom commented on my post. "You all look adorable. Good luck on filming darling." I replied "Thank you 😘"-V

Then Tom texted me "Tomorrows your birthday darling I can't wait to see you"-T "I can't wait to see you too babe"-V

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