Part 40

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Today's Disney day.
The day Tom,Jake, Daya, Jacob, and I go to Disney land for some Spider-Man stuff.
I got into:

I put my hair like:

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I put my hair like:

I tied a ribbon around each pigtail

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I tied a ribbon around each pigtail. I did my makeup and added some accessories.

Tom grabbed his sunglasses and I grabbed my purse "I have to go get my hair and makeup done and get in my Spider-Man suit"-T "While your out doing your stuff, I might just look around and chill. I mean we will be in Disneyland"-V "Me, Jacob, and Z were going to go around the place after we were done"-T "oh.."-V

We left and Tom got his hair and makeup done then we got a ride with Jacob and Z. We got to Disneyland and were escorted inside by a bunch of Toms huge bodyguards. "Violet" one bodyguard said "Yes?"-V "You'll have to stay back here"

I looked around the "backstage" type area and looked at the bodyguard "I'm confused. Why is that?"-V "It'll be too hectic and crazy out there. You might get hurt if you stand out there" "Isn't that why you guys are here?!"-V

I was starting to get frustrated. I did not come all the way to LA, to Disneyland to sit in this stupid area the whole damn day!

"We do not have any bodyguards to stay with them three, and then you" "But I'm not going anywhere I'm going to be with "them three"!"
"Violet I understand-" "What do you understand exactly?"-V "That- You want to be with your boyfriend at all times and if you're not with him you'll have a tantrum"

I scoffed and looked at the empty room since "them three" had left the room to do some touch ups.

I looked the bodyguard straight in the eyes and said "For your fucking information i could have Tom fire your rude ass in seconds for being so damn disrespectful to me. Second of all I can be without Tom without having a tantrum I'm without him all the time! I actually came here to also hang out with my best friends as well!"-V

"Well pardon my misunderstanding darling Violet" "Please don't call me that"-V he grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him then covered my mouth "You're just a spoiled little brat who just needs her boyfriend all the time and she's only with him for the fame and money"

He then pulled me over to a snack table they had as I tried to push away from him but then he got a soda and poured it all over me then left. I fell to the floor, soaked, and overwhelmed.

I started to cry and I felt like my heart was going to burst through my chest.

Oh god here comes a panic attack.. I couldn't control myself. Then the room got blurry and my hearing just went away. I felt like I was the only one in the word.

Suffering here. Cold and wet..

I then heard the door open and was scared the bodyguard came back but it was just my hair/makeup girl, Alice.

"Holy shit Violet!"-A

She came over to me and sat down and I told her the quick details of what happened as she helped me to the couch. She got a change of clothes out of her bag she was going to wear but had me change into.

Me, Z, and Jacob were about to walk out in front of the crowd until Alice came over to us "Something happened to Violet"-A "Like bad?"-Z "Yes.."-A "Is she hurt?"-J "A little"-A

I stood there in shocked but then hurried over to the room Violet was in. I sat on the floor in front of her then I hugged her tight "Are you ok?"-T "I am now.."-V

She told me what had happened to her and I felt so bad.

I wrapped my arms around her and she rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm glad you're here now.."-V I slowly pulled away and cupped her face "Do you want to go back to the hotel?"-T she slowly nodded.

I then quickly texted a few people to get Violet a cab and to tell the fans i might be delayed to come back out.

"I- um- Alice."-T "Yeah?"-A "Can you go back to the hotel with Violet and make sure she's alright."-T Alice nodded and gathered her things.

I then sat next to violet and kissed her. "Call me or text me if you need anything. Also tell Alice If you need anything she'll take care of you i know she will. A-and if you need just tell Daya or Jacob anything too."-T "Thank you.."-V

I then held her hand and looked straight at her "We're all here for you darling"-T she smiled and said "I know baby"-V

I kissed her once more and Violet took her outside.

Violet- Back at the hotel-

I took a shower and got into my comfy clothes. I sat down on the couch and Alice sat next to me "Wanna watch a movie?"-A "Uh Yeah"-V "What movie?"-A "Hm.. Open Netflix maybe there's something there"-V

Alice handed me the remote and she got out her phone. I opened Netflix and looked through the movie.

I looked at Alice's phone through the corner of my eye and say she was texting Tom

"I'm going to try and distract Violet with a movie. I don't want her to think about what happened"-A "Thank you so much for doing that. I really wish I could be there but when there's work you have to do it."-T "I understand and I'm sure Violet understands as well."-A "I guess so. Oh I have to go now ill talk later"-T

"I think I found a movie"-V "Ohh looks good"-A

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