Part 8

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I covered my mouth as I heard footsteps. But it went in the distance. I quickly left and went back to the house.

"I was recording it all"-P "Paddy! I love you!"-V "Send it to me I need to get it on hard drive or something"-V "Jeez did Z do a background check on those dudes. Like damn"-P

I got a box and put the contract in it. I put the hard drive with the video and then tapped the box closed. I marked it "𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑓𝑓" I put it under my bed and I heard the door open and then I saw Tom.

Paddy looked at me like an "Uh oh" look on his face I went over to them. "Hey so how'd it go?"-V "Well a lot happened"-T "so we were holding hands in the park and as expected there was a lot of fans and paparazzi.. But then Z got a notification on her phone that someone had went into her house but they had a key!"-T

"She still has that security camera broken in the back?"-V"Yeah she does and there was so finger prints and her manger didn't see anything"-T

I then noticed I still had my gloves on. I slowly took them off then placed them on the couch "Listen this might be crazy but.."-V I looked at his shirt and noticed something was on it. I took it off and noticed it was a bug (not like insect but like microphone thingy) I silent gasped.

"Keep talking" paddy mouthed "But I think I saw the person going to Zs house while we were getting ice cream"-V Tom motioned for me to hand it to him. I did and we started to walk outside "Maybe we can tell Z tomorrow. Anywho it's getting late so we should sleep"-T "Yeah"-V

Tom then snuck up behind someone on the phone and put it on them. We went back Inside and looked at each other "Is that what you were really going to say?"-T "No.. we snuck into Zs house and got your contract. Also we heard some crazy stuff from.. from her manger.."-V

I told tom everything. He sat with his head in his hands. "So this whole time when I was blowing her off she was just trying to get me- me so she would have.."-T

Tom couldn't even finish his sentence.
Paddy got a text and from Harry that he had to go home.

Tom drove him back home. I sat with Tessa while eating dinner. I heard the door open and looked back. "I wish things could just be normal"-T he came and sat next to me. "I'm guessing you didn't get ice cream then.."-T I giggled and shook my head "It's late no paparazzi should be out. Let's go get some"-T

I got my jacket and we walked to the ice cream shop. There were some girls there wanting his picture and took it. I noticed when we were ordering they were taking pictures of us.

I then heard her whisper "we should take a video of them" to her friend.

I looked at Tom and smiled. He nodded slightly  and mouthed "They're taking a video right now"-T he was faced away from them so you couldn't see his face.

"So I've been meaning to ask you how was the date with Z the other day"-V "It was nice we went to her house and just hung out" Tom said playing along.

"We should have a double date sometime with my you and zendaya and then me and my boo"-V "Oh that would be great"-T

The cashier handed us our ice cream and then we left.

"Hopefully they don't upload that somewhere. But if they do then they have nothing on us"-V "i really wish I knew why Zs manger wants you "out of the picture"-T "Me too tom but we won't know until I am"-V "What?"-T he stopped and looked at me confused "I should move out for a little bit and stop talking to you. We should break up and go out separate ways.. and then see what they finally want"-V

"No! You can't.."-T "It's what's best"-V "Violet I will not let you get away from me just because some stupid guys!"-T "Thomas! Ive already thought about it I'm doing it"-V "But I love you and I can't not have you"-T he put his arms around my waist and pulled me close and then kissed me.

I pulled away then noticed someone was taking a picture.
He looked at me with a big smile and then slowly faded to see I wasn't smiling "Tom.."-V "Aren't you going to say I-"-T "TOM"-V he looked where I was looking and sat and crowd of people taking pictures "We fucked up."-V I grabbed his hand and led him home as fast as I could.

Once we got home I went to the couch and sat down. I groaned and then stood back up "I'm so stupid why didn't I tell you not to kiss me in public. Why did I even bring up me moving out in public I should had a sit down and talked about it! I-"-V

Tom noticed how stressed I was and pulled me into a tight hug. "it's going to be ok.."-T he whispered.

I put my arms around him and sighed. He pulled away and looked at me "We will figure everything out"-T

Just as he said that there was a knock at our door. He pulled away and I crossed my arms. Tom opened the door to see Zendaya "What the hell"-Z
I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote something down. Tom looked at me and noticed what I was doing. "What Is she doing"-Z "She's writing on our grocery list"-T

He put his index finger up to his mouth and made a slight shushing noise. I put the paper up and she read it.

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