Part 52

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I woke up from a noise outside my room. I yawned and went outside my room. Tom was awake and in the kitchen "Why are you up so early"-V I crossed my arms as Tom turned around"I got the flight and I think I might be able to get to the people's choice awards. I wanted to tell you last night but you were asleep"-T I rubbed my eyes and nodded

Tom came over to me and kissed my head "You should go back to sleep"-T "Alright. Have a safe flight and text me when you've landed"-V

I cupped his face then kissed him. I went back to bed.

Later that morning-
I woke up not tired this time and changed into a jumper, skinny jeans, and socks.
I brushed my hair and put on a little makeup.

I didn't do much all day but just mess around.

I put a video of me singing and dancing to some songs and cleaning, on my story.

I put the people's choice on.

Toms category came up so I decided to record the television.

Tom had won and i squealed and posted the video on, you guessed it, my story.

I put "So proud of my baby @Tomholland2013"

It'll later I called Tom when he was back at his hotel. He told me he was going to pack up then go on his flight back home.

I ended the call then got a call from my manger
"Hey! We haven't talked in a while"-V "Hi, I have big news. They've finished producing your movie and it's meant to come out by the end or mid of November" "That soon?!"-V "Yeah and Ive got you planned for a fitting for the premier" "The premier?! Wha- when-where-"-V "Don't worry, they've planned on a date for November 15th for your fitting and the premier being November 20th. I'll send you the information" "Alright"-V

I hung up and squealed. I instantly called Tom and told him the exciting news

Tom got home

I felt like the weeks passed by as I just waited for November 15th

Until it finally came

I went to a little boutique in London.

I looked at some dresses until I found a beautiful one

I looked at some dresses until I found a beautiful one

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I got it fitted to me and got matching heels

I left and again I just couldn't wait for the premier so the days flew by

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I left and again I just couldn't wait for the premier so the days flew by.

We flew to America for the premier btw

The afternoon of the premier-

I left with Tom to get styled.

I put on my dress and I got my makeup done, very sparkly. My hair got curled, two pieces got pulled to the back. They put a sparkly flower in the back.

They finally finished so I decided to look in a mirror. I looked amazing.

Then Tom and I got driven to the red carpet/movie theater. We arrived and I was shocked at how many people were there. I spotted Charlotte,Lucas, and Harper. We got out and walked to the red carpet.

Tom looked at me then smirked. I took a deep breathe as he started to go a different direction because he told me in the car he didn't want to steal my spotlight because it was my moment.

I started to walk and everyone started to scream. I smiled at the fans and signed somethings for them. I walked some more and did the little photoshoot thingy.

I walked forward then met up with Harper,Lucas, and Charlotte.

I hugged all of them and met up with Tom then went into the theater.

We watched the movie and it was amazing. We left and had dinner.

Tom posted a photo of the 5 of us and put the caption "This movie was great and I'm very proud of the cast for doing a great job. I'm very proud of  my love @Violet1995. This was her very first movie and she crushed it ❤️. Go see in theaters November 25th."

We spent the rest of the month in America just promoting my movie, press, and hanging out with everyone.

Back to london- December 1st

I couldn't believe I was in a movie.. "I really am proud of you darling."-T "Thank you Tom"-V I kissed him and smiled. "I'm going to go visit my family for a little bit I'll be back home before dinner"-T

I smiled as he left

I knocked on my parents house door and smiled "I have.. an idea"-T

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