Part 35

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(I have a few things to say. So I know most of the places they went to that I'm going to put in the story, they went before the premier but I'm doing it a little different. And also I know I said Violets birthday in a previous chapter but I'm going to change it. Another thing is that they are in Mexico on June 29 in my story. And Violets birthday is going to be changed to July 14th.)
We had packed and got on the plane. I slept the whole time andddd we arrived to Mexico.

We went to our hotel and got separated in rooms. Tom and I had our own room this time.

I went inside and looked around "This hotel is really nice"-V "Yeah"-T I put my bag down and Tom did the same.

I turned around to him and smiled. "What darling?"-T "How do you feel that you're going to be 23 soon"-V "Oh yeah.. I forgot about my birthday"-T "are we going to be here or in LA during your birthday"-V "LA I think. We're going to be here for two days, so 20-30. And LA 31-1"-T "Oh alright!"-V

I leaned in and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my back.

There was a knock on the door and I sighed and went to it. Nicola was at the door and she told me she wanted to talk to Tom.

I went over and brushed out my hair since it was in a messy bun since the flight. I brushed my hair back into a ponytail and added a cute bow to the back. I put some chapstick on.

I took off the hoodie I was wearing an put on white shirt with red ribbons on the sleeve. I tucked the shirt into my jeans and put on a red belt.

I walked out of the bathroom and Tom was closing the door. "Do you have to do anything today"-V I said grabbing my water bottles

"Yeah.. I actually got asked for you to come with me"-T "Well yeah I always do"-V "No V.. Like with me in the interview"-T I crossed my arms "Well- Wow- I-"-V "You alright love?"-T "Yeah! Me though."-V "I should go change"-T "I should too.."-V

I went and got changed into:

I then got a call "Violet I have news"-G "Yeah what's up"-V "I got you a lead role in an animated movie"-G "No way

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I then got a call "Violet I have news"-G "Yeah what's up"-V "I got you a lead role in an animated movie"-G "No way.."-V "Yes and it's out everywhere."-G "Oh my gosh I can believe it!"-V "I'll message you the details"-G "Okay great"-V

He hung up and I squealed. Tom looked over at me and I told him everything.

We went to do hair and makeup at a building.

I sat down in a a chair and two ladies came over and did my hair and makeup.

They did my makeup like so:

They did my makeup like so:

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And my hair

And my hair:

"Wow I look great"-V "Violet I have a really cute jacket that would match with that would you like it?" "Uh- Sure"-V she went and got the jacket and handed it to me

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"Wow I look great"-V "Violet I have a really cute jacket that would match with that would you like it?" "Uh- Sure"-V she went and got the jacket and handed it to me.

I put on my tights and put on cute heels

I met up with Tom and we went to the interview

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I met up with Tom and we went to the interview. "I'm nervous.."-V "Don't be darling"-T he kissed me then we got called in to the room. We sat down next to each other and the guy who's name was Eric smiled at me and said "Is this your first official interview?"-E "Yes it is"-V "Oh great"-E

"We're starting"-E

I took a deep breath then they started it. "It's so nice to finally have you two here"-E "So first I wanted to talk about how the fans reacted when you two told everyone about your relationship"-E "Well they were quite supportive. They were really nice and happy for us."-T "Well.. I got a little bit of hate and a lot of people were bummed Tom and Zendaya weren't together"-V "Violet how did you deal with that hate?"-E "I ignored most of it but for the really rude comments I snapped back"-V

"And I've heard that your going to be in a new movie"-E "Yes I am. I don't know much details but I know that I'm finally in a movie"-V "Tom how do you feel about her starting an acting career?"-E "I think it's lovely and I can teach her my tips and tricks"-T

We answered a few more questions then left.

"That was great. You did great."-T he hugged me then opened the door to the car. "Really. I was very nervous"-V "Dont worry darling you were great"-T

I smiled then looked over at Tom's phone. He had a picture of Tessa as his homescreen "Do you miss her"-V "Yeah.."-T "Well before you know it you'll be home"-V

We arrived to our hotel and I stayed down at the empty lobby. I called Nicola and then remembered the time difference from here to London (Everyone flew back to London except Tom and Violet) but before I could figure out what time I should call her she picked up.

"Hey I'm so sorry to be calling you"-V "No it's fine"-N "Well I was just wondering if you guys were going to come LA for Toms birthday"-V "Yes we are"-N "Ok. Great. Um- could you bring Tessa when you come cause Tom really misses her and I'm planning a surprise party for him"-V

"Will do and message me the details so I can make sure to book the right plane tickets"-N "Alright!"-V

I texted her everything then went back up to our room.

"Why'd you stay down there"-T "I wanted to get another room key but no one was there"-V "Oh ok we can try tomorrow"-T

Tom had to do some other stuff so that means I could plan his surprise party

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