Part 36

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I put my glasses on and got into some more comfortable clothes then laid out a piece of paper.

I started to write down thing I needed to get for the party, who was coming, what to eat, the time, date, and everything needed.

After I finished I put the paper in my book I was reading and labeled it "Book Notes"

I got my book and laid down on a pull out couch and opened my book.

I read for a little until I saw the door open and Tom came in "Hey"-V "Hi"-T

I put my book down and stood up "Aren't you tired it's late"-T "I was waiting for you"-V I went over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me tight and I did the same.

"I'm actually am quite sleepy now that you mention it"-V "Then go to sleep darling"-T "I will"-V I kissed him and pulled away slowly. "Don't stay up too late" I said with a wink. He winked back and said "Well darling I know you'll miss me too much in bed"-T "Oh shut up"-V "I love you!"-T "I love you too"-V I then went to bed

I woke up by my head hitting the headboard. "What the- ow"-V I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "I knew that would happen" Tom said, in the corner of he room shirtless buttoning his pants.

I jumped not noticing he was there "Wow so much just happened in the first 5 minutes when I wake up"-V Tom started to laugh and I held up and pillow and threw it at him.

"Put a shirt on"-V "I'll put one of yours on"-T "I'd like to see that but I don't want you to sweat in my nice shirts. Now go run"-V

I sat on the edge of the bed as Tom put his shirt on and then kissed me goodbye.
He left and I got dressed.

I put on

And put my hair up like:

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And put my hair up like:

And then put on some socks

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And then put on some socks.

I wasn't going anywhere so I didn't really know what to do.
I propped my phone up on some books and then found a white wall in the hotel and took some cute Instagram pictures.

I posted the pictures and put the caption "I got bored so this happened ❤️😁"-V

I sighed and then started to get a FaceTime. I answered it and It was Eric my manager "Hi!"-V "Hello. I have more info on your movie"-E "ohhh"-V

He told me what the movie was called and some other people they were thinking of casting. The plot and that I might have some photo shoots coming up.

I texted Tom all of it but he didn't respond. He was busy so I didn't expect anything.

Before I could breathe Harry started to call me.

"Hey what's up"-V "Were going to be flying to LA on Sunday"-H "Oh great"-V "Do you have a plan for the party?"-H "Yes. I'm going to take Tom out on a "date" which is really the distraction while I have you guys put the food out because the hotel will be already set up because I have my own mini plan for that"-V "Alright. Great!"-H

He hung up and I went and grabbed my book.
I saw a note slid under the door. I got up and grabbed it.

It was a pink construction paper heart with a V on it. I opened it and read it.

"Dear Violet.
It's Tom and I'm going to have my assistant give this to you. Assistant I know they gave me another girl for now. But she's an intern and wants to do something else. To be completely honest I wasn't paying attention.. anyways I really miss you and I love you so much. I got bored and Daya teached me how to make a origami heart. I hope the heart looked okay I tried my best darling. Again I love you and I miss you and you should send me cute pictures of you and tell me you got my letter. <3"-T

I grabbed my phone and messaged Tom

"You're so adorable. I love you too darling and I'll send you some photos of me now. If you have time we can FaceTime? ❤️"-V "You got my letter!"-T "Yeah"-V  "And I cant FaceTime I've got to get back to work"-T "Oh ok xoxo 😘"-T

I put down my phone and went to go get my nails done.
I got them done like so:

I then went and found a cute little coffee shop down the road

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I then went and found a cute little coffee shop down the road.

I went and got a sandwich and some coffee. I had brought my book so I read while I ate.

I finished my food and then put my book back in my bag and left.

I felt my phone buzz and then looked at it. Tom had commented on my post. I opened my phone and looked at his comment.

"Damn who said you could that cute while I'm not with you 😍"-T I giggled and replied "I dressed up cute just to mess with you 😉"-V

I then looked over and saw two teenage girls sitting on a bench and looking at their phone. "I love your shirt"-V I said to one of the girls who had a "The Amazing Spider-Man" shirt on.

The girl looked up and her eyes widen "Oh my- Thank you" she nudge her friend as I started to walk away and then called out my name.

"Yes?"-V "Oh my god it's really you" "Can we have a picture" "Of course!"-V

I took pictures with them then a blonde girl told me her name was Lizzie and the other brown haired girl was Mia.

I talked with them for a little bit then went to look around the shopping area. I bought some cute outfits and then some new sneakers. I went back to the hotel. I put my new thing on my suitcase then went through the comments on my picture.

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