Part 16

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Tom put me in the car and I fell asleep. I woke up on the couch in my pajamas. The tv was on and playing one of Marisa Tomeis movies. I hurt all over and I heard Tom eating something that sounded like popcorn behind me on the kitchen counter.

"Oh my god- is he- aww"-T I tried not to laugh at how intrigued he was in the movie. "Oh shit-Robert- Fight for Marisa!"-T

I looked over and saw young rdj and young Marisa. Sometimes I wonder if Tom is just a crazy fanboy.
I tried to sit up but my whole body heart.
I looked at the clock and it was- the morning!

I got enough strength to sit up. "Oh hi"-T "Hey.. Fix me I hurt"-V "Doctors coming soon darling"-T

The doctor came and gave me meds that made me feel much better.

I decided to get dressed since I felt better. I got into a white turtleneck. With some vintage jeans with a cute black belt. I put on a jacket and put my hair up into a ponytail with a scrunchie.

I put on some chunky sneakers and did my makeup.

I walked out of my room and Tom looked at me confused "back to the 90s?"-T "No I just felt like I wanted to switch it up"-V "Well then.. you should put on those big round glasses you have!"-T

I did that and it completed the look "Can you take pictures of me.. Puhlease!"-V

He laughed and nodded. I handed him my regular camera and my Polaroid.

We went off about down the street to a cute little area. He took a bunch of pictures then we went and got some coffee.

We walked in the coffee shop. And a group of girls looked over at us and they nearly screamed "Hi"
Tom said while waving at them. "Can we please have a picture of you- I mean with you- oh my god I'm so nervous right now" "Don't be nervous"-T she squealed and then they took pictures with Tom.

"You two are cute together" the girl said. I think she was waiting for me or Tom to say we weren't together but I looked at Tom then back at the girl "Thanks"-V

Her eyes widened and we went to get our coffee.
We went out and walked around "it's kinda cold today but it's nice. Should've taken Tessa with us"-T "It is nice"-V "So V when do you wanna.. announce it. Or do you not want to at all and just keep us a-a secret"-T "No I do want to. But I don't know. People still think you're with Z"-V "Oh yeah.."-T

It was quiet for a moment until Tom started to talk "I think I have a meeting today"-T "for the movie?"-V "Yeah.. Speaking of movie. I was talking with my manger.. about you. And he wants to talk to you"-T "Really?"-V "Yeah"-T "Who would've thought.."-V "What?"-T

"We were just normal kids. We played on the streets together and you were an only child when our parents started to talk. When we were like 5 we were always together. We were.. and still are best friends. You didn't even know you wanted to be an actor when you were like 10. But it just happened. I remember how excited you were when you got your first roll"-V "I remember too. I wouldn't stop talking to you about it."-T

"We were just two crazy kids."-V "Can I tell you something?"-T "Yeah, What?"-V "I never wanted to tell you this because I thought it would ruin our friendship. But I had a crush on you when I was about.. 15-17"-T "Really?"-V "Yeah because that's when you started to find your style and I just thought you looked so cute"-T

"Well.. since we are sharing stories. One night once you came home from set. I left you a love letter. Telling you that I liked you. But the note got wet and you couldn't read it so I just took it and threw it away"-V "I saw the note!"-T I stopped and looked at him "What- what do you mean?!"-V "I saw it. Was it pink construction paper that was cut into a heart and had my name on?"-T "Yea-Yes- did you read it?"-V "No I just saw it and then went to bed. I was gonna read it in the morning but it was gone"-T

I giggled and kept walking. "Maybe if I left that note we wouldn't ended up together before"-V "I've loved you since.. forever I just thought you had a crush on Harrison.."-T "Why?"-V "Well you would always be with him. And whenever people joked if you liked me or Harrison.. you would say I wasn't cute and Harrison was cuter than me"-T

"Well I didn't want you to know I liked you so I just used another friend to be my cover up"-V

He walked closer to me and took my hand "You're mine"-T "Forever and ever"-V

We walked all the way back home and I took off my jacket and took down my hair "I did not wear the right clothing today"-V "I know right it was so cold this morning and now it's like 100 degrees"-T

I groaned and went to my room. I took off my shirt and put on a sports bra. I put my hair back up and changed my pants.

"Veeeeee come here"-T "I'm changing what do you want"-V I peaked my head out of my room and looked at him "I'm ordering ice cream what do you want?"-T "My normal"-V
I went back In my room and put on a t-shirt.

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