Part 9

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On the paper I had written "We know what's been going on. The other night paddy and I snuck into your house and got Toms contract and a video of your mangers talking about the whole plan about you."-V she pointed to the mic she had on her then motioned to keep talking.

"I really am sorry. We didn't think anyone would be out at night"-V  Tom grabbed the note bad and we kept on talking "Really? Cause everyone just leaves earth at a certain time of day"-Z "I-"-V I looked over at the paper Tom was holding up and read it.

"They want V out of the picture so let's fake like we broke up or something"-T

I nodded and started to fake cry "I can't deal with this!"-V "Violet please.."-T "No Tom just leave her she'll be better off"-Z "How the hell would you know! You're not even dating Tom. But might as well."-V "What are you saying?.."-T "We are done! I'm breaking up with you and I'm leaving! I'm taking my shit and going!!-"V

I ran to my room and slammed the door.  "I should just go"-Z "Alright.. but do you wanna hang out tomorrow"-T "Yeah.."-Z

I then tiptoed back over to them and sat on the couch "I'll text you"-T

She waved then left

I hight fived him and then kissed him. "We are actors! That was all improve!"-V I excitedly jumped around until Tom hugged me from behind. "It was so good it felt like you were actually breaking up with me"-The laughed awkwardly and I turned around and crossed my arms.

"Well.."-V "Wait your not.."-T "No! I was gonna say well then I'm gonna steal your job"-V "Well darling you should"-T "Wait.."-V "You're a really good actor V and I bet I could get you a job.. a better one than just the assistant"-T "You think so.."-V

"Of course I've been telling you this for years Darling"-T I giggled and sat down. I opened my phone and the first thing I saw was a news Instagram page I follow..

It was a picture of us kissing. "Tom.. look"-V I showed him my phone and he sighed then sat next to me.

"Whatever happens I'm here.. They will never spilt us up.. I love you so much"-T I cupped his face and looked him in the eyes. "Don't ever leave me.."-V he put his arms around my waist and I put an arm around his neck and one hand on his shoulder. "I love you too Thomas"-V

He started to kiss me and then we began to makeout. I heard the door unlock and slowly pulled away from Tom but he still held me.

Sam, Harry, and Paddy bursted through the door. Harry looked angry and out of breath.

He held his phone out at us and paddy looked at us with empathetic look. I got up and crossed my arms "What's going on?!"-V Tom stood up and stood next to me

He showed us the picture of us kissing on the street. Then sam said "Are you dating?!"-S

"We were going to tell you I swear!"-V "Yeah right when!?"-H "I don't know soon!"-T "And what about you and Zendaya?"-S "And Why did Paddy know And not us"-H "Not even mom and dad know!"-S "Zendaya And I Are a cover. Paddy snuck in while we were talking about the contract we have with Z or something. And we were going to tell them"-T "So much bullshit"-H "Why?!"-T

"It's all just excuses.."-S

"No it's not! Don't you think we had to figure out what we were before telling anyone else?! Didn't you think that there's guidelines on the fucking contract! I don't even think we are meant to tell anyone! So take yourself and take you mouth and close it the hell up. And haven't you thought about Zendaya besides some girl Tom "dated" You never think about anyone else then your selves. Now could you please fix your fucking attitude before I make you leave."-V

Harry and Sam stood there silent and I tried to hold back tears. I clenched my fists and dung my fingernails into my palm to distract myself.

"I-I think we should go guys.."-P
"I'm not done-"-H "Yeah I think we caused enough pain for one night"-S sam grabbed his arm and then paddy placed down his phone on the side table and then they all walked out.

I started to cry since I couldn't hold it anymore.  Paddy then came back in and grabbed his phone then came over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him tight and Tom handed me a tissue "Don't let anyone bother you V. You're amazing and beautiful and you have a great job and a great group of friends. This crazy drama will be done in a month."-P "Paddy you're sounding like Violets new boyfriend or at least hitting on her.

I laughed and then sniffled as tears ran down my cheeks.

The door opened and Tom jumped up from sitting on the floor beside me. "Paddy what's taking so-"-S

Sam looked at me and I wiped my cheeks. "Can I stay here?"-P "No paddy mom needs you"-H

I hugged paddy once more then gave him a kiss on the cheek. "bye."-V I waved goodbye as the door closed. Tom then hurried and sat back down next to me. He then pushed me back and started to kiss me. I giggled and looked at him as his arms were at the side of me as he was on top of me almost in a push up sort of position.

He looked at me with an admiring look. "God you're so beautiful"-T I put my arms around his neck and smiled "You're beautiful too"-V "When should we tell the police about everything going on?"-T "I'm not sure. We'd have to talk to Z about it all"-V "Well for now I can hangout with you"-V he stood up and I did the same.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me close then hugged me tight.

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