Part 21

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A few days had passed and Tom was very busy these days. Usually I was at home with Tessa just chillin outfits. Tom didn't really need me to help so.. I had nothing to do.

I laid on the couch facing the tv whilst watching football. Tessa sat with me on the couch and I ate some cookies. I had gotten a call so I answered "Hello?"-V "Is this Violet?" "Yes, Who is this?"-V "This is Tom's new agent" "Okay.."-V "Well I was talking with some people who could help you with acting."

My mind froze. Is this actually going to happen?

We kept on talking for a little until I hung up.

I squealed and hugged Tessa. I called Tom but he didn't answer. I called him again but not answer. I assumed he was busy so I didn't call again.

I did Tom work and put together my resume since I hadn't used it in a while. I had fallen asleep on the couch with Tessa.


I was in a meeting as soon as Violet started to call me. I felt so bad but I couldn't answer it. She called again but I just looked away.

After a long day I finally got home around 12. Violet was passed out on the couch. Usually I wouldn't come home early enough to see her and I'd leave too early to see her in the morning. I hadn't actually talked to violet face to face in a while.

I sat on the couch with her but she was still asleep. I kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes and rubbed them. She noticed it was me and gasped "Tom!"-V she sat up and gave me and hug "I didn't mean to wake you darling"-T "No I wanted to stay awake to see you but I got too tired but I- I have news"-V I looked at her confused and she kept on talking "So your agent talked to me about acting and what I could do and who to talk to"-V

My jaw dropped and I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight "Oh my gosh that's amazing V"-T "I know!"-V

Violet- I started to giggle and then I looked at Tom who was staring at me "You ok?"-V "Yeah.. Yeah. I've been so busy I wasn't even here today to hear about that.. i just need to be here with you"-T he put his head in his hands and shook his head "No tom. You're here so I can tell you now"-V he ran his hand through his hair and crossed his arms.

"It's late you should sleep. Aren't you tired?"-V he nodded slightly then covered his face. "Tom"-V "It's so-"-T he uncovered his face and shows that he had tears down his face "Stressful! It's so- much.."-T

I moved closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. He put and arm around me and I sighed "I know love. But you're amazing at this- this  whole acting thing. You've been doing this since you were like 11. You got this."-V

He smiled and hugged me tight "God this is why I love you"-T "Now get some rest babe"-V he looked at me surprised "What?"-V "You never call me babe"-T "Oh sorry-"-V "I like it"-T I cupped his face and kissed him.

He went to his room and changed. I made him some tea to calm him down since he was stressed.

I went into his room and handed him the mug "You sleep too"-T "Eventually. But I'm not the one working."-V I blew a kiss then closed the door.

I squealed and felt my fast beating heart. I was leaning against Toms door when he opened it. I laughed and turned around "I didn't say goodnight"-T "I love you- so much"-V "I love you more."-T I giggled and kissed him "Goodnight beautiful"-T "Night"-V

I just looked at each other for a few seconds "Can you- sl-Stay with me. I think I sleep better when you're with me"-T "Sure"-V

I changed into my pajamas and cuddled into Toms arms and fell instantly asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and yawned. Tom wasn't home cause he had to do promo stuff with the cast.

I messaged him so he wouldn't feel stressed today "Hi cutie! I hope everything is going alright. Stay safe and be the most adorable spider-man ever. Drink lots of water and make sure to eat healthy. Have fun and have a good day. XoXo. Sending kisses and hugs to you. Ly ❤️"-V

I got dressed in one of the outfits I got while shopping with Tom
(This one:

But instead of the shorts she put on tight jeans and the top would be long sleeve )

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But instead of the shorts she put on tight jeans and the top would be long sleeve )

I braided my hair in two pigtails and then put on a jacket and put some glasses on.
I grabbed my bag and my phone then left. I went to a local coffee shop and got some breakfast.

I scrolled through insta while eating when I got a text back from Tom. "When I read this, it made me so happy! Everything's great."-T

He sent a video of him with a big water bottle and a some heathy food. Zendaya, Jacob, and Jake were at the table with him.
Tom pointed the camera at each of them and they waved.

"I'm having lots of fun i wish you were here. And you have an amazing day. Sending love back to you darling. Love you too!"-T

"you're too cute tell Z,Jacob, and Jake that I said hi"-V "Call me V I wanna see how cute you are today. I'm on break right now"-T "FaceTime?"-V "Yeah that"-T

I got my earbuds out of my bag and called Tom. "Hey V"-T "Hi darling"-V "Where are you?"-T "Coffee shop by our house"-V "It's empty"-T "Yeah it is kinda early. Usually people come here for lunch"-V "Why are you talking so quietly you ok?"-T

"Yes I'm fine.."-V I then started to whisper into the mic "I don't want anyone to know I'm talking to Tom Holland"-V I took a sip of my coffee and Tom smirked "Well Violet Holland is sitting it the coffee shop right now"-T

I almost spit out my coffee but i covered my mouth "Thomas!"-V I took my coffee and left. I started to walk and talk to Tom until he had to leave to work.

I didn't know what to do so I just got my nails done. I got acrylics, pink sparkly ones.

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