Part 4

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I gathered some pillows and blankets and put them on the floor in front of the tv "Can you get some snacks and the movies you wanna watch"-T
I went over to his kitchen and popped some popcorn. I then got some movies and then went over to the living room. A little blanket fort was formed over the couch. Fairy lights twinkled on the inside and Tom was standing I front of the tv

"That fort is-"-V Tom turned around but then I just started to giggle. He took the popcorn from me and put it on the table. We snuggled while watching the movies and had a great time.

When we were about to start another movie a got a call. I stood up and went to the side "Hello?"-V "Is this Violet willows?"-? "Um yes..?"-V "Well Hello. I'm calling from a managing agency. I've seen and heard around that you're an assistant to Thomas" "Yes I am"-V "Well we have some incoming new actors and I was wondering if you would like to help them while they are doing their first movie""Oh of course that would be amazing"-V "I will email you the details. See you then"-V

I hung up and turned around to face tom. He stood up and crossed his arms while slowly approaching me. I told him everything and he was really excited for me. I felt like we wasn't though.. and he wasn't when he said this "Well.. I thought you only worked with me I didn't know you were even looking for another job and who told that lady about you"-T "I'm sure it will be fine"-V

"I'm sure it would be but what if I have a meeting and I won't know cause you always tell me about that kind of stuff and who will help me and get thing for me or just be there for me"-T

I thought for a moment but then nodded. "I thought you would be happy for me.."-V "I'll have whoever pays you give you a raise o-or I can find another job here for you to do"-T "I really wanted to go tom.."-V "I understand! I need you here! ... please"-T he grabbed my hands gently and took them into his.

I sighed and tried to think but every time i looked at Tom I felt my brain.. stop. I took my hands away from his and crossed my arms. "I don't know!"-V I turned around and looked at the window then the floor. I looked at Tom then he looked at the front door and squinted. "Violet.. It's Harrison. He doesn't know we possibly have a thing or even that we are together now! You need to hide."-T

I kissed him and then  I panicked and went into his room I went into the dresser and turned off all the lights. I could still hear everything. I peaked out and saw Tom taking the fort Apart.

Harrison knocked on the door and then Tom fixed stood up from pretending to watch tv. He went over to the door and opened it. Harrison stood there with not even a smile on his face. "Hey what's up man"-T "I have to talk to you"-H

Harrison went inside and Tom closed the door behind him. "But first what's up with Violets car out there"-H Tom looked at him confused and then said "I think that's someone else's car"-T "Yeah because everyone has a pink car"-H "Ohhh yeah I-"- Tom quickly made up a lie and said "She was having some problems and then she went to the hospital and then they took her car there too."-T he then started to say his lie "And then I took it here and we talked for a little. But then she was going to come and get it because she went to that grocery store down the road and she can't drive because she hurt her arm and so she was gonna get something I don't remember what she told me what she was going to get but she hasn't been back for a while"-T

Harrison looked at Tom then the floor "Well she came to my house.. When she left here she came to mine. She really wanted to talk to me.. and she told me that she only loves me.. I really sorry but that's what she told me"-H

Tom tried not to laugh at his terrible lie and just kept a straight face. "Damn.."-T
Violet had been listening the whole time and was just in shock by how much the two lied.

Harrison then noticed that Tom had lipstick on his lips faintly. "Were you kissing someone?"-H "Huh.."-T Tom started to panic. "Wai-"-H

Harrison then got really mad that he had noticed what happened "You kissed Violet!"-H "No no let me explain"-T "It was just a kiss to make her feel better it didn't mean anything"-T Harrison scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right"-H "Yeah whatever.. Atleast I didn't lie about Violet going over to my house"-T "Violet did come back"-T Harrison opened his mouth but no words came out.

They both went silent and Violet couldn't handle it anymore. She went out and looked at them in disgust. They were both surprised "Just stop! Stop fighting over ME where did everything go wrong I just want to live my life! I'm a girl from the streets that You, Tom, lived near. I'm just a neighborhood friend who randomly became an assistant to the worlds most loved guy. Why fight over me.
I'm an idiot who doesn't even know how love works. I don't care if you stop being friend with me because of this just please stop fucking fighting."-V

She grabbed her bag and left.

It was a bit cold since it was night. She forgot to grab her jacket so she just went away to make her feel better. She took out her ear buds from her purse and plugged them into her phone.

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