Part 19

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This chapter includes sexual actions

We ate then watched some movies. I snuggled next to Tom while watching the movie and we all kept making jokes and were laughing all night.

Between laughs I tried to catch my breath. "My stomach hurts from laughing!"-V "We're not even watching the movie!"-P

Once we finished all the movies we finally got to homecoming.
"oh god"-T "Tom usually never let us watch homecoming."-S "I know. I remember we would all beg him because we only just got the dvd but he wouldn't let us"-V "So instead you all would just watch it by yourselves"-T

As we watched the movie we kept teasing him about everything.

I started to get tired so we went home.

I put down my bag as Tom fed Tessa. I went over to Tom and hugged him tight. He looked at me then kissed me. We started to makeout. He pushed me against the wall while still kissing me. He pulled off my hoodie and then kept kissing me. I did the same with him and we went into my room.

Toms phone buzzes then mine did too. We were both too... busy.. to look at what it was..

(You can guess what they did next)

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my ceiling then remembered what happened last night. Violet fell asleep in my bed but then I put her back in her bed just in case she didn't want to sleep with me..

I looked at my phone to see why my phone went off last night.

"Violet forgot her hoodie here do you want to get it for her. I think she's asleep because she didn't answer me"-N

I put some pants on and went over to Violets room.

Violet was wrapped in her duvet looking so cute. She must've been awake. She slowly opened her eyes. Once she noticed it was me she smiled brightly. Just like a puppy she seemed so happy to see me. "Morning"-V I sat on the bed and she sat up.

I held the blanket over me since I was.. naked
He kissed me and I giggled "You forgot your hoodie yesterday"-T "Oh gosh.."-V "I can go get it for you"-T "Noo can we do something fun today"-V "Like what?"-T "Well I haven't really thought about it- so we could walk in the park then we can have a picnic and then-"V "Talk after I get your hoodie?"-T "Oh ok"-V

I then sighed and Tom looked at me with a smiley duck face. "Why the weird face"-V "Because you sighed so I wanted to make you laugh"-T "Aw I love you"-V I pushed him back on my bed and made out with him for a little.

He left after we finally could get our hands off each other.

Tom- I rang the doorbell to my mums house and waited. I could hear inside and heard "It's probably Tom or Violet go get the door"-D

Harry opened the door and then let me in.

Paddy came over to me and squinted at my lips. "Your lips are bright pink"-P "Wha-"-T

I bit my lip as I noticed that Violets lipstick from last night stained my lips.

"Oh I was-"-T "Did you fall?!"-P "No-N- What?"-T "You have a bruise on your- oh my god he has a hickey"-P

I laughed nervously as Harry came back over with violet hoodie. "What?!"-H

I grabbed Violets hoodie then left.


While Tom was gone I changed into some clothes. A White off the shoulder plain shirt,a black circle skirt, a pair of knee high black boots, a Brenton tan hat, my round glasses I always wear, and a black jacket.

I straightened my hair and did my makeup. Tom came back and I went out to him "You look.. great"-T "So my plan. Go to the park, have a picnic, then just chill out In the park"-V "Can I take you shopping?"-T "What?!"-V "We never have really gone shopping plus I wanna get you some stuff"-T "No Tom you've already gotten me so much"-V "Fine then no picnic"-T "You little-"-V "Is that a yes?"-T

I laughed and nodded "You look really cute"-T I kissed him and he handed me my hoodie.

I put it on my bed and I got a basket of food I had put together. Tom got Tessa then we left. "Even though you have heel- boot- whatever those are- you're still not taller than me"-T "One, darling these are knee high boots, two these only give me three inches so I would need another inch to be taller than you"-V

He smirked at me and I got so excited when we started to get to the park "Tell me if you get too cold"-T "Ok"-V

Tom then held my hand and from habit I pulled it away from him "Oh sorry- I just-"-V

He grabbed my and and kissed my cheek "Don't worry"-T

As we got to the park I laid down a blanket and put the basket down "I put some treats for Tessa so she could also eat with us"-V "That's adorable"-T

Tom sat down in front of me and Tessa laid down next to him. He put on a hat and some sunglasses "Wow an amazing disguise"-V "Oh shut up you look like a fuckin beacon."-T I started to laugh and then put out the food.

No one really noticed us and also it was kinda cold so not much people were out today. "The only thing I'm worried about-"-T

Tom took a bite of his sandwich as I looked up at him ,since I was laying down, then he kept on talking "Is someone taking pictures of us"-T "Well if so let's give them something to take pictures of"-V I pulled him close and kissed him. He pulled away and he looked around

"I can already see it. Spider-Man star Tom holland spotted in London park locking lips with newly announced girlfriend Violet"-V "This whole time you've been the news reporter!"-T he gasped and we started to laugh.

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