Part 24

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The day went by fast and Tom and I didn't talk much all day.

Next morning~
I woke up and brushed my hair and put on this outfit:

Next morning~I woke up and brushed my hair and put on this outfit:

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I put on long socks and put on some lace up chunky boots. I straightened my hair and did my makeup.

I walked out and made myself some breakfast. I started to make another breakfast for Tom but noticed it was probably too early for him to be awake. But I then heard Toms bedroom door open.

"Oh morning"-V "Hey" Tom said sleepily.
"I'm making you breakfast"-V "Why are you up so early.. Also thanks"-T " You're welcome and I just wanted to get an early start today. And why are you up so early?"-V "gym"-T "Oo you're starting that again?"-V "Yeah. I finally have time so might as well do so"-T

I put his plate on the table and he came over to me. He kissed me and bit him lip "Lip gloss?"-V he laughed and nodded "My makeup is attracted to cute guys"-V "Oh stop"-T "How about I come with you to the gym but instead I can get coffee across the street and I can go to the grocery store a little bit away"-V "Yeah sure"-T

He ate then got ready then he drove his car over to the gym. He went in and I went to get coffee.

I got my coffee then went shopping. Time flew by and I noticed it had already been an hour.

Tom had texted me but I didn't see until now "Almost done I'll come get you soon"-T

I went outside and saw Tom walking out of the gym. I walked across the street over to him. He opened the back door and I put the bags down. I leaned against the car as soon as he closed the door. "You're very sweaty"-V "I haven't been in a while"-T "Well you should cool down out here its so cold today"-V "Want me to warm you up?"-T

I opened my arms and he hugged me tight: we both pulled away and I started laughing. "Why you laughing at me!"-T he said jokingly "You're sweaty!"-V.

I cupped his face and kissed him. "M'lady"-T he said as he opened the door. I sat in his car and he went to the other side and started to drive.

One day turned into a week and soon enough a month went by.

A lot will happen. In only 2 months far from home will come out. In 3 months the press tour will begin. In 2 months Toms birthday comes up. In 5 months it will be my birthday on 10th. September.In a week I have my first meeting for acting.And in an hour I'm getting my dream car.

Yes this is probably not something I should be dealing with right now but.. it's already happening.
Ever since I was a little girl I was quite fascinated with cars. Over the years I've debated which car is my Dream car. I always thought I would never get it but I've finally got the money for it, and no I am not using Toms money.

A pink Lamborghini was what I wanted as a little girl but then I noticed that they were a sports car and I'm kinda scared of sports cars. Tom has a car with red interior and told me to get it like that too.

The car selling took me around to look at the cars. I spotted a Mini Cooper and thought it was pretty cute. I got it in pink cause obvi I'm that extra. They had to customize it so I couldn't get it yet sadly. I also got red inside like Tom said I should.

I went back home and told Tom the car I got. He was happy and then told me that Jake, Jacob, Z's, and our schedules didn't line up for us to hang out. Which is definitely because we will be with them for a while during the press tour.

Days kept going by fast and soon enough it had been a week later.

My alarm went off and I got out of bed quickly. I looked through my closet for something to wear then picked out a white button up shirt and a black skirt. I put on a necklace and some rings, and of course the ring I wear all the time that Tom had given me. I curled my hair and put on my makeup.

I got my bag and set it on the living room table. I made a mental checklist of the thing I needed but I started to worry about every possible thing that could go wrong. This was going to be the first meeting specifically about me so I couldn't help but be worried.

I turned around quickly but then saw Tom right in-front of me. "Oh- hi- sorry"-V "Hey."-T "Oh god I'm so nervous"-V "Oh don't be"-T "But I could-"-V Tom cupped my face and said "Look at me"-T I didn't looked at him and I just looked at the wall behind him "What?"-V "Just.. look at me"-T

I slowly turned my head and looked at his eyes. "Everything will be fine"-T I sighed and nodded. I hugged him tight and then let go.
I grabbed my bag and then my jacket.

"Oh yeah and didn't you say a while back you were going to start posting more on Instagram. What ever happened with that?"-T he said as he crossed his arms. I laughed and put my hand on the doorknob "Post something for me. You have my account on your phone so post something"-V I blew a kiss and then opened the door.

"Bye.. I love you"-T "I love you too Tom"-V
I closed the door and then got into a car waiting outside.

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