Part 7

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I woke up and checked the video Zendaya posted about her and Tom.

It has gotten so many times and comments..
I looked in the comments and read

Is something wrong with Tom? He doesn't look well..

Yay congrats I always knew!

Tomdaya is real!!

MJ and Peter became an irl thing.

Something seems odd about this.

I scoffed once i read that and liked it.

Tom then walked passed my room and didn't notice I was awake.

I rubbed my eyes and groaned.

I walked to the kitchen and made myself breakfast.

"Z wouldn't stop calling me last night. She still won't."-T "What's her deal like this is not Zendaya it's like an evil source has taken over her!"-V "I know.."-T

I made some coffee and sat down at the table. "So... We haven't really gotten to play any video games recently.."-T

I giggled and said " I swear we have not grown up. We hit 16 then we finished getting older"-V

He laughed then nodded "We just should hang out as much as we-"-T

The doorbell rang and Tom looked at me confused then went over to the door and opened it.

It was Toms brothers. "So we heard the good news"-Paddy "What was wrong with you in that video"-Harry "Next time lighten up a bit but congrats"-Sam

They walked in and I looked at Tom like a "Great this had to happen" look. The boys looked at me and I stuffed my mouth with cereal to avoid taking about it.

I just opened my Instagram and looked at my profile. I had gotten 10k followers.

I looked at my phone in shock. Why..

I put it down then went over to wash my bowl while the boys talked "Not even a hello. Jeez this house must be cursed with something weird"-Sam "but back to you and Z. How long you've been dating, how did the subject of you two dating come up, did you ever think that you would be dating, do you think that the fans are ok with you two dating"-H

I slammed my bowl down and rushed to my room and slammed the door.

They aren't dating!! I flopped on my bed and looked at the ceiling.

I noticed I could still hear them outside. "What's her problem?"-Sam "Is she alright?"-Paddy "Was it something I said?!"-Harry

"I think it's best if you guys go"-T

I heard footsteps then the a door close.

Someone knocked on my door but I didn't move. "V.. it's Tom."-T I sat up and unlocked the door then went and sat back down.

He opened the door and opened his arms.
I ran over to him and hugged him tight

"I wish we didn't have to fake it. I like you so much but-"-V  "You Guys are dating?!"-Paddy

I instantly pulled away from Tom just instinctively. I crossed my arms and looked out.

"I should've closed the door.."-T "That wouldn't work.. we have thin walls here.."-V we both started to laugh at my quote.

As soon as Tom caught his breath he went over to Paddy "We are dating but I didn't want to tell anyone"-T "Wait but what about you and Zendaya?"-Paddy "I'm fake dating her to keep a low profile.. I guess it's a stupid a non-thought our plan"-T "And he signed a contract so he can't even stop it"-V

"Oh dang I'll never have a chance now!"-P he said slightly joking

I giggled and then looked at Tom then Paddy
I was about to say something but Toms phone rang.
"It's Z.."-T

He walked away over to the door and picked it up.

I sat down and Paddy sat next to me too. I listened to what he was saying.

"Now?"-T "How long will it take?"-T "I guess I could..."-T

I opened my phone and looked at Paddy. He looked at me the same and then I started to text him
"She's probs telling him to go on a stroll or some bs."-V  "I wish you could just take that contract or know why he even got a contract"-P "I know."-V "We should go and sneak into her place and see what her deal is"-P "We couldn't"-V

We both looked up from our phones at Tom "She wants to go hold hands in the park"-T "Oh thats alright paddy and I were thinking of getting ice cream"-V Paddy nodded and we both stood up. I have him a kiss and he left.

Once the door clothes I looked at Paddy then sighed "I'm just going to have to delete Instagram!"-V

I flopped back down on to the couch and paddy looked at me as I still stood "I could tell Harry and/or Sam and then we could sneak in.."-P "No! No!"-V

"We could get that contract.."-p

I crossed my arms then went into my room and grabbed some Bobby pins. "I know Tom has a key to her house"-V

I went over to Toms jacket and picked out his keys. "Wait didn't he take his car to the park?"-P "No he walked"-V

I picked out a key that had a Z on it.

I grabbed mine and we left.

As soon as we got to her house I started to feel very nervous
I went over to the door and opened it. I went through the back because I knew that her back security camera wasn't working since Tom was talking about it. Plus the room where she might have put it in is in the back.

We went in and I went to the room where I thought I was. I opened the door with a Bobby pin since it was locked. I looked through the files and found it. I then heard Zs manger talking in the hallways.

Paddy and I hid in a closet.

"We haven't gotten rid of Violet yet."-M "Not yet? Well hurry up or we might have to hurt noon soon"-? "Well sooner or later if Zendaya doesn't sell it enough we will have to hurt everyone she loves. She just needs to get that idiot Violet out of the picture so we just have tom"-M
"No one can know. It's just us. We will go to jail if anyone finds out. We are the only forming this plan."-?

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