Part 45

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I woke up excited to my interview I threw on some clothes and got some coffee. I got driven down to the place where the show is.

I got my hair and makeup done and put on an outfit. I took a picture of myself in a mirror and my name that was on the screen which said "Violet on in 10"

I captioned the photos "Thank you @MorninginCanada for having me!

I waited a little until they told me it was starting.

"Today we have Violet in the new movie High school sucks"-Chloe (the host of the show)
I walked on stage and I hugged her then sat down "Violet it's so nice to meet you" "You as well"

She asked some questions about the movie, about on set , and about my personal life. She asked me about Tom, which I wasn't expecting.

"As everyone may know your dating Tom holland." I nodded then she went on "And a fan asked, what is something cute Tom has done recently" "Well.. every morning he messages me and says Good morning and a diffrent nickname each day, so like darling, my love, vee, and a bunch of other cute nicknames"-V
I smiled just thinking about it.

We finished at 12 and I went back to my apartment. I noticed Tom had texted me "Sorry it took me so long to message back and thats cool"-T I looked at the message and was confused. He usually doesn't message like that. Maybe I'm overreacting.

"Uh thanks"-V "Whats wrong"-T "No darling, no punctuation, no "that's lovely", Tom you don't message like this.."-V "Oh"-T "Thomas what's up with you"-V "It's not Tom" "Wait what give Tom his phone back!"-V "He told me to message you back since he's busy" "oh.."-V "Why bother message back then.."-V "Im sorry Im just doing what Ive been told to do" "Well tell Tom that I don't want some random person messaging me"-V

I closed my phone and sat down. I sighed and turned on the tv.
My phone buzzed but I didn't bother messaging whoever it was back. Then it buzzed again. Then again. And again.

I picked my phone up and opened the messages
"V it's actually Tom."-T "Violet I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that."-T "Darling please answer me"-T "Violet"-T "Yes"-V "I'm sorry"-T "It's ok"-V "Do you mean it?"-T "Yes"-V

Tom and I talked for a little longer then we finished talking.

The next few months felt like it went by in a blink.

It had been 2 months since the interview I had.
We were told that we were going to end filming early since we actually went through a lot everyday.

We had a few more weeks of filming and I was excited and upset all at the same time. But we still had to do a few interviews.

Our movie didn't anyone really famous so not a lot of people knew about the movie.

Last day of filming-
I said my last few lines and we all cheered and hugged. We all went out to lunch.

"V you should cut your hair"-C "Wait what"-V "Omg yes it would be so cute"-H "Uhh I'm not sure I feel like it would lose the Violet touch"-L "No Violet you should do it. Atleast a few inches"-Dee

After discussing the topic for a little while longer I decided to cut my hair about 5-10 inches.

Later I was very happy with the results.

The next two days was just interviews with Charlotte, Lucas, Me, and Harper. Then I started to pack so I could go home.

On the flight home I couldn't stop thinking about Tom. I was so excited to see him..

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