Part 31- Premier part 2

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As Tom and I went over to where they were taking more photos they took some photos of us together. Tom held my hand the entire time we were together.

They finished taking pictures and we went into a theater. I posted a cute selfie of Tom and I then a picture of the whole cast together, then one of Zendaya, Jacob, and me together. I put the caption
"I'm so proud of everyone involved with this film. I know everyone worked their asses off just to get the scenes perfect. I'm especially proud of Tom @Tomholland2013
he did a lot for this film. He cried he laughed he put in all his effort. I know the movie's going to be great!"

I looked over at Toms phone which lit up from a a notification "Violet posted a photo"

I giggled that he had notifications on for my posts I thought that was only me. He instantly looked at his phone when it buzzed.

He opened his phone and looked at my post. He looked and me and smiled "You're too cute"-T "Tha-"-V I tried to finish my sentence but someone started to talk and telling us the movie was starting.

"Oh I have to talk"-T I giggled and nodded. He kissed my cheek then went down.

He talked about how hard he worked and just all that. He sat back down and the movie started.

I laughed I cried and I was mostly impressed.

The lights turned on and I dabbed my face with a tissue. "Holy shit that was amazing. You guys did such a great job"-V "Aw thanks. I think it turned out really good"-Z "Came our better than I expected"-Jake "I think we should celebrate"-Jacob "I saw a restaurant near by our hotel"-T "And we have a lovely pool at our hotel that I really wanted to go swim in"-V "Alright then, restaurant, pool, bed"-Z

We left and I wanted to chill from the busy day. I laid down on my bed and Tom walked in. "Hey."-V "Hi"-T he leaned against the door with his arms cross and I sat up and sat crisscrossed. "I really loved the movie"-V "Seriously?"-T "Seriously! It was so good."-V he smiled at me then looked down then back up at me "Can we talk"-T "What? About- what?"-V

He sat down in-front of me and started to talk. "Did you have a panic attack earlier?"-T "Kinda. I stopped myself- no I calmed myself down before it could happen"-V "I knew it. I barley glanced at you and I saw what was going on. I-I wanted to run over to you and just hug you but I couldn't."-T "And that is why I love you"-V

"Are you ok now?"-T "Of course! I'm here, I'm in America. I'm with you"-V
He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. He kissed my forehead and I sighed. "I could stay like this forever" he mumbled

I jumped up then Tom looked at me with confusion "Sorry I just wanted to pick out my dress"-V he started laugh and I kissed him then         went to look at my clothes.

I picked out two dresses:

I picked out two dresses:

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